What to Celebrate May 17 thru 23, 2021

Celebration Ideas for May 17 – 23, 2021
Sunshine & warmth have finally arrived! Here at least. We hope you’re experiencing the same. And that you’ll make time to enjoy it.
Some of the upcoming (or ongoing!) holidays make that easy. Like Gifts From the Garden Month. And Bike to Work Week. Along with May Ray Day and Pick Strawberries Day!
But even if it isn’t a specifically outdoor celebration, you can make many of them into one! Food & drink days can certainly be celebrated outdoors.
And learning about the topic of a day just requires a smartphone, tablet or laptop. All of which work just fine outside!
So whether you do it inside or out, go take a peek and plan your week. And as always, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of May
For May we celebrate the great outdoors, from beautiful & useful wetlands to our very own gardens. Maybe we take pictures of them too? And read in our peaceful gardens … and everywhere else, too! We also admire the great minds that invented our cameras & other useful things!
American Wetlands Month: Wetlands are incredibly important to the ecosystem. Learn more about why & visit a wetlands near you to experience their beauty too.
Gifts From the Garden Month: What gifts does your garden shower you with? Fruits? Veggies? Gorgeous flowers? Birds, bees, & other wildlife? A peaceful sanctuary? Take advantage of all your garden has to offer. And share some of those flowers (and fruits/veggies if any are ripe yet) with friends and neighbors, too.
Get Caught Reading Month: When you’re not out gardening or exploring wetlands curl up with a good book! Bring books with you wherever you go, too. Either physical books or on your phone/tablet. When you have some downtime, read!
Inventor’s Month: For this month we honor and celebrate all the brilliant people who have invented things to make our lives easier, safer, and even more fun. And we fire up our own imaginations to maybe join their ranks.
National Photography Month: Grab your camera (or your phone) & head out to take some pictures! Or find things around the house or yard to photograph. You might be surprised at the kinds of ordinary things that can make great photos. Consider taking a class to learn how to take better pictures. Maybe organize all those photos laying around your house and/or hard drive? Create an album of the best ones! Study other’s photos on a trip to a photo gallery or museum. So many ways to celebrate this month!
Weekly Celebrations for May 17 to 23
For this week we get some exercise, thank EMS personnel, & treasure our friendships. We also reconsider modern farming practices.
Emergency Medical Service Week (May 16 – 22, 2021): This week honors those dedicated people who rush to help their community members during some of the scariest moments we can face. This year’s theme is THIS IS EMS: Caring for Our Communities, which is a perfect description of what these heroes do. Thank the EMS workers in your community this week.
International New Friends, Old Friends Week (May 16 – 22, 2021): For this week we remember & reconnect with old friends. We celebrate new friends. And we remind ourselves that we are our own oldest, best, and most consistent friend.
International Heritage Breeds Week (May 16 – 22, 2021): “New & improved” isn’t always better. And that includes livestock and poultry breeds. Today’s industrial farming practices value uniformity, but that has led to a lack of genetic diversity. Which is not an improvement. This week exists to raise awareness that we are losing the traditional breeds common before industrial agriculture took over.
Bike to Work Week (May 17 – 23, 2021): This week encourages us to ditch the car & get some exercise on our way to work. If you are able to, ride your bike to work. Or if that’s not possible for you, try to get a bike ride in other ways. Bike to your train station. Take a ride after work. If you carpool, bike to your ride’s home. And if you’re still working from home, take a break to take a bike ride.
Celebration Days coming up for May 17 thru May 23
This week we celebrate everything from pack rats, patches, and pizza parties to bees, endangered species, and rescue dogs. Along with lots of good food & drink, of course!
So let’s make it another fun-tastic week.
May 17:
Pack Rat Day: For this day you get to decide if you’re going to embrace the stuff (precious treasures/potentially useful items/hobby supplies) you’ve been collecting or give in & admit you’re never going to use it. Your choice!
National Graduation Tassel Day: If you’re graduating this year, you’ll be getting a tassel symbolizing your achievement. Remember to move it from right to left once you get that diploma in hand! Spend this day practicing that important move. 😉 Or just celebrating your graduation, even if the actual ceremony hasn’t happened yet.
Supply Chain Professionals Day: We all got a lesson in supply chains & their fragility last spring, as a tiny virus ground life to a halt. And they’re not back to normal yet, even if it may seem like it to us. So let’s thank the people who make getting us the things we need (and want) seem like magic (most of the time!).
World Telecommunication & Information Society Day: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have come a long way since the first World Telecommunication Day in 1969. And this past year has shown us just how important ICTs have become to all of our world. This day raises awareness of the vast potential it has to improve lives everywhere.
World Hypertension Day: This year’s theme is Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer. So if you haven’t been monitoring and managing your blood pressure, learn how to do that for this day!
National Walnut Day: Use walnuts everywhere for this day! They add a delicious crunch to pretty much anything. Add them to your breakfast pancakes. Or sprinkle them over your cereal. They make a great mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. Add them to your lunch salad, too. And use them as a crust for your dinner protein … chicken, fish, and even pork get a boost from a coating of crushed walnuts. And don’t forget dessert! Walnut pie for the win.
National Cherry Cobbler Day: Not a pie fan? Well we can’t pretend to understand that, but we’re willing to forgive. 😇 Make your dessert a cherry cobbler instead. Or make both & have a truly decadent Monday evening.
May 18:
Visit Your Relatives Day: For many of us it’s been a long year of few if any visits with relatives. But that’s finally changing! As visits are getting safer we’re able to see more people in person. So to celebrate this day consider visiting relatives you haven’t been able to see this past year.
National HIV Vaccine Awareness Day: The world has been focused on a different vaccine—and one that’s very important!—but let’s not forget the work into other vaccines and the diseases they hope to prevent. AIDS has become a manageable, chronic disease for most HIV-infected people now, but a vaccine is still the best hope for ending this 30+ year-old epidemic once and for all.
International Museum Day: This is a day to raise awareness of the importance of museums to society. Many museums around the world hold programs for the day (and sometime for several days or a week). See if a museum near you is having any events. Use the filters to choose the type of event you’d like. Or select in-person or online only events, too.
National No Dirty Dishes Day: For this day you must avoid creating any dirty dishes. So eat out/order in. If you order in eat from the containers or use paper plates. And plasticware if you need utensils. You could also plan ahead & prepare some easily reheated meals or sandwiches to eat for this day. Just make sure you don’t empty any storage containers that’ll need washing!
National Cheese Souffle Day: Order cheese souffle from your favorite restaurant. If you’re not celebrating No Dirty Dishes Day you could try making cheese souffle instead. Although this recipe is apparently so adaptable you could prep it the day before & just pop it in the oven when you’re ready to celebrate. Then just make sure you don’t finish it & you won’t have any dirty dishes!
I Love Reese’s Day: There’s no dirty dishes when you’re eating Reese’s! So make a couple of these delightful little cups your dessert.
May 19:
May Ray Day: For this day we celebrate sunshine! Yes, the rays from the sun are the ones the day is about. Just be sure to celebrate them safely. And if the sun isn’t cooperating with the spirit of the day, celebrate some other rays. Like stingrays. Or Ray Bradbury.
National Scooter Day: Celebrate the awesomeness & convenience of scooting around town. Plenty of trips are too short to take a car (but we do it anyway!), but maybe a bit too long for a walk. A scooter’s the perfect alternative!
Emergency Medical Services for Children Day: Emergency medical care for children is not the same as emergency care for adults. This day raises awareness of this fact & the need to ensure children’s unique needs are met when they need emergency care. The day is part of National EMS Week.
World IBD Day: This day raises awareness of the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) and shows support for the millions of people living with these conditions. The 2 most common of these are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, which can affect anyone of any age. While medications can treat and minimize symptoms, often for decades, the only cure is surgery.
National Juice Slush Day: Enjoy an icy, refreshing juice slush to relax after a busy day. Or as a treat mid-day. Or really, any time you feel the need to slow down & savor the moment.
National Devil’s Food Cake Day: If you’re feeling a little devilish—or even if you’re not—enjoy a heavenly slice of rich, moist, chocolaty Devil’s Food cake.
May 20:
Pick Strawberries Day: There’s only one way to celebrate this day! Ok, maybe two. If you’re not able to actually pick strawberries on May 20, at least make plans to go do that one day very soon.
World Bee Day: Without bees our world would be a lot less beautiful. And our food choices would be much more limited. So learn more about how bees help us and plant a bee-friendly garden. And when you buy honey or other bee products, try to support local beekeepers wherever possible.
National Rescue Dog Day: Too many dogs end up in shelters ever year. Millions of them! This day raises awareness of this sad fact and asks us to help them however we can.
Weights and Measures Day: Celebrate the creation of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. On this date in 1875 countries around the world signed a treaty agreeing to certain standard measurements. Which doesn’t stop countries from also having some of their own units. So, can you convert between metric and whatever the heck the US uses?
National Stop the Bleed Day: This day raises awareness of the need for us all to be prepared to stop uncontrolled bleeding & potentially save a life. Many traumas involve bleeding, and if it’s bad enough the person could bleed out before EMS arrives. You could be the difference between life & death for that person.
International Red Sneakers Day: This day reminds us that food allergies can be deadly. The day is in honor of a young boy who died from a severe allergic reaction to nuts. He loved red sneakers, so they are a symbol for the day. And for the organization created in his name. So wear red sneakers (or any red shoes or clothing), and help raise awareness.
National Quiche Lorraine Day: Make sure you enjoy Quiche Lorraine for at least one meal. Any meal will do. This is such a versatile dish it really makes the perfect meal any time of day! Of course, if you make it for breakfast you could have leftovers for lunch or dinner, leaving you more time for picking strawberries, admiring bees, or loving on your rescue dog … or anything you please, really!
May 21:
I Need a Patch For That Day: Whatever kind of patch you need, celebrate it for this day! Seriously, any kind of patch at all.
Endangered Species Day: Learn about and help raise awareness of the thousands of species in danger of disappearing forever. Maybe even join a conservation effort?
American Red Cross Founder’s Day: The very first official American Red Cross meeting took place on this date in 1881. So every year on the anniversary of that historic meeting the organization commemorates its history and mission.
National Memo Day: Send someone a memo about this very important day! 😉 Or about something else you consider memo-worthy. Although since the point of the day was to highlight just how many unnecessary memos get sent, maybe celebrate by sending no memos? And if you do have to send one, make it short & to the point.
National Pizza Party Day: Celebrate the arrival of the weekend with a pizza party!
National Strawberries and Cream Day: Strawberries topped with fresh cream is a simple but delicious treat. Of course, you don’t have to keep it simple. Try one or more of these variations on strawberries & cream.
May 22:
National Buy a Musical Instrument Day: If you’re in need of a new instrument this might be the perfect day to buy it! Or, if you play an instrument, just play it.
National Solitaire Day: After you’ve made beautiful music enjoy a game of solitaire. The day actually celebrates the anniversary of Microsoft’s addition of Solitaire to Windows 3.0 in 1990. So while you could play with a real deck of cards, the spirit of the day suggests you play solitaire on your computer or online.
International Being You Day: This one is simple! And hard at the same time. Just be yourself and be proud of it. So think about what “being you” really means to you. And then celebrate you. That’s right, the day is all about you!
World Paloma Day: Celebrate Saturday and World Paloma Day with the refreshing national drink of Mexico. It’s simple to make.
National Craft Distillery Day: Consider using a small-batch tequila in your Paloma to combine these celebrations. Or enjoy another artisan-crafted spirit.
National Vanilla Pudding Day: Have a simple but delicious dessert or snack of vanilla pudding. Make it from scratch if you’d like.
May 23:
World Turtle Day: Who doesn’t love turtles?! (ok, those people exist, but we’re going to pretend they don’t). If you have pet turtles, give them a special treat for the day. Or just learn about all the different kinds of turtles. It’s fascinating stuff!
National Lucky Penny Day: Are pennies still considered lucky? Most people don’t seem to bother picking them up any more. But we think it’s a charming tradition, and if you do too, then pick up any penny you find and have good luck all day long!
Drinking With Chickens Day: So apparently if you’re not a chicken keeper you’re going to need to find yourself some chickens for the day. And no, the kind you find at the grocery store are NOT acceptable! At any rate, pour yourself your favorite drink, surround yourself with chickens, and have a blessedly weird Sunday.
National Taffy Day: Sweeten your Sunday with taffy candies. Does it bring back memories?