What to Celebrate March 29 thru April 4, 2021

Celebration Ideas for March 29 – April 4, 2021
Yikes! Easter is just a week away! Didn’t we just have St. Pats?
But as usual there’s plenty of other things to celebrate until then! So no sitting around waiting for the official celebrations to roll ’round. Get out there & have fun with all the unofficial ones!
From singing with your child to scooping poop (yes, really!). Along with doctors, pianos, and Bunsen burners.
So don’t delay! Take a peek and plan your week. And do remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of March
There’s still a few days to be mirthful, focus on good nutrition, and adopt a rescued guinea pig, among other March celebrations. You might also want to consider these:
Sing With Your Child Month: When you make music with your child you foster creativity, self confidence, and a love of music. Plus it’s fun. Not to mention another way to just enjoy time with your child. So do that!
International Ideas Month: Ideas. They’re all around us. And even little ones can change the world if we find a way to put them into action. So spend some time dreaming up ideas. And then coming up with more ideas for making those first ideas into realities.
And for April we have even more ideas!
National Move More Month: Did the pandemic throw a wrench in your exercise routine? If you haven’t quite gotten back to your usual activities you’re not alone. Well this is the month to start moving again! (Or start moving, if you weren’t exercising much before) With the weather getting nicer again exercising outdoors will be more appealing again. So find something active you love doing, and get out there and move!
National Facial Protection Month: Some options for moving more involve sports. And many sports come with the risk of getting hit in the head. So this month is here to remind us that anyone playing sports—whether recreational or organized—should wear appropriate facial protection. This may include mouth guards, protective eyewear, face shields, and/or helmets. The month is geared mostly toward parents ensuring their children are protected. But adults playing sports should take the same precautions for themselves!
Weekly Celebrations for March 29 to April 4
This week is about cleaning! Your home. Your workplace. Your dog’s poop …
National Cleaning Week (March 28 – April 3, 2021): Was it just a year ago that cleaning suddenly took on a whole new meaning? Supplies flew off store shelves as we disinfected everything. And in businesses where working from home wasn’t an option we appreciated the cleaning crews more than ever. Things have calmed down since then, but clean is still important and always will be.
International Pooper Scooper Week: Speaking of cleaning, it’s also important to clean up your dog’s poop during walks! And in your backyard, too. And if you can’t do it yourself there are—believe it or not!—Professional Animal Waste Specialists who can help.
And National Library Week begins on April 4. This year’s theme is “Welcome to Your Library” and it reminds us that libraries are more than just the buildings full of books. They offer services ranging from access to computers & online resources to educational programs and in some cases even mobile book services! So if you’re not already familiar with your library’s offerings, plan to explore those starting Sunday.
Celebration Days coming up for March 29 thru April 4
Easter’s on the 4th of course. If you celebrate you no doubt have lots of prep to do. But make sure you take some time to celebrate things like Mom & Pop businesses, manatees, & ferrets too!
Along with rainbows, marbles, & little red wagons it sounds like the makings of another fun-tastic week!
March 29:
National Mom & Pop Business Owners Day: Many businesses are waiting anxiously for the day they can fully reopen! In some places they may already have done so. Either way, the mom & pop businesses that have survived the worst of this past year are going to need our continued support to keep going. This is the day to show them we’re with them for the long haul.
National Vietnam War Veterans Day: Veterans who fought in the Vietnam War didn’t get the respect they deserved at the time. Opposition to the war turned into opposition to those brave men & women who simply did what their country asked of them. In 2017 they finally got their own day. So thank a Vietnam vet, visit a memorial, and/or learn more about the war in honor of the day.
Smoke and Mirrors Day: This phrase is used to describe a situation that is not as it appears. Someone is using smoke & mirrors (figuratively) to divert attention from the truth. Magicians still literally use smoke & mirrors to create illusions in their shows. Create your own illusions to celebrate. Or spend the day trying to see through the illusions others have created.
Piano Day: On the 88th day of the year (March 29 unless it’s a Leap Year) we celebrate the piano, with its 88 keys. So play the piano! Don’t know how? Take a lesson! Or just listen to piano music.
National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day: Enjoy a light, refreshing dessert to celebrate a Monday well done. And this day of course. It does take some time to make, but if you have the time, consider this recipe for a beautiful Lemon Chiffon layer cake.
March 30:
National Doctors’ Day: Take a moment on this day to thank your doctors. Or make a note to thank them the next time you see them. They deserve recognition for keeping their patients healthy, managing patients’ chronic conditions, and/or treating acute illnesses all while also trying to keep everyone safe from COVID-19.
National Virtual Vacation Day: If you’ve been looking forward to taking a vacation this year but you just can’t do that yet, take a break with a virtual vacation instead! No, it’s not the same as being there, and you’ve probably spent way too much time on your phone & computer this past year. But heading to an art gallery, monument, or zoo half-way around the world is different from yet another Zoom meeting. So give it a try! It’s not like you have to pack.
National Take a Walk in the Park Day: Get outside and enjoy a relaxing walk in the park. Or an invigorating hike. Whatever you prefer. Just get out there and move!
Grass is Always Browner on the Other Side of the Fence Day: Stop envying what others have (or seem to have). Because the grass is most definitely not always greener on the other side of the fence. In fact it’s often (although probably not always, despite the name of the day) browner over there. So just appreciate what you have & enjoy it.
National Pencil Day: Celebrate the writing instrument that lets you erase mistakes easily and is still a must-have for certain paper tests. And artists. The day actually commemorates the first patent for a pencil with an eraser on the end. Celebrate by using a pencil! And maybe erasing some of what you write.
National I am in Control Day: While this may seem like a day for some positive self-talk or taking control of your life, it actually has historical significance. It is the day Secretary of State Alexander Haig stated “As of now, I am in control here in the White House” after President Ronald Reagan was shot. Of course, his control was short-lived, lasting only until Vice President Bush arrived to assume control, according to the order of succession. But you can still use the day to regain control of some aspect of your life that needs it.
National Turkey Neck Soup Day: The weather is warming up, but soup is still appropriate. Which is a good thing, since the only way to celebrate this day is with soup made from turkey necks. Try this classic recipe full of root vegetables and rice. Or this twist on mushroom barley & turkey neck soups.
March 31
Manatee Appreciation Day: How can you help but appreciate manatees? They’re kinda’ dorky looking, but also fascinating. And gentle. And we will never stop being amused that they have nipples in their armpits. 🥰
Bunsen Burner Day: How much did you love (or hate) using Bunsen burners in Chemistry class? Or Microbiology class? Or even a real lab? Spend some time reminiscing. Or even buying your very own Bunsen burner?
National Crayon Day: For this day kids & adults alike break open the crayons & color! If you really want to do it right get a brand new box of 120 (or at least 64!). Then grab a coloring book & color away. Maybe even color some manatee pictures?
Little Red Wagon Day: Celebrate the birth of the iconic Radio Flyer wagon! If you have a radio flyer, get it out. If your kids have one, take them for a ride. And if they don’t have one, consider getting them one! Or any wagon really, to help their imaginations soar.
National Tater Day: After a long day of appreciating manatees, playing with Bunsen burners & little red wagons, and coloring you need taters. Make them your favorite way: french fried, mashed, whipped, smashed, baked, scalloped, some other way … it’s all up to you! (Have them for breakfast & lunch too. After all it is a whole day of celebration!)
Whole Grain Sampling Day: As yummy as taters are, they probably shouldn’t be all you eat for the day! Add some whole grains too. Like barley, oats, quinoa, brown rice, or rye. They’re good for you and add a whole lot of flavor and texture to your meals.
April 1:
International Fun at Work Day: Do like the name says and have fun at work! At least try … it can’t be that hard … can it? And no, April Fool’s jokes don’t count. At least they shouldn’t. ‘Cause that seems like cheating.
Reading is Funny Day: Instead of having fun at other people’s expense (April Fool’s), have fun by diving into an exciting book instead! This day is about showing kids reading can be just as fun as any other activities they enjoy. But really it shouldn’t matter how old you are: Reading is fun. And even funny. Sometimes we forget this as we get older and busier. Here’s your reminder. If you have kids read with them. If you don’t, read anyway.
Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action: Previously Kick Butts Day, this day is about raising tobacco-free kids. This means all tobacco & nicotine products, including cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and e-cigarettes. Check out the website for ways to help. And if you smoke, consider also using the day to start or reaffirm your own journey toward being tobacco free. Because “do as I say, not as I do” doesn’t really work too well on anyone of any age.
National One Cent Day: This day celebrates the lowly penny, which first arrived in 1787. It’s been redesigned several times since then, most recently in 2010. And for more than 30 years now there has been a movement to eliminate the penny. The idea got a boost this past year, with some arguing the US could find better uses for the money it uses to produce pennies (which cost more to make & ship than they’re worth!). But for this day we admire the little coin’s staying power.
National Burrito Day: Forget Taco Tuesday, this week it’s Burrito Thursday! Which doesn’t sound nearly as fun, but it is equally delicious. Make or buy your favorite burritos for lunch or dinner. Or both! Heck, make breakfast burritos too, to make your Burrito Day complete.
National Sourdough Bread Day: For this day you obviously must eat sourdough bread. Preferably homemade!
April 2:
National Ferret Day: Ferrets! They’re adorable. And weird. And totally deserving of their own day. If you have any, give them lots of extra attention for the day. If you don’t, watch ferret videos. Or learn about ferret care to see if you’d like to get one (or more!).
National Walk to Work Day: This is the perfect way to kick off Move More Month! As much as possible, walk to work. Walk to the train station and/or get off your bus or train early to walk the rest of the way. If those aren’t options, at least take a walk during lunch. Or after work.
World Marbles Day: Way back in 1588 a marbles tournament was held on Good Friday in Tinsley Green in England. Eventually it became an annual thing. And here we are, hundreds of years later, and we celebrate World Marbles Day every Good Friday. So play marbles! In a tournament if you’d like (and can find one). Or just with family or friends.
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day: Here’s your excuse to enjoy that childhood favorite: the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You might also like to get creative with your PB&J. Ideas include PB&J burgers, pancake stacks, bars & more.
April 3:
National Find a Rainbow Day: Do as the day’s name says and go outside to find a rainbow. If nature won’t help, make one yourself! The garden hose works great for this. If you have a prism, use that. If all else fails, draw or paint a rainbow. Or do any combination of these things! Take pictures of whatever rainbows you find or make.
National Don’t Go to Work Unless It’s Fun Day: Well, for anyone who doesn’t work on the weekend this one’s going to be easy! Although you could also apply it to any kind of work you do at home, too. So whatever chores you do, don’t do them unless they’re fun. And for those who do work weekends, well as long as it won’t get you fired, take the day off unless it’s going to be a fun one!
World Party Day: On this day we party! In real life if we can do so safely. Or virtually, because we’ve become masters of that by now. One definite advantage to a virtual party is you can include anyone you want, anywhere in the world. So maybe do a combo, with people nearby in real life and people far away virtually. Get creative and have fun!
National Handmade Day: Make or buy something handmade for this day!
National Chocolate Mousse Day: Light, sweet, and chocolaty. It’s the perfect treat for your Saturday evening. It’s ridiculously simple to make it yourself, too. So you still have plenty of time to enjoy your evening. Or, if you’re feeling creative, spend some extra time and make a chocolate mousse cake!
April 4:
World Rat Day: For this day we celebrate the awesomeness of pet rats. They can be just as affectionate as dogs & cats. And they’re smart. Trainable even! So get your pet rat a new toy or treat to celebrate. And if you don’t have one, learn more about them. You might be surprised!
Jeep 4×4 Day: Work up an appetite for your Easter dinner with an exploration trip in your 4X4! Don’t have a Jeep? How sad. 😕 Hopefully you have friends or family members who’ll take you along in theirs. Still no? Get in the spirit of the day, and go exploring anyway.
National Walk Around Things Day: Well, if you’re out in your 4×4 you’re more likely to just plow through whatever’s in your way than bother going around (assuming you’re actually off road, that is!). But then again, you might like to get out & walk around whatever beautiful park or monument you happen to come across in your explorations. Or if you can’t get out to explore, maybe just a walk around the neighborhood—either to work up an appetite or work off all the calories you ate. So interpret the day however you’d like, and walk around some things.
Geologists Day: Geologists do more than play with rocks! They study those rocks to help advance our understanding of our earth and improve industries like agriculture and weather predictions! Why not learn more about how geology affects our everyday lives. And if you know any geologists, give them a sincere thank-you for their hard work.
National Hug a Newsperson Day: Newspersons have gotten a bad rap lately. And some deserve it. But most newspeople honestly want to do a good job letting you know what’s going on in the world. Or your country, or even just your town. So send your favorite newspersons a virtual hug for the day. Or give an actual hug if you know one personally and are able to visit in person!
National Chicken Cordon Bleu Day: End your weekend right with this blue ribbon dish. From start to finish, chicken cordon bleu take less than an hour to make!