What to Celebrate March 9 thru 15, 2020

Celebration Ideas for March 9 – 15, 2020
We’re finally seeing nicer weather! At least here in the Midwest. Hopefully you are too. Sunshine and warmer weather helps brighten the mood for sure.
And that means we’re even more ready for some celebrating. Umbrellas, turkey vultures, & crafts? Yes, please!
Panicking, napping, and asking questions? Absolutely! Plus meatballs, blueberry popovers, baked scallops, and more. Are you as eager as we are?
Then jump right in to take a peek & plan your week. And as always …
Celebrate All March Long
From the useful to the sweet and the creative, we have an eclectic group of month-long celebrations for you this week.
National Umbrella Month: Umbrellas sure are useful! So why not celebrate them for a whole month? Use one at every opportunity. Maybe even get yourself a new one if yours has seen better days. After all, you need to be ready for those April showers! Because unless you’re a May flower you’ll want to stay as dry as possible.
Paws to Read Month: This paw-some month involves kids reading to therapy dogs and/or shelter pets. It’s a win-win for everyone. Kids get practice reading (with a completely non-judgmental audience) and the animals get some extra attention. If you have kids who love animals, see if there’s a Paws to Read program near you. And even if there aren’t any listed near you, check with your local shelters/rescue organizations. They may still have something similar or be interested in starting a program.
Youth Art Month: For the entire month of March we support the visual arts for our students! Teachers and parents; legislators and community leaders; and anyone else who cares all come together to raise awareness of the importance of art education and ensure everyone has opportunities to engage in creative learning.
National Craft Month: Get crafty all month! No making excuses for why you don’t have time to enjoy your favorite crafty hobby during March. No! Instead you must make time for crafting … even if you have to use crafting time as an excuse to skip other things! And check out what in-store events craft & hobby stores near you may be hosting.
Weekly Celebrations for March’s 2nd Week
Turkey vultures are predictable. So are termites, which means you can learn how to (hopefully) prevent them … the termites, not the vultures.
It’ll take a bigger effort to prevent domestic violence & sexual assault. But by working together we can get there.
Turkey Vultures Return to the Living Sign Week (March 11 – 17, 2020): During this week the turkey vultures (turkey buzzards/buzzards) head home to Canisteo, NY, where they hang out in a grouping of trees that spell out the name of the town! Apparently the sign was nearly lost in 2016, but last year was declared healthy again. Hopefully the turkey vultures approve!
No More Week (March 8 – 14, 2020): This week aims to inspire us all to say “no more”. No more domestic violence. No more sexual assault. It also asks us all to help make the change toward creating the culture of equality and respect that can help move us toward the goal of No More.
Termite Awareness Week (March 8 – 14, 2020): Are you aware of termites? Most of us are, and we hope we never have to see any (or see them again, if we’ve already had ’em). The week is mostly for pest control companies to educate their customers & the public about termites. But if you’re “just” a homeowner, celebrate by taking advantage of these learning opportunities. Check out some companies’ blogs and/or social media posts to make sure you’re doing all you can to avoid these destructive pests.
Celebration Days coming up for March 9 thru March 15
We start the week by panicking (possibly over that lost hour from Sunday?) and then getting over it. After all, long-term panic solves nothing.
As we move through the week we work on being awesome, planting flowers, and asking questions. Along the way we save a spider, worship tools, and prove at least one superstition wrong.
And there’s enough deliciousness scattered through the week to fuel all that awesomeness & help you create another fun-tastic week.
March 9:
Panic Day: For one day every year you have official permission to panic! About anything! And everything! But you won’t be able to indulge all day if you also intend to celebrate …
Get Over It Day: The creator of this day was trying to get over an ex-girlfriend. But whatever thing you’ve been holding on to, use this day to remember that (as the Get Over It Day song says) It Could Always Suck More.
Fill Your Staplers Day: On the day after Daylight Savings Time begins we make sure we’re ready to staple! Although in theory we should be stapling less since we’re doing more “paperwork” digitally. But many offices still go through a lot of paper. And much of it needs fastening, one way or another. So fill those staplers!
National Napping Day: After all that panicking, getting over it, and filling of the staplers, you’re probably exhausted. So take a nap! We celebrate napping on the day after we’ve lost an hour of our day to Daylight Savings. Because, let’s face it, the hour we lost was probably sleep time, so we’re extra sleepy the next day.
National Crab Meat Day: Make crab your favorite way for this day. Whether you prefer the whole legs or you like making the meat into things like crab cakes or chowder, this is the day to enjoy it.
National Meatball Day: If you’re just not a crab meat kind of person, you can still celebrate food! Just make it meatballs instead. So make your favorite meatballs & put ’em in a sauce or on a roll. Or eat them however you prefer. You might even be able to score free meatballs if a restaurant near you is celebrating the day!
March 10:
Land Line Telephone Day: For this day we celebrate that once-revolutionary invention: the telephone. Yes, once upon a time you could only make calls at home. On a device attached to the wall. And before that you couldn’t make calls at all! 😲
International Day of Awesomeness: Be awesome for this day! And recognize the awesomeness in others too. Basically find & create awesomeness all day. That is all.
National Pack Your Lunch Day: Whether or not you usually bring a lunch (to work or school or wherever) or eat out, this is the day to make an extra effort to pack yourself a delicious and nutritious lunch. It’s not that hard, and it’s usually better for you than fast food. Maybe you can even get inspired to do it more often!
National Blueberry Popover Day: Before you pack that lunch, enjoy a blueberry popover or 2 for breakfast. You can buy them of course, but if you have the time, make a batch of blueberry popovers for the whole family (or just for yourself … no judgment!).
March 11:
World Plumbing Day: In the developed world we mostly take plumbing for granted. Unless something goes wrong, of course. But there are still many people who don’t have reliable access to clean water and sanitation. This day brings attention to the problem.
Key Deer Awareness Day: Have you ever heard of Key deer? Or wondered why the heck deer need keys? 😉 Well, actually Key deer live in the Florida Keys! Ahhh … now it makes sense. These deer are also endangered and their national refuge may also be in danger of flooding over the next century. 😥 Why not learn a bit more about Key deer to celebrate the day.
National Worship of Tools Day: If you’re a tool person, this day is for you! Gather up your tools & pay homage to them for all the times they’ve served you well. If you’ve let your tools get a bit dirty and/or disorganized, pay them the respect they deserve, and clean & organize them. Maybe even add a new tool to your arsenal. Especially if there’s a tool you’ve been needing … or wanting.
National Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day: It’s another delicious breakfast celebration! Make and enjoy (of course!) oatmeal nut waffles to start your day right. And do it guilt-free, because the oatmeal & nuts makes these waffles a healthier alternative to regular waffles. Need a recipe? Try these oatmeal nut waffles on for size (or taste).
March 12:
World Kidney Day: Your kidneys are your body’s filtration system (along with your liver). When they’re not working right toxins build up in your blood, and you’re at increased risk for heart disease, anemia, and other problems. Use this day to learn more about what your kidneys do and especially how to help keep them working at their best. In fact, the focus for the day in 2020 is “Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere – from Prevention to Detection and Equitable Access to Care”.
National Plant a Flower Day: Do as this day’s name says & plant a flower. Or 2 or 3 or 10. If you live where it’s warm enough to plant outside now, gather your gardening supplies & get out in the yard. If it’s still too cold where you are, plant flower seeds to get them ready to replant outside later. Or plan & plant a container garden. Then keep those containers inside until you can safely move them outside.
National Baked Scallops Day: After all that planting you’ll want something simple for dinner. So bake some scallops. Try this super-simple Baked Sea Scallops recipe.
March 13:
K9 Veterans Day: Give a great big shout-out to all the working dogs! We celebrate them on the anniversary of the beginning of the US K9 Corp. But we actually celebrate all working dog veterans, whether they were military dogs, police dogs, search & rescue dogs, or others.
National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day: Wait … what? Someone wants us to do what?! Won’t that spell the end of the world? Nope. At least, probably not. We think. If you’re brave enough, try it and see what happens.
National Earmuff Day: Although we’re hoping the weather stays warm enough that earmuffs are no longer needed for this year, we’re still happy to celebrate them. Why? Because they’re darned convenient when it is cold. And because the earmuff’s 15-year-old inventor got a patent for his invention on this day in 1877.
National Coconut Torte Day: You’ll have dessert sorted when you make a yummy coconut torte.
March 14:
Save a Spider Day: Save a spider?! As in don’t squish it when it invades your personal space? For many of us this is a huge ask. But house spiders are actually good to have around, so give it a try for at least one day.
International Ask a Question Day: Celebrate Albert Einstein’s birthday by doing something he was quite fond of: Asking questions! After all, he couldn’t have made his many contributions to science if he didn’t first have questions about them. And despite that saying about curiosity and the cat, curiosity is actually quite a good learning tool.
Moth-er Day: No, not Mother’s Day! That’s in May (in the US, anyway). This day is all about moths. Because they’re much more fascinating than you might realize. And some of them are just as beautiful as butterflies. Actually, even the drab, “boring” ones are beautiful in their own way. Take some time to learn a bit about some of the 160,000 species of moths to celebrate (scroll down for pictures).
National Learn About Butterflies Day: Apparently moths must share their day with their cousins the butterflies. Here are some ideas for ways to share this day with your kids.
National Pi Day: On 3/14 we celebrate 3.14, the mathematical concept of pi. And while pi is completely different from pie, one popular and delicious way to celebrate this day is with a slice of pie. Maybe even 3.14 slices of pie? But probably only if the slices are smallish …
National Potato Chip Day: We’re quite sure you’re not going to be eating 3.14 potato chips … who could stop there?! But we’d also recommend not going for 3.14 bags of chips. So just enjoy a handful or 2 of your favorite potato chips to celebrate.
March 15:
International Day of Action for the Seals: Also called International Day of Action Against Canadian Seal Slaughter, this day reminds us that seal hunting is still a thing. Even though it really has very little purpose these days. Maybe this can be the year we finally stop?
Buzzard Day: The swallows returning to Capistrano may get more buzz, but the Buzzards returning to Hinckley Ridge in Ohio deserve just as much attention. Because these birds, so the story goes, show up on March 15 every year, rain or shine. Buzzard Sunday happens on the Sunday after the 15th. Unless, like this year, the stars align and the 15th is a Sunday! And don’t confuse these buzzards with Canisteo, NY’s turkey vultures. They’re the same species of bird, but they’re not the same birds. They live miles apart! And for some reason Canisteo’s birds get a whole week of celebration.
Everything You Think is Wrong Day: Apparently you should avoid thinking on this day, ’cause you’ll be wrong! Unless you think the buzzards will be returning to Hinckley, which they will. But everything else you think? Wrong! So just put off any major decisions until the 16th.
National Pears Helene Day: Another thing you can’t be wrong about is the deliciousness of poached pears & vanilla ice cream drizzled with chocolate sauce. Unless you think it’s not delicious … that would be wrong! But if you have the right idea about this dessert, make & enjoy some Pears Helene to celebrate. You may also use canned pears & skip the poaching step, but it’s not the same!