What to Celebrate May 28 thru June 3, 2018

Celebration Ideas for May 28 – June 3, 2018
Warm weather & sunshine is finally here!
(Ok, it might actually be getting a little too warm for a few days. But it took so long getting here we’re not going to complain … not to loudly anyway).
And it arrived just in time for Memorial Day—the unofficial kickoff to summer. Sweet!
Are you all ready for a long weekend? Or will you be working during the holiday weekend?
However you’ll be spending your time, make sure you pencil in some time for fun this coming week too.
And of course we have some suggestions for you.
So take a peek and plan your week. And most of all …
Celebrate the Rest of May & All of June
You still have a few days left to take part in one of May’s month-long celebrations. Maybe one of these?
Military Appreciation Month: In the month of May we celebrate a number of military anniversaries and events. So the whole month is dedicated to appreciating those who serve and their families.
Mystery Month: Yikes! We almost missed Mystery Month! [Hangs head in shame] Luckily there is still time to at least get started on a new mystery novel. Whew!
For the end of the week—and the beginning of June—consider one of these.
Bathroom Reading Month: Yes, there’s really a month devoted to reading in the bathroom. If you don’t, you might be surprised to learn roughly half of adults do! This month is brought to us by the folks behind Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader series. Are you surprised? We’re not surprised …
Potty Training Awareness Month: We might as well keep the bathroom theme going for June! It’s also time to talk about potty training. And this training is for both the trainer and the trainee.
Weekly Celebrations for May 28 – June 3
Not too many week-long celebrations happening now. But these two start at the end of the week and are both based on worth-while causes: Conserving energy and beating childhood cancer.
Why not consider helping with one or both?
International Clothesline Week (June 2 – 9): Starting on the 1st Saturday in June, this week is dedicated to using less energy to dry our laundry. How? By hanging it to dry, of course! Does your community still ban clotheslines? Consider finding out how to start a movement to change minds!
Lemonade Days (June 2 – 10): Did you have a lemonade stand as a kid? This is your chance to have one again. And get your own kids, neighbors, and friends involved too. Do it all to help raise funds for childhood cancer research.
Celebration Days coming up for May 28 thru June 3
We start the week with Memorial Day, which is always worth celebrating. In between your picnics & other fun, take a few moments to remember the reason for the day: honoring those who gave all serving their country. Give thanks for their sacrifice for us all.
Of course there’s plenty else to celebrate this week too. Like hamburgers, composting, and creativity. Also mint juleps, olives, and black bears.
For some silliness, you might yell at cobras or put a pillow on your fridge. (Hey, we don’t create these days, we just bring ‘em to your attention!).
On the serious side we celebrate cancer survivors, try to give up tobacco, and/or protect our hearing.
Plus more, of course.
So we wish you a wonderful weekend and encourage you to plan for a fun-tastic week ahead.
May 28:
Slugs Return From Capistrano Day: On this light-hearted day we welcome the slugs back to our gardens … with a whole arsenal of anti-slug ideas! Don’t know about you, but we’re not letting the slugs take over our garden without a fight.
National Hamburger Day: This year National Hamburger Day and Memorial Day fall on the same date. So if you’re having a backyard bbq party for Memorial Day, you’re probably also celebrating this day even if you didn’t realize it. If you didn’t already have burgers on the menu, consider adding them!
May 29:
Learn About Composting Day: If you’re a gardener, you need compost! It’s an amazing and completely natural source of nutrients for all your plants. It’s not hard to do, and you really don’t need much space at all.
Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day: Huh?! Apparently this day evolved from a tradition of putting a piece of cloth from a nightgown or blanket in the larder (room for storing food). People believed this would bring prosperity to the house. Somewhere along the way, as refrigerators replaced larders, someone decided to update the tradition. So now we put a pillow on the fridge!
May 30:
Mint Julep Day: A day to enjoy a mint julep or two. Don’t drink alcohol? Make a mock mint julep. Or a mint julep-inspired dessert.
Loomis Day: This day celebrate Dr. Mahlon Loomis, a dentist who was also an inventor (of things unrelated to teeth). He demonstrated wireless communication back in 1868. Sort of. He had no clue how it worked (although he thought he did), but he managed to make a kite affect a 2nd kite flying 14 miles away.
National Creativity Day: This is a brand new day celebrating creativity! However you create—painting, writing, crocheting, sculpting, inventing, etc—make a point to do it on this day. And share your work with the world! Tag it with #NationalCreativityDay
May 31:
World No Tobacco Day: Start your journey to becoming tobacco free. Already tobacco free or on your way? Reaffirm your commitment. And maybe help someone else get on the right path.
National Save Your Hearing Day: The world is a whole lot easier to navigate when you can hear. So if you’ve got it, don’t take it for granted. Protect it! Here are some easy tips for doing just that.
What You Think Grows Upon You Day: The idea here is that the things you focus on are more likely to happen. But not by magic like some people assume. No. You take actions that make them happen. So by focusing on positive things, like health & happiness you find ways to be happier and to make choices that can improve your health. And if you focus on negative things, like anger, you find more things to be angry about.
June 1:
National Heimlich Maneuver Day: The life-saving move has its own day. If you don’t already know how to do it, this might be a good day to learn! (Did you know you can do it on yourself?).
National Olive Day: The very 1st Olive Day was in 2016. Which makes us wonder … what took so long to create a day for this awesome fruit? (Yes, it’s a fruit). Learn a bit more about olives & find a few recipes here.
National Go Barefoot Day: This day raises awareness of the people around the world who don’t have access to good shoes. Its creators invite you to spend just one day without shoes to understand what it’s like. And if you’re thinking you like going barefoot once in a while, remember that having a choice to go barefoot at home or in your yard is much different from having to walk barefoot everywhere, no matter how rough the ground. If you have shoes you never wear (in good condition!), consider donating them today.
June 2:
Yell “Fudge” at the Cobras in North America Day: Help ensure North America never gets overrun by cobras.
National Trails Day: Help improve America’s trails by cleaning up a length of trail or joining a trail work party. Our trails and parks will thank you.
National Black Bear Day: This day honors America’s most common bear, the black bear. These bears live in 40 US states and all across Canada. If you live near a park where black bears live, consider heading out to try to see some. From a safe distance of course! And learn a bit about black bears here.
June 3:
Chimborazo Day: This day celebrates an inactive volcano whose tip is closer to the moon than Mt. Everest. Even though it’s actually shorter than Everest. Wait … what?!
National Cancer Survivor’s Day: Surviving cancer is a huge reason for celebration, and this day recognizes everyone who has done this, along with the family, friends, and medical professionals who have supported them in their journey.