What to Celebrate May 25 thru 31, 2020

Celebration Ideas for May 25 – 31, 2020
Well, it looks like the rainy, stormy, floody conditions are returning to our area tomorrow. And they’re not leaving anytime soon!
So we’re definitely going to be needing some celebratory distractions. How about you?
Whatever your reasons for wanting to make each day just a little more special, we’re here for you.
So go ahead. Take a peek and plan your week. And no matter what the weather brings, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of May
We have one final week to celebrate all of May’s monthly celebrations. Keep celebrating things like salads, salsa, gardening for wildlife, and all your favorites. Then consider adding some of these too.
Get Caught Reading Month: We can’t think of much that’s more enjoyable to be caught doing! Get your kids excited about reading, too. And of course, this is one of those months you’ll want to extend throughout the whole year!
Maytag Month: If you need new appliances, May is the time to get them! As long as you buy Maytag, anyway. Because through June 3 Maytag is offering discounts on select appliances.
National Asparagus Month: Saute, bake, or grill asparagus for a delicious side to any meal. Or add it to pasta, salads, souffles, or pretty much any dish that needs a little something extra. Yum!
Date Your Mate Month: If you’ve been sheltering in place for the last couple of months you might be feeling like you’ve been having a little too much togetherness. So this might be the perfect celebration. Whether or not you can finally go out (or even want to yet), create a special date night to remind yourselves you’re worth the effort.
Weekly Celebrations for May’s Final Week
Apparently the final week in May is sorely lacking in fun weeks to celebrate. But we can help spread the word that people living in non-self-governing territories have a right to their land’s resources.
International Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories: This UN week recognizes the inalienable rights of the people who live in these territories.
Celebration Days coming up for May 25 thru May 31
Monday is, of course, Memorial Day. And while that’s always worth celebrating, don’t overlook the other celebrations happening on the 25th and the rest of the week.
Like Geek pride, paper airplanes, and cellophane tape. Or maybe you prefer blueberry cheesecake, wine, and grape popsicles?
Surely you gotta love otters though, right? But probably not slugs so much. Whatever your preferences, let’s do make it another fun-tastic week.
May 25:
Geek Pride Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the original Star Wars release. Need we say anything else? We think not!
National Brown-Bag-It Day: Obviously if you’re not working on Memorial Day you won’t be needing to bring a lunch to work! But not everyone gets the day off, so if you are working bring in a nutritious lunch to enjoy. Not only does it give you better control over what you eat, it saves money too!
National Wine Day: Although the name is different from February’s Drink Wine Day, the idea is the same. Drink wine! If you’re having a Memorial Day cook-out, add wine to the drink choices.
May 26:
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day: Mmmmm … cheesecake. But not just any cheesecake! Cheesecake elevated with blueberries. Indulge in a slice. Or 2. Homemade if possible.
National Paper Airplane Day: Make and fly paper airplanes! Have a contest to see who can make a plane that flies the farthest. Or stays airborne the longest. How many different ways to make a paper airplane do you know? Discover a new way to do it in your very own Paper Airplane Fold-a-Day Calendar … that must mean there’s at least 365 different ways to do it?
World Lindy Hop Day: Celebrate the birth of the Ambassador of Lindy Hop, Frankie Manning. Although there probably aren’t too many official events happening for the day this year, there’s no reason you can’t celebrate by doing the Lindy Hop! Don’t know how? Learn the basics here.
May 27:
Feral Cat Spay Day: Technically this day became a whole month of spaying & neutering community cats, with veterinarians around the country offering free or low-cost sterilizations. But everyone can do their part to reduce the number of cats heading to shelters each year. Let’s use this day to remind everyone of the importance of sterilizing cats, whether free-roaming or pets.
World Otter Day: Otters are adorable! And also an important species for maintaining healthy wetlands. So let’s celebrate them! Learn about the different otter species and vow to help protect them.
National Cellophane Tape Day: Find something to tape in honor of that clear tape that makes sticking paper to just about anything a breeze. Most of us have at least one roll of cellophane tape around, even if it’s only for wrapping presents.
National Grape Popsicle Day: An 11-year-old boy accidentally discovered this frozen treat back in 1905. In 1922 Frank Epperson unveiled his discovery to the world (ok, to a few people at a fireman’s ball) and the rest is history. Buy or make popsicles (but only grape!) to celebrate.
May 28:
Slugs Return from Capistrano Day: Celebrate the return of the slimy, hungry army of slugs to your garden! Well, maybe not celebrate so much as prepare to do battle to protect your plants.
National Brisket Day: Make a savory, fork-tender beef brisket to make your home smell amazing & your dinner drool-worthy. You’re welcome.
National Hamburger Day: Not a brisket person? (Why?!). No worries, celebrate hamburgers instead. (Yes, we’ll let you get away with veggies burgers if that’s your preference). Or celebrate both days with hamburgers for lunch & brisket for dinner. Yum!
May 29:
Learn About Composting Day: Do you compost? If not, you should! At least if you have a garden you should. Your plants will love you for it.
Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day: For this day, grab a pillow & toss it on top of your fridge. If you have a cat, it’ll probably thank you profusely! But that’s probably not the point of the day. It’s probably related to an old tradition of putting something from your bedroom in your larder (a cool food-storage area) to bring you luck. It’s worth a shot, yes?
National Paperclip Day: First we tape things together (on the 27th), and then we fasten papers together with paperclips! Although we’re doing more & more of our “paperwork” digitally, most of us still have some papers to keep organized. Paperclips can help! So if you have papers that need to be kept together, this is the day to clip ’em.
National Coq Au Vin Day: If you can, make a rooster in wine to celebrate this classic French dish. It’s easy! But it does take some time & patience.
May 30:
Mint Julep Day: Take some time to relax with a refreshing mint julep. They’re incredibly simple to make (once you decide exactly how to add the mint, that is …). And if you grow your own mint, you’ll have a never-ending supply!
National Nail Tech Day: Do you miss your nail tech? Or maybe you’ve finally been able to get your nails done? Either way, let your favorite nail techs know just how much their services mean to you. Even if you have to do it by email or DM.
National Creativity Day: Work your creative muscles for this day. Whether you like to paint, write, draw, dance, play an instrument, or something else, spend some time on this day doing that.
National Water a Flower Day: Well, we do hope you’re watering your flowers more than once a year! Just the same, check on your flowers to see if any need watering. If they do, then do that. And if you have friends or neighbors who have trouble maintaining their gardens, water their flowers too. But maybe ask first unless you know them well!
National Hole in my Bucket Day: On this day we all sing There’s a Hole in My Bucket, a silly little children’s song about Henry’s quest to fix the hole in his bucket with his friend Liza’s help.
May 31:
World No Tobacco Day: If you use any tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, snus, chewing tobacco, etc.), can you give them up for 24 hours? That’s what this day asks you to do. And then maybe you’d like to continue your progress for another day? And then another, and then …
Save Your Hearing Day: Learn how to protect your hearing so you can continue to hear all the sounds you enjoy. While some causes of hearing loss are beyond our control (like aging), others we have some control over (like exposure to loud noise).
National Autonomous Vehicle Day: Self-driving cars are a reality, but we have a ways to go before they’ll be widespread. This day celebrates the ingenuity and collaboration that has gotten us this far. And will continue to propel us into the future.
National Smile Day: Put on a smile to create your best day. Smiles are infectious and make everyone feel good. The day was created at a dental practice, so we suspect the day also promotes a healthy smile, which you can protect with regular visits to your dentist! If dentists in your state have reopened, and you’re due (or overdue!) for a visit, plan to make an appointment soon.
National Macaroon Day: Coconut lovers will have no trouble smiling while biting into the delight that is a macaroon. Of course, the best macaroons are homemade!