What to Celebrate May 21 thru 27, 2018

Celebration Ideas for May 21 – 27, 2018
The last full week of May is here!
School’s out or soon will be. But “long lazy summer days” are more of a pipe dream than a reality for most of us. Summer schedules can be crazier than the rest of the year.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t squeeze in some days for food, animals, or raising awareness of causes we believe in.
So take a peek at next week and hatch a plan to brighten your days.
And of course …
Celebrate for the Rest of May
May is awareness month for many different medical conditions and diseases. Here we highlight 4 you may never have heard of.
Sturge-Weber Awareness Month: This syndrome is a neurological condition that can cause brain, skin, and eye abnormalities. Help raise awareness of this rare, lifelong condition during May.
Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month: PWS causes life-threatening obesity in children. During the month of May people affected by this condition (patients, parents, loved ones, etc) spread the word about it and raise money for research.
Syringomyelia Awareness Month: SM is a condition where spinal fluid gets inside the spinal cord & forms a fluid-filled cavity. Over time it can cause more problems.
Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Month: People with Tuberous Sclerosis get tumors growing in multiple places in their bodies. The tumors are not cancer, but can cause serious problems depending on how big they are and where they grow.
Weekly Celebrations for May 21 – 27
This week is filled with fun & games … but safe fun, especially in the water. And also a serious look at protecting farmed animal breeds.
National Heritage Breeds Week (May 20 – 26): This week raises awareness of heritage breeds, the traditional livestock and poultry breeds raised before factory farming took over. Many of these breeds are now endangered, and this is not a good thing.
National Backyard Games Week (May 21 – 28): Don’t wait for the long holiday weekend to get outside and play. The week before Memorial Day is dedicated to backyard games. So get family and friends together, pick your favorite game(s), and play! What games? Any games: Frisbee, ringtoss, horseshoes, badminton, lawn Jenga, and many more. Just have fun!
National Unicycle Week (May 20 – 26): Sunday the 20th kicks off this … fun? … crazy? week with Ride a Unicycle Day. The Unicycle Society of America encourages all unicycle enthusiasts to ride on Sunday. Then use the rest of the week to spread the word about the fun you can have on one wheel.
Healthy and Safe Swimming Week (May 21 – 27): Make sure your swimming fun is also safe & healthy all season long. Everyone—from swimmers and parents to pool owners (private and public)—has the responsibility to help make that happen.
Celebration Days coming up for May 21 thru May 27
How shall we celebrate the week leading up to Memorial Day?
It’s elementary, my dear Watsons! With the birthday of Sherlock Holmes’ creator. Also the birthdays of Sister Maria Hummel and Harvey Milk.
Or if you’d prefer to indulge in delicious food & drink, there’s taffy, blueberry cheesecake & wine.
We also celebrate turtles, tiaras, spaying feral cats & much more.
So take a moment & decide how to make your week a fun-tastic one!
May 21:
I Need a Patch for That Day: What do you need a patch for? Clothes? Software? Your eye? As a stop-smoking aid? Whatever it is, today’s the day to recognize it and then get it!
Sister Maria Hummel Day: The birthday of the woman whose artwork inspired the sweet figurines that bear her name.
National Waitstaff Day: A day to show the waitstaff at your favorite restaurant how much you appreciate them … although you really should be doing that whenever you eat out! It’s also a good day for restaurant owners to show their appreciation for the hard work their staff puts in.
May 22:
Sherlock Holmes Day: There’s actually a few of these days scattered throughout the year. This one celebrates the birth of the famous detective’s creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
World Goth Day: According to the official website, this day is for the “… goth scene to celebrate it’s own being, and an opportunity to make its presence known to the rest of the world.”
Harvey Milk Day: This day honors Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist and the first openly gay elected official of a major US city (San Francisco). He was assassinated in 1978, and his birthday became an official observance day in California in 2009.
May 23:
World Turtle Day: Celebrate the turtles! And tortoises & terrapins, ‘cause “turtle” is also a generic word that describes them all. Learn more about them & how you can help ensure their survival.
National Taffy Day: Mmmmm … taffy! Need we say more?
World Orienteering Day: Celebrate orienteering! There are registered events at 1000+ locations throughout the world. Events happening anytime between May 23 & 29 qualify. See if there’s one near you!
May 24:
Red Nose Day USA: Wear a red nose & raise funds for a good cause. Or donate to a good cause. Can’t donate or fundraise this year? Wear your red nose & spread the word!
International Tiara Day: Wear your tiara proudly! Because we all deserve to feel like royalty at least one day a year.
Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day: On the Thursday before Memorial Day we celebrate healthy eating. Dole says it’s because this is when lots of fruits & veggies are “at their peak of freshness.” We think it’s to remind us to add some healthy foods to our typically indulgent holiday weekend!
May 25:
Don’t Fry Day: On the Friday before Memorial Day we celebrate Don’t Fry Day. It’s a timely reminder to be sun-safe on this unofficial kick-off to summer … and for the rest of the summer, too!
Geek Pride Day: Celebrate your geekiness … or your nerdiness … (can you be both?). Whatever your passion, double down for this day.
National Wine Day: Apparently you can never have too many days dedicated to wine! If you missed Drink Wine Day back in February, here’s another chance to celebrate … not that you really need an excuse to enjoy a glass of wine.
May 26:
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day: Indulge in a slice (or two) of luscious blueberry cheesecake. Seriously, it’s the only way to celebrate this day!
National Paper Airplane Day: What a fun day! Make & fly paper airplanes … for no reason other than it’s fun … and, you know, someone went to the trouble of creating a day. ;)
World Lindy Hop Day: It’s a day for dancing! But not just any dancing. On May 26 you must Lindy hop. Why May 26? That’s the day Lindy hop legend Frankie Manning was born. See if there’s a WLHD event near you!
International Heritage Breeds Day: The final day of International Heritage Breeds Week, celebrating traditional livestock & poultry breeds. And raising awareness to keep these breeds alive.
May 27:
Feral Cat Spay Day: Learn more about humane management of community cat populations. If you’re a vet, consider participating in Alley Cat Rescue’s May Spay Challenge & offer free or low-cost spay/neuter services to a few animals in your community.
National Cellophane Tape Day: We’ve said it before, and here’s another day that proves it: There’s a day for pretty much everything! Today it’s all about tape. Specifically cellophane tape (Scotch tape/invisible tape). So today you must use cellophane tape for all your sealing needs. Not masking, duct, or any other kind of tape. Only cellophane.