What to Celebrate March 8 thru 14, 2021

Celebration Ideas for March 8 – 14, 2021
So this week (March 11, to be exact) marks one year since WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. It’s been a long year, but we’ve come a long way! And it’s looking like here in the US there’ll be enough vaccine for anyone who wants it in time for summer. Yay!
Now that’s cause for celebration. But so are pet sitters, dental assistants, and your name. And those celebrations are here now. Along with meatballs, awesomeness, and K9 veterans. And much more, of course.
So while we keep an optimistic eye on the near future, don’t forget to enjoy the here & now.
Go ahead, take a peek and plan your week. And as we mentioned (but it’s worth repeating!), don’t forget to …
Celebrate All March Long
For March we get crafty, watch our caffeine consumption, and bow before the humble umbrella. 😁
And we remind ourselves that the unpleasantness of colon cancer screening is nothing compared to actual colon cancer. Then we schedule that screening if we’re due. Because we still have lots of celebrating to do!
National Umbrella Month: It’s a bit early for the rains to start around here (not that there won’t be some!). But it’s never to early to get ready for those April showers rumored to bring May flowers. So if you don’t have a good umbrella, use this month to get one! Or two, since a backup is always a good thing. Did you know the parasol, to shade you from the sun, existed for thousands of years before anyone got the bright idea to use the same basic design to protect from rain?
National Caffeine Awareness Month: For this month we pay attention to how much caffeine we’re consuming. Because while caffeine is generally safe for healthy people, too much can indeed be harmful. And for some people even small amounts can cause problems. So spend some time this month learning about this magic elixir that helps so many of us function in the morning.
National Craft Month: Do you love crafting? Then this month is for you! If you’ve been neglecting your favorite crafts—and even if you haven’t—it’s the perfect time to rededicate time and space for it. Start a new project or finish one that’s been on hold. Get some new supplies or organize the ones you have. Maybe even learn a new craft! Learn on your own or take a class. There’s so many options! Better get started.
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Screening is the best & easiest way to catch colorectal cancer early, when it’s easiest to successfully treat. This month is all about getting the word out and encouraging everyone to get screened. And this year’s celebration is more important than ever, because the pandemic caused a lot of people to put off screening. Understandably early on. But even now screening numbers are low. If you’re due for a screening, schedule one this month.
Weekly Celebrations for March’s 2nd Week
Pet sitters & dental assistants don’t always get enough credit for the work they do. For this week, we offer them heartfelt thanks for their dedication.
Than we celebrate our names and read an ebook (maybe one about names?).
Professional Pet Sitters Week (March 7 – 13, 2021): Professional pet sitters offer pet parents peace of mind that their furbabies are getting the care they need, even when they can’t be there to do it. Whether it’s walks while you’re at work or making sure your pet has food, water, and entertainment while you travel, a professional pet sitter is your answer! Especially if your pet isn’t a fan of “doggy daycare” or kennels. This week recognizes the dedication pet sitters bring to their clients, educates pet parents on the benefits of pet sitters, and even encourages animal lovers to consider pet sitting for their own careers. If you know any awesome pet sitters, give them a shoutout!
Celebrate Your Name Week (March 7 – 13, 2021): What’s in a name? Well, your identity, for one. At least in terms of how the world identifies you. So spend some time this week celebrating your name. Including your middle name (that’s on Friday). Each day of the week has a different theme. Celebrate them all or just those that speak to you.
Dental Assistants Recognition Week (March 7 – 13, 2021): Most of the time dentists get all the glory for keeping their patients’ teeth healthy and beautiful. But they couldn’t do it half as well without their assistants! So this week we thank the dental assistants who often do all the work before the dentist comes in to say hi. So thank your dental assistants for their hard work.
Read an Ebook Week (March 7 – 13, 2021): If you love to read you most likely already read ebooks. Along with regular books and whatever else you can get your hands on. But this week you can score lots of free and reduced-price ebooks to enjoy long after this week is over.
Celebration Days coming up for March 8 thru March 14
Saturday night we magically lose an hour of sleep as Daylight Savings Time begins (how exactly do we lose time if it’s called Savings time??!). So let’s make the most of every hour we do get to keep this week!
How? With some good, old-fashioned panicking! And organizing. And being awesome. Maybe worship some tools, plant a flower, and save a spider?
However you choose to celebrate your 167-hour week, make it a fun-tastic one!
March 8:
International Women’s Day: For this day we celebrate women and all they have achieved. And we recognize that despite their achievements, there are still places in the world where women & girls have to fight for even basic rights.
National Proofreading Day: For this day we remind ourselves to proofread the things we’ve written before hitting “send”. Or “post”. Because making sure what you’ve said is what you meant to say is one of the easiest ways to avoid confusion. If you’re someone who loves proofreading then proofreading others’ writings is another way to celebrate. Although making sure such proofreading is welcome might be a good idea!
Fun Facts About Names Day: On the Monday of Celebrate Your Name Week we learn fun facts about names. Our names. Our friends names. Random names we’ve heard. It doesn’t matter, just be curious about some names & look them up! Then share the fun facts you find.
National Peanut Cluster Day: So we just celebrated chocolate covered peanuts (and chocolate covered nuts in general), and here we are celebrating chocolate and peanuts again! But this time we’re not coating the nuts individually. We’re just clumping them together with chocolate! And the result couldn’t be more delicious. If you want to make them yourself you can either do it simply with melted chocolate & peanuts or get a bit more fancy with something like these slow cooker peanut clusters.
March 9:
Panic Day: Hopefully you have something to panic about, because panicking is the only way to celebrate this day! And if you have nothing to panic about? Well, panic about that!
Organize Your Home Office Day: Now here’s something to panic about! If you have a job that can be done from home there’s a good chance you have a home office (or at least a home office corner), even if you didn’t a year ago. And there’s also a good chance your home office is less than organized. So celebrate this day by doing at its name says. Or at least getting started on your organizing and creating a plan for getting the rest done quickly. Seriously, an organized space is a productive space! Get some home office organizing tips here.
National “Get Over It” Day: Getting over things (or people) that have hurt us or made us angry or sad can be hard. But it’s best for our own health & happiness that we do get over it. So pick at least one thing to get over in celebration of this day. You’ll feel better for it. You really will!
National Barbie Day: Barbie has been a controversial toy for most of her existence. But in the true spirit of March 9 we recommend that if you do have an issue with her you get over it, and celebrate her birthday (I.e. the day she made her debut at the American International Toy Fair in 1959). That’s right, Barbie is 62 years old! Almost ready for retirement, although we suspect she’s not going anywhere any time soon.
National Crabmeat Day: You deserve a treat after your hard day of panicking, getting over it, and organizing your home office. So enjoy some crabmeat your favorite way. For the purest taste, crab legs can’t be beat. But crabmeat is just as fantastic in crab cakes, crab rolls, or crab chowder. Get some crab recipes ideas here.
National Meatball Day: But don’t fill up on crab, because you’ll want meatballs, too! Of course, you could combine the days with crab meatballs. But if you prefer your meatballs with beef and/or pork, whip up a batch to use with spaghetti, in a meatball sub, on a pizza or all by themselves. Maybe a batch of Swedish meatballs using Ikea’s recipe?
March 10:
Land Line Telephone Day: For this day we honor the slowly disappearing land line telephone. It does still exist, but every year more & more people give up their land lines. And many young people have never had one of their own! If you still do, use it at least once to celebrate the day.
The International Day of Awesomeness: We can all use more awesomeness in our lives! So this celebration is perfect. It’s simply a day to be awesome and have fun doing it.
Sterile Packaging Day: Is sterile packaging awesome? Well, if you consider ensuring medical devices & injectable drugs (and vaccines!)—and even your everyday bandages—don’t cause an infection to be awesome then yes, sterile packing is indeed awesome! Learn more about sterile packaging and what it means to everyone’s health in honor of the day.
National Mario Day: For this celebration we play video games! But not just any video games. This day is all about Mario, the plumber & star of Nintendo’s Super Mario games (along with his brother Luigi). And also Donkey Kong, although for his video game debut he was a carpenter eventually called Jumpman. So play your favorite Mario game to celebrate the day.
National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day: RDNs help their patients choose foods that help them reach their health goals and/or manage their diseases. They do this with counseling, meal planning & whatever other guidance their patients need. If you know any RDNs, thank them for their dedication. If an RDN has helped you, tell others about it & maybe even recommend your RDN.
National Pack Your Lunch Day: One of the best ways to follow your dietitian’s advice is to make your own food instead of ordering out all the time! This includes lunch. So if you don’t already pack your lunch for work/school/etc, do that to celebrate this day. And take some time to plan how to keep doing it for the rest of the year (at least most days).
National Blueberry Popover Day: Your dietitian probably doesn’t approve of too many blueberry popovers in your diet. But surely an exception can be made for this one day. After all, in most cases it’s about moderation, not complete avoidance. So if you don’t have a medical reason to avoid popovers, make a batch of blueberry popovers to celebrate.
March 11:
World Plumbing Day: In the developed world we mostly take indoor plumbing for granted. But it’s really something to celebrate! Because billions of people don’t have regular access to this convenience. And their health suffers for it. So learn more and help spread the word.
World Kidney Day: On this day we thank our kidneys for all they do to help keep us healthy. And we vow to help them keep doing their important job by drinking plenty of water and managing any chronic conditions we may have.
Key Deer Awareness Day: Did you know there’s a small deer that lives only in the Florida Keys? And that they almost went extinct (and still could)? Learn more about these little deer to celebrate this day.
National 311 Day: On 3/11 we raise awareness of 911’s non-emergency counterpart, 311. In most big cities residents can call 311 to report problems that aren’t immediate emergencies, like graffiti or illegally parked cars. They can also use it to get information on services available in the city. Many smaller towns also have 311 service. So celebrate the day by finding out if your city/town has a 311 system and how to use it.
National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day: On this day we honor those people who help grieving family & friends celebrate and say goodbye to their loved ones. They offer compassion & guidance during one of the most difficult times anyone faces. So thank any morticians/funeral directors who may have helped you & your family. If you were especially pleased with their services, recommend them to others facing a loss. Technically, Senate Resolution 390 only designated March 11, 2008 as National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day, but it has been celebrated every year since.
Worship of Tools Day: Create a shrine to your tools, and ask for their forgiveness for all the ways you’ve mistreated them! Or maybe just clean and/or repair those that need it, and then put them away neatly in whatever way works for you. Your projects will go smoother when you can find your tools and they’re in good working order! Is there a new tool you’ve been needing (or just wanting)? Consider getting it! And then treating it right, right from the start.
National Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day: You’re having waffles for breakfast to celebrate. Right? Or you could have them for dinner instead. Or both! You could even use waffles in place of bread for a lunch sandwich! But not just any waffles. They must be oatmeal nut waffles. And of course, if possible, you must make your oatmeal nut waffles yourself.
March 12:
National Plant a Flower Day: Don’t you just love days where the name is also the instructions on how to celebrate? Like this one! So go ahead; plant a flower to celebrate. We’re pretty sure it wouldn’t be against the rules to plant more than one. 😊 Depending on where you live it might be too cold to plant any flowers outside yet. But that doesn’t mean you can’t plant a flower in a pot! Either something you can move outside when it gets warmer or something to brighten your indoor space year round. Your choice!
Middle Name Pride Day: Are you proud of your middle name? Do people even know your middle name? You should be, and they should! Because it’s part of you. So be proud of that middle name and let people know it.
National Baked Scallops Day: Gardening is hard work! Even when you’re planting beautiful flowers. So you deserve a delicious treat. And baked scallops are absolutely a delicious treat. And simple, too. So bake up some scallops for your dinner to celebrate a day well done.
March 13:
K9 Veterans Day: For this day we recognize the important jobs working dogs do.
International Fanny Pack Day: Fanny packs: You either love ’em or hate ’em. But either way, this is the day to wear ’em! Of course, anyone who truly loves these convenient if unattractive bags wears them any day of the year.
National Earmuff Day: Earmuffs are no more attractive than fanny packs. But they are equally useful in their own way. And also have devoted fans. We celebrate these useful cold weather accessories as the weather is warming up because it’s the anniversary of the day Chester Greenwood received his patent for his most famous invention.
Good Samaritan Day: For this day we try to be good Samaritans. It doesn’t have to be anything big, either. Just help someone who needs it. And recognize others who do the same.
National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day: Are you superstitious? Is opening an umbrella inside a big no-no for you? Or are you a skeptic, convinced open umbrellas indoors are not invitations for bad things to rain down upon you? Well here’s the day to test it out, no matter what you believe. Grab that umbrella, stand in the middle of a room, and open away! Then wait to see what happens.
National Coconut Torte Day: Make a delightfully coconutty cake to enjoy for your Saturday evening! And since St. Patrick’s Day is coming up, consider making it green. Like in this Luck O’ The Irish Coconut Cream Torte. Of course, you can skip the green food coloring if you’d prefer.
March 14:
Save a Spider Day: If you find a spider on March 14 you must save its life. In most cases you can probably do this just by not killing it. But if it’s in a spot where it’s likely to be killed, you’ll want to move it somewhere safer. Or at least “encourage” it to move along.
International Ask a Question Day: Do you have questions? This is the day to ask them!
Check Your Batteries Day: On the day we’re sleep deprived we’re apparently also supposed to remember to check the batteries in our smoke & carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they’re still working. Or just change them, depending on who you ask. You may also want to check the batteries in all your electronics & appliances, and replace as needed.
National Learn About Butterflies Day: Butterflies! A much more interesting & beautiful b word than “batteries”. And much more varied, too. There are more than 20,000 different butterflies in the world, in all kinds of colors & sizes. Why not celebrate these winged beauties by learning a bit more about some of the butterflies that visit your yard? Or maybe about a few that live far away from you?
International Day of Action for Rivers: Rivers are an important source of clean water for many people. And the people who rely on them deserve a voice in any development or other project that may affect the health of those rivers. This is the day to make your voice heard.
National Children’s Craft Day: Crafting is fun for all ages! If your children aren’t already craft enthusiasts, come up with a few projects they can do (either with or without your help). And if your kids already love crafting, encourage them to come up with a new project to tackle in honor of this day.
National Pi Day: While this day technically celebrates the mathematical constant pi (3.14 …), we tend to celebrate it more with its homophone, pie. So make or buy your favorite pie and try to cut it into pi number of slices. Or not …
National Potato Chip Day: Here’s a day that has nothing to do with numbers! Because nobody keeps track of how many potato chips they eat … do they?!!? At any rate, enjoy potato chips as a snack or a side with lunch or dinner. Make homemade potato chips if you’d like. If you’re looking for a healthier option, make baked potato chips instead.