What to Celebrate May 31 thru June 6, 2021

Celebration Ideas for May 31 – June 6, 2021
The kickoff to summer is here! So let’s enjoy it to its fullest. This long weekend and the summer stretching ahead of us.
We deserve it after this past year.
So without further ado we invite you to once again take a peek and plan your week. And as always …
Celebrate All June Long
These monthly celebrations are all about the animals! Adopt, foster, and make sure you’re prepared for disasters & pet emergencies. Visit animals in the zoo & invite pollinators into your yard.
Adopt a Cat Month: Kitten season is here! Which means mama cats & their kittens filling shelters. And sometimes just the kittens. Which makes this the perfect time to find the perfect feline to add to your family. So head out to your favorite shelter & see who’s waiting there for you.
National Foster a Pet Month: Can’t make the long-term commitment pet adoption requires? Foster instead! Most animals need fostering for just a few short weeks. That’s a commitment almost anyone can handle! Shelters & rescues are always looking for fosters to help them save more animals. So check with your favorite organizations, fill out their foster applications, and enjoy the feeling of helping these defenseless animals.
National Pet Preparedness Month: Are you prepared for any situation that may arise with your pet? We don’t like to think about it, but it’s a good idea to know what you’ll do for anything from natural disasters to accidents. So take some time during June to make sure you have disaster kits for the whole family, including your pet. And make sure you know who to call for emergency vet care & poisonings.
National Zoo and Aquarium Month: It’s time to get back out to your favorite zoos & aquariums to visit your favorite animals! Many zoos did reopen last summer, but they often had capacity limits & required reservations. This summer should be better, although you may want to check with them before dropping in. So plan at least one trip to check out the animals and learn about them. You may also want to learn about the organizations’ efforts to protect wild populations of threatened and endangered animals.
National Pollinators Month: Encourage pollinators to visit your garden by planting their favorite native plants. When you plant a variety of pollen and nectar producers you’ll see many different pollinators, from bees & butterflies to birds & bats. A pollinator garden is a win all around. You have a beautiful & fascinating oasis to enjoy right in your own yard. And you help sustain the pollinators, some of which—like honeybees & monarch butterflies—have been in trouble for years. Speaking of monarchs: Make sure the milkweed you plant for them is a native variety!
Weekly Celebrations for May 31 to June 6
Make your summer safer by learning CPR & AED use. Make it funner, too, by learning how you can make boating part of your life.
National CPR and AED Awareness Week (June 1 – 7, 2021): This day encourages everyone to get trained in CPR and how to use an AED (automated external defibrillator). Because every second really does count when someone has gone into cardiac arrest.
National Marina Day (May 31 – September 6, 2021): This is obviously not just a week-long celebration! Nor is it a monthly one. It’s a whole season! Which we don’t have a section for, so here it is, many weeks of potential boating fun. This celebration gives marinas a chance to show off to the public just how enjoyable (and even affordable) boating can be. If you live near the water—or will be traveling there this summer—check out events at nearby marinas & join in the fun.
Celebration Days coming up for May 31 thru June 6
On Memorial Day we smile. Because those who died in service to our country wouldn’t want it any other way (but do take some time to remember their sacrifice too. It’s the least we can each do).
As the week goes on we celebrate reefs & parents & an inactive volcano. We also go running, hug our cats, and exercise in our gardens. In between all this activity we enjoy good food & drink.
It’s definitely looking like another fun-tastic week!
May 31:
World No Tobacco Day: If you use any kind of tobacco products, from cigarettes & pipes to chewing tobacco & snus, this is the day to abstain for a whole 24 hours. And while you could go back to your favorite tobacco product on June 1, why not see if you can refrain for another 24 hours? And then another … and another. Who knows, this one day could be the start of a whole new you. Yes, even if you’ve tried to quit before. This could be the one that sticks. Isn’t it worth a shot?
National Save Your Hearing Day: Take some time on this day to learn about protecting your hearing. One of the simplest ways to do this is to avoid prolonged exposure to loud noise. Some hearing centers may also offer free screenings for the day, so you can find out if you’ve already had some hearing loss.
National Smile Day: On May 31 we smile! And with the new mask guidance, more people will be able to see that beautiful smile. So smile often. Both you and the people you smile at will feel better. And if it’s been a while since you’ve had those pearly whites checked out & cleaned, consider scheduling a visit with your dentist.
Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day: This bacterial infection is nothing to smile about. But being aware of it can help make sure you get treatment quickly if it does happen to you. It’s rare, but moves quickly, which is why awareness is so important. So learn about the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures for this day.
National Autonomous Vehicle Day: Self-driving cars are already a reality, sort of. And some day they’ll be everywhere. There’s still plenty of work to be done before that happens, of course. But until then we celebrate the advances in this cutting edge technology. Why not learn more about autonomous vehicles for the day?
National Macaroon Day: Coconut lovers rejoice! The day to indulge in the sweet, coconutty morsels known as macaroons (not macarons! That extra “o” makes all the difference.) has arrived. Not that you can’t eat them any other day. But if you’re trying to be “good” & eat fewer sweets, this celebration is your excuse to make an exception for these delightful cookies. 🥰
June 1:
National Heimlich Maneuver Day: Honor Dr. Henry J. Heimlich for his invention of the life-saving procedure that carries his name. If you don’t already know how to do it, this could be the perfect day to learn! Or at least sign up for an upcoming first aid course, which usually includes training on the Heimlich.
World Reef Awareness Day: How much do you know about coral reefs? Did you know the “rocks” that organisms seem to live on are actually formed from secretions from those organisms? Or that the health of a reef reflects the health of the ocean where it lives? Sadly many of these amazing communities are dying. Celebrate this day by learning more about reefs & how we can save them. Then help spread the word.
Global Day of Parents: Celebrate parents and ways the world can help support parents and the tough but rewarding jobs they do.
National Nail Polish Day: Break out your favorite nail polish shade—nail art supplies too!—and polish those finger & toe nails to perfection. Whether it’s been a while since your nails have seen polish (hello, pandemic!) or you’ve been polishing regularly doesn’t matter. This is the day to give ’em a fresh coat!
Say Something Nice Day: Saying something nice is a simple way to make someone else feel good. And yourself too. So it really shouldn’t be saved for just one day a year. But this is the day to put some extra effort into finding something nice to say to at least one person. Preferably more.
World Milk Day: Milk is an important food around the world. Not only for the nutrition is provides, but also for the jobs the dairy industry provides. This day recognizes and celebrates these things. There’s also an Enjoy Dairy Rally leading up to the day, May 29 – 31!
National Hazelnut Cake Day: Hazelnuts are delicious so many different ways. They’re delightful eaten out of hand or in that nutty, chocolaty spread. And they make a scrumptious cake.
June 2:
Yell “Fudge” at the Cobras in North America Day: Let’s all do our part to make sure cobras know they’re unwelcome in North America! Head outside at noon & yell “Fudge!” Yes, that’s really all there is to it. Although if all that yelling about fudge makes you want fudge … well, have some fudge!
National Leave The Office Early Day: What better way to get through hump day than by cutting out of work a little early? Or a lot early if you can manage it! But don’t just use your extra free time to get some extra housework or laundry done. Use it to enjoy yourself! Whether that’s meeting up with friends for a drink or taking some “me time” is all up to you.
Global Running Day: For this day everybody runs! Avid runners & beginners alike lace up those running shoes & hit the pavement. Or running track. Think you hate running? Give it another try for this day. You could change your mind. Or confirm you don’t like it. Either way you got some exercise.
National Rotisserie Chicken Day: Between yelling fudge at cobras, getting in a run & leaving work early for a bit of enjoyment you’re probably not going to feel like cooking. So pick up a rotisserie chicken for dinner. Maybe even from Boston Market, founder of the day, if there’s one near you.
National Rocky Road Day: And for dessert, make it rocky road ice cream! Simple & delicious.
June 3:
Chimborazo Day: For this day we celebrate a little mountain (technically an inactive volcano) that’s somehow both almost 9,000 feel shorter than Mount Everest but also closer to the moon at its peak. Huh? 🤔
National Repeat Day: For this day we say & do things twice. Do things twice. But maybe only pleasant things. Only pleasant things. Or at least neutral things. Neutral things. And we probably shouldn’t bombard people with duplicate emails or texts. Duplicate emails or texts …
National Clubfoot Day: This day raises awareness of clubfoot and honors Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, who developed a simple way to correct the condition.
National Egg Day: Eat eggs all day. It’s simple! Scrambled for breakfast, egg salad for lunch, & a frittata for dinner! Done.
National Chocolate Macaroons Day: Another day to eat macaroons guilt-free! What a wonderful week we’re having, yes? But these macaroons must be chocolate in order to celebrate correctly. Buy your chocolate macaroons or make them yourself. Either add the chocolate to the cookie or make regular coconut macaroons & dip them in chocolate after they’re done.
June 4:
Old Maid’s Day: For this day we celebrate the women who dare to remain unmarried past about age 25 or 30. Which isn’t so uncommon these days. But at one time it was almost scandalous! If you and/or your friends are old maids, get together & celebrate. Because not getting married (for whatever reason) is just as valid a choice as getting married. And is just as valid a reason for celebrating too.
Hug Your Cat Day: This day is pretty self-explanatory: Give your favorite feline(s) lots of extra hugs & attention. Although you may have to bribe them with some of their favorite treats to convince them to accept all that extra love. 😉 😻
National Clean Beauty Day: This day is all about clean ingredients, environmentally friendly packaging, and transparency in the beauty industry. Support companies already doing this or moving in the right direction. And encourage others to commit to making changes to their own sourcing & production processes.
National SAFE Day: This day’s goal is to end accidental gun deaths in the home. The day was created in memory of Brooklynn Mae Mohler, whose best friend shot her while playing with a loaded gun left unsecured at the friend’s house. The day’s goals are twofold. First, to remind everyone to always secure guns in the home and follow other safety precautions such as unloading guns when not in use and storing ammunition separately. And second, to remind parents to always ask if there are guns in homes your children visit and how they are stored.
National Donut Day: This day honors the “donut lassies” who brought comforting reminders of home to soldiers on the front lines in WWI. These comforts included donuts. And we celebrate by eating donuts! And maybe, in the spirit of those women, giving donuts to front-line workers like doctors, nurses, firefighters, and other heroes.
National Cognac Day: For this Friday evening we relax and sip cognac. Have it neat or on the rocks. Or make a cocktail or two.
National Cheese Day: Cheese makes pretty much everything taste better, so enjoy it all day. There’s so many different kinds there’s no reason you can’t add it to every meal. And in case you’re wondering, what cheese goes with cognac, well wonder no more! (The answer is all of them, although some do go better than others).
June 5:
National Moonshine Day: Open a bottle of your favorite moonshine & raise a toast to this delicious day.
National Black Bear Day: The black bear is North America’s most common bear. Which doesn’t make it any less magnificent. Interestingly, black bears aren’t necessarily black. They can be brownish, blueish, and even sometimes white! If you live near a nature preserve with black bears, head out to see if you can see some.
National Prairie Day: The US has only a fraction of the 160 million acres of prairie that once covered much of our nation. But what’s left is still incredibly important to the ecosystem. Not to mention it’s absolutely beautiful! Learn more about prairies for the day. If there’s any public prairie near you consider visiting. And maybe even bring the prairie into your own garden with some native prairie plants?
National Trails Day: Our nation’s federal, state, and local trail systems offer nearly endless opportunities for us to get out & enjoy nature. Of course trails are perfect for hiking, biking, and horse back riding. But trails can also lead you to perfect bird watching spots, waterways for canoeing, and more. So head out to a trail for the day. And pledge to help maintain our trails, so they’ll continue to be available for all.
Hot Air Balloon Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the first known hot air balloon flight of living creatures, way back in 1783. Those riders were 3 farm animals (possibly a pig, a duck, & a rooster), and they tolerated the ride just fine. Which was a surprise to some people who expected them to run out of air so far above the ground. Humans didn’t take their first ride until November 1783. Why not celebrate with your own hot air balloon ride?
National Veggie Burger Day: Last week we celebrated hamburgers. Now we celebrate their veggie-based cousins. And with the variety of veggie burgers available now even the most die-hard meat lover can find a veggie burger to love. So grill ’em, pan fry ’em, or even bake ’em. Then add all your favorite toppings and savor the goodness of veggie burgers. Of course you’ll need all your standard burger sides too.
National Gingerbread Day: And for dessert there’s gingerbread! Wait, what??! Gingerbread in June? Well, yes! Because there’s more to gingerbread than people-shaped cookies & candy covered houses. It makes delightful bread, cupcakes, & bars too. And regular-shaped cookies … not that you can’t make gingerbread people in summer too, if you’d like!
June 6:
Yo-Yo Day: It’s time to dig out your yo-yo and remember how to do those tricks! Maybe even have a competition with friends to see who’s best at walking the dog, rocking the cradle, & other yo-you tricks.
National Gardening Exercise Day: Gardening is pretty good exercise all on its own, with all that bending & standing & squatting & digging & pulling & raking & … you get the idea! But you can get even more benefit out of it by making sure you use both sides of your body equally (for example, switch arms regularly while digging & raking). And adding some stretching before & after the hard work. So get out in your garden & get some exercise while creating something beautiful (and possibly even delicious?).
National Cancer Survivor’s Day: This day is for everyone who has been touched by cancer—whether our own or a loved one’s or both—to celebrate life. The day also raises awareness of the challenges faced after a cancer diagnosis, both immediate and long term. Find out if there’s a NCCD event near you & attend if you can.
National Animal Rights Day: This day reminds us that every living being deserves to live free from pain and abuse. Sadly humans are not always good at treating other animals with kindness and dignity. We’ve made progress in many areas, but there’s plenty of room for improvement. Let’s pledge to keep doing better. And then doing better still.
National Eyewear Day: The right eyewear can help you see better, protect your eyes, and make a fashion statement all at the same time! So show off your eyewear with the perfect selfie. And if it’s been a while since you’ve gotten new glasses, make an appointment for an eye exam and then check out all the new styles available to help you look and see your best.
National Drive-In Movie Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the very first drive-in movie theater in 1933. By the early 1960s the number of drive-ins had exploded, with more than 4000 across the country. Today there’s only a few hundred, but those are still quite popular. So if there’s a drive-in near you, pile the family into the car & go watch a movie under the stars.
National Applesauce Cake Day: Make yourself a super-simple but moist & delectable applesauce cake to snack on at the drive-in! Or anywhere else you like.