What to Celebrate March 4 to 10, 2019

Celebration Ideas for March 4 – 10, 2019
Happy Friday! And Happy March, too.
The month promises to be another good one. Or at least as good as you make it. And what’s not to like about good vision, good grammar, and good food? So much good food.
We can also be awesome, send our kids to read to shelter animals (which is all kinds of awesome!), and celebrate awesome women’s awesome achievements.
Professional pet sitters, dentists, and toy soldiers also get their day (or week). Books, dresses, & names too.
Plus much more.
So as usual it’s time to take a peek & plan your week. And never forget to …
Celebrate All March Long
March is all about eyes! Protecting your sight and, if the unthinkable happens, gifting your healthy corneas so others can see again.
And healthy vision makes it easier to read to the shelter animals! (Technically the program is for kids, but why can’t adult volunteers read to animals too?).
Save Your Vision Month: The American Optometric Association sponsors this month dedicated to helping you protect your vision. The Association offers tips on caring for your vision here.
National Eye Donor Month: Organ donors save lives, and eye donors can help restore vision. If you’re already an organ donor you’re probably also an eye donor (usually you just sign up as an organ, tissue, & eye donor). If you haven’t registered as a donor, consider doing that this month. You may be able to do it through your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles. Or go to Donate Life & register on the site. You can also learn more about cornea donation here.
Workplace Eye Wellness Month: Is your workplace safe for your vision? Depending on your work environment, you may have to protect your eyes from chemicals, flying particles, radiation or other dangers. But even if you “just” sit in front of a computer you’re at risk of eye strain. So make sure you’re protecting your vision at all times.
Paws to Read Month: This program brings kids into shelters to read to the animals. What an awesome idea! The animals get attention & the kids get to both help animals and improve their literacy. A win all around for sure.
Weekly Celebrations for March’s 1st Full Week
This week celebrates pet sitters, your name, and getting creative with your procrastination.
Professional Pet Sitters Week (March 3 – 9, 2019): If you need to leave your precious pet(s) in the care of someone else, consider a professional pet sitter. Pet Sitters International wants to be sure you know the difference between a qualified, professional pet sitter & a fly-by-night operation that may not really care about your pet.
Celebrate Your Name Week (March 3 – 9, 2019): Each day of this week has a different theme. We’ve noted a few of them below in the daily celebrations. It doesn’t have to all be about your name either (despite the name of the week). It could be pet names, club names, vehicle names (what, you don’t name your car?!) … you get the idea! See some celebration ideas here.
National Procrastination Week (March 3 – 9, 2019 … or whenever …): The 1st week or 2-ish in March is for procrastinating with a purpose. Put off things that need to be done (but not necessarily this instant) in favor of other things you’ve been putting off because you’ve had too much else on your plate. Basically it’s about getting creative with your procrastination!
Return the Borrowed Books Week (March 3 – 9, 2019): This seems to go well with Procrastination Week! If you’ve been putting off returning books you’ve borrowed (from the library, friends, whoever) then put off something else & get those books back where they belong!
Celebration Days coming up for March 4 thru March 10
It’s a delicious week indeed! Of course you (probably) know Tuesday is Paczki Day, but that’s not the only sweet day this week. There’s pound cake, Oreos, & peanut clusters to enjoy too. Plus still more deliciousness.
There’s also lots for word-lovers to enjoy: grammar & proofreading & the meaning of names!
Then we celebrate dentists, book, and awesomeness. Plus much more.
Of course we can’t forget Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday, March 10. If we do forget we’ll be late for everything!
With all these choices it’s looking like another fun-tastic week ahead.
March 4:
National Grammar Day: Grammar nerds rejoice! It’s finally back. The day you can correct all bad grammar with abandon! Although just because you can doesn’t necessarily mean you should …
National Pound Cake Day: On this day you must eat pound cake! Preferably homemade. Buy it if you must, but it’s incredibly simple to make. Just 4 ingredients in equal amounts! In fact, that’s why it’s called “pound cake.” The original recipe was for a pound each of flour, butter, sugar, and eggs. You might want to make a smaller amount …
Toy Soldier Day: This day celebrates the founding of the Army of Toy Soldiers, called Toy Soldiers Unite. But you don’t have to play with toy soldiers to celebrate. According to Toy Soldiers Unite, “the two most important elements of Toy Soldier Day is to have fun and be happy.” So do whatever you find fun & makes you happy!
March 5:
National Absinthe Day: It’s a day to enjoy and learn about absinthe. The “green fairy” was once illegal because it was considered unsafe. But now you can find the perfectly safe drink pretty much anywhere. And some brands don’t even need the traditional sugar cube to taste good.
National Cheese Doodle Day: Yes, the cheese-flavored puff has its very one day! So enjoy some cheesy, crunchy goodness for the day. What’s your favorite cheesy puffed snack? (Cheez Doodle is an actual brand name, but we suspect this day is referring to any cheese-flavored puff).
Unique Names Day: This day celebrates anyone whose name does not appear on any “most popular baby names” list. Because very few (if any) other people share their names! If you have a unique name, throw yourself a party.
March 6:
National Dress Day: Wear your favorite dress for this day! Don’t have a favorite dress? Or don’t like dresses? We won’t pretend to understand, but we’ll give you a pass on celebrating anyway!
Discover What Your Name Means Day: Research the meaning of your name for this day. Maybe start at this site. There are lots of other sites to help you with your research, too. This day is part of Celebrate Your Name Week.
National Oreo Cookie Day: Munch on Oreos while researching your name & wearing your favorite dress! We’re not sure why we celebrate the famous sandwich cookies on March 6. Nabisco did file for trademark of the OREO name in March 1912. But that was on the 14th, not the 6th. Of course, it doesn’t really matter if all we want is an excuse to eat Oreos!
National Dentist’s Day: Thank your dentist for keeping your mouth healthy. Or for fixing it up when you neglect it! And then vow to do better with your oral hygiene. That’ll make your dentist’s (and hygienist’s) jobs easier. And also make your visits more pleasant. (And if you also celebrate Oreos, make sure you brush away the evidence … ;) )
March 7:
Cereal Day: Cereal lovers finally have an excuse to eat cereal for every meal. And snacks, too! Enjoy.
World Book Day: Read books! Technically this day is for children & young people to appreciate reading and celebrate authors & illustrators. But really anyone who loves reading can celebrate. And if you do have kids, help nurture their love of reading. Find some ideas for celebrating here.
National Crown Roast of Pork Day: Wow! Crown roast of pork is quite the impressive dish. It’s not too terribly hard to prepare, but it does take a few hours in the oven. So if you have the time & you’re feeling ambitious, try to make one.
March 8:
International Women’s Day: Celebrate women’s achievements & contributions to the world.
Middle Name Pride Day: Be proud of your middle name! Now, some people already are … they may even go by their middle name because they don’t like their first name. But most people seem to hide that middle name. But why? (Maybe because it only came out when you were in BIG trouble as a kid?). Your middle name is part of you too … so tell people about it!
National Peanut Cluster Day: Mmmmm … peanut clusters. Indulge in some salty, chocolaty, peanuty goodness to celebrate!
National Proofreading Day: Typos & just plain errors can change the meaning of your sentence. Sometimes in ways you just didn’t mean! One popular example is how a single comma can make the difference between calling Grandma to a meal and having Grandma as the meal (Let’s eat, Grandma vs. Let’s eat Grandma). So for this day slow down & proofread your writing. Especially since these days we not only have to deal with our own errors, we also have to deal with autocorrect’s not always helpful “fixes”!
March 9:
Panic Day: For this day Tom & Ruth Roy of Wellcat invite you to spend the day in a panic. Although you may need to stop panicking early enough to squeeze in the next celebration …
National Get Over It Day: After you’re done panicking, it’s time to get over it. Or even if you haven’t panicked for the day, whatever grudge or worry you’re holding onto … get over it!
National Meatball Day: All that panicking and getting over it is bound to make you hungry. Lucky for you it’s also National Meatball Day! So make yourself some meatballs to celebrate. Or head out to your favorite restaurant for a meal that includes meatballs.
National Crabmeat Day: If meatballs aren’t enough to sate your panic & getting over it hunger, add some crabmeat too! Or start with crabmeat. It’s all up to you! Enjoy the simple pleasure of crab legs or try one of these recipes.
March 10:
Land Line Telephone Day: For anyone who still has a land line, this is the day to dust it off & make a call. No texts or emails or Skype calls. No. Make an honest-to-goodness telephone call. On a land line. (Bonus points if your land line is attached to a rotary phone!).
International Day of Awesomeness: This one’s exquisitely simple to celebrate: Be awesome! Also recognize awesomeness in yourself & others (because often we overlook awesomeness in ourselves & those closest to us). This day started as a joke, but apparently we all need some awesomeness in our lives …
Check Your Batteries Day: On the days Daylight Savings Time starts & ends we check the batteries in our smoke detectors & carbon monoxide detectors. Why? Because it’s important to check them regularly. And Daylight Savings days are easy to remember! If you have other battery-operated appliances, it’s a good time to check those too.