What to Celebrate May 6 to 12, 2019

Celebration Ideas for May 6 – 12, 2019
The rain is over! For a few days at least. And the weekend is shaping up nicely. We hope your weekend is looking good too.
We also hope you’ll remember to keep the fun going all week long. Because there’s plenty of fun & deliciousness to be had. Like Moscato, blondies, and lost socks!
If you prefer your fun to also be productive, there’s several diseases to raise awareness for, a food drive for homeless animals, and gardening for wildlife.
Plus much more.
So jump on in to take a peek and plan your week. And yes, remember to …
Celebrate All May Long
This week we highlight some month-long celebrations all about animals & the environment.
You may want to consider getting your pet microchipped so he or she doesn’t become one of the homeless pets the food drive will benefit. You can also learn how wetlands benefits us and wildlife. And even learn how your own yard can attract and benefit wildlife.
Chip Your Pet Month: Unlike collars & tags, microchips are hard to lose. Which makes it more likely your pet can get back to you if it gets lost. Learn more about microchipping and see if it’s something you want for your pet.
Go Fetch! Food Drive for Homeless Animals Month: Not all animals are as lucky as your pets, with lots of yummy food & treats to fill their bellies each day. Homeless animals scrounge for whatever scraps they can find on the streets or garbage cans. And the rescue groups that take in the lucky ones are also often scrounging. Not for scraps of food, but for the money to pay for food & other necessities for the animals. Donating food, either on your own or with a pet food drive, can help take a bit of the pressure off.
American Wetlands Month: Do you realize how important wetlands are to our world? For a long time many people didn’t. And they tried to fill in & “tame” wetlands. Which led to all kinds of problems. Now we work to restore and protect the nations wetlands. Learn more about the valuable services wetlands provide to us and to wildlife for this month.
Gardening for Wildlife Month: Make your garden welcoming to local wildlife this month. All it really takes is learning which native plants attract which native wildlife (butterflies, bees, etc.). And then planting them, of course! You might even want to get your garden certified as a Certified Wildlife Habitat.
Weekly Celebrations for May 6 – 12
This week includes two different celebrations of animals, along with recognition for the value nurses & teachers bring to their communities (something that’s all-too-often under-appreciated).
Be Kind to Animals Week (May 5 – 11, 2019): Pledge to be kind to animals this week. And every week. Because all animals deserve kindness. This week began more than 100 years ago, in 1915, and is still going strong. We’re not sure if that’s a positive testament to the number of people committed to improving animals’ lives or a sad statement of the need to keep reminding people to be kind …
National Pet Week (May 6 – 12, 2019): This week is dedicated to ensuring pet parents have the tools & knowledge they need to give their pet(s) the best life possible.
National Nurses Week (May 6 – 12, 2019): Thank a nurse this week! In fact, thank all the nurses you know or meet this week for their hard work.
Teacher Appreciation Week (May 5 – 11, 2019): And thank teachers too. They help guide young minds to become the best they can be. And some of those young minds become nurses!
Celebration Days coming up for May 6 thru May 12
Of course Sunday the 12th is Mother’s Day. But before then there’s oh so much to celebrate! Like nurses & teachers & third shift workers.
We skip homework & diets, and we eat what we want (Yes, No Diet and Eat What You Want are 2 different days this week!). Speaking of eating, we do lots of that too. There’s roast leg of lamb, coconut cream pie, and shrimp to enjoy (and plenty more too!).
We also raise awareness of a few different diseases, work to protect migratory birds, and more.
So once again we wish you a fun-tastic week ahead!
May 6:
International No Diet Day: This day is dedicated to body acceptance. It is a day to say “No” to fat shaming … of yourself and others. Embrace a healthy lifestyle & healthy eating to be healthy. Not a diet designed to let you fit into those skinny jeans or something you last wore in high school.
No Homework Day: Tom & Ruth Roy’s list of holidays includes this one for students everywhere. Tell all your teachers there is to be no homework for this day. And teachers, try to schedule your lessons so you can play along & avoid assigning homework due on the 7th!
National Nurses Day: This day kicks off National Nurses Week, a time to recognize the important role nurses play in helping us stay healthy and/or get well. A timely reminder that nurses do not play cards all day (as a Washington state senator recently suggested they do)!
National Crepe Suzette Day: Start your May 6 off right with Crepes Suzette! Seriously, it’s the only way to celebrate. If you’ve never had them before, you may want to get ‘em at a restaurant. If you’re feeling ambitious, consider this recipe.
May 7:
National Teacher Appreciation Day: Thank your children’s teachers (or any teacher you know) for their dedication to guiding children on a path to a lifetime of loving learning. This day is part of National Teacher Appreciation Week.
National Roast Leg of Lamb Day: Mmmm … tender, slow-roasted leg of lamb seasoned with garlic & rosemary. Utterly divine! Get a simple recipe here. The only hard part is waiting for it to be done.
World Asthma Day: How much do you know about asthma? This day aims to help you learn more. And to improve treatment for people with asthma.
National Cosmopolitan Day: Wind down after a long day with a refreshing Cosmo! And after a not-so-long day too. Or while waiting for that leg of lamb to roast! No matter what kind of day you’re having, the only proper way to celebrate is with this delicious mix of cranberry, vodka, & lime (or whatever variation you prefer).
May 8:
National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day: Are your pets part of your disaster preparedness plan? Do you even have a plan? This is the day to review your plan if you have one & create one (at least start!) if you don’t. And of course make sure that all your pets are part of it.
National Coconut Cream Pie Day: Serve coconut cream pie for dessert! If you’d like to make the pie yourself, this Triple Coconut Cream Pie looks amazing! Seriously, coconut in the crust, the filling and the topping! A coconut lovers dream come true.
National Bike to School Day: This is the day for kids to ride their bikes to school! Has your child’s school signed up? See which schools are registered here.
National Third Shift Workers Day: Also called National Night Shift Workers Day this day celebrates those people who are working while the rest of the country is sleeping. This schedule can be hard on the body and the family. But many 3rd shift workers are vital, because emergencies & illnesses don’t take the night off! So if you know a night shift workers, thank him or her. And if you are a third shift worker: “Thank you!”
May 9:
Lost Sock Memorial Day: On this day we hold a moment of silence for all the socks tragically lost to the laundry monster.
National Butterscotch Brownie Day: Bake and enjoy butterscotch brownies (blondies) in honor of the day. Did you know butterscotch brownies were around long before chocolate brownies?! They’re best home-made, so try this recipe if you don’t have one.
National Moscato Day: Does Moscato go with butterscotch brownies? There’s only one way to find out, dig into that pan you just baked, open a bottle & sit down to indulge in a plate of blondies & a glass of Moscato!
May 10:
World Lupus Day: This day is for raising awareness of this still-baffling autoimmune disease. Many of its symptoms seem random, and they can look like other more common conditions. So it can take a while to get the right diagnosis.
National Shrimp Day: On this day we eat shrimp! It doesn’t matter what kind or how it’s prepared. Fried or broiled, dipped in cocktail sauce or smothered with a garlic, lemon, & butter sauce. However you love ‘em, that’ how you eat ‘em!
National Lipid Day: This day is about raising awareness of a condition called Dyslipidemia, which is when the amount of lipids in your blood is abnormal. In most cases this means too much fat and/or cholesterol. But it could also mean not enough.
May 11:
Root Canal Appreciation Day: Yes, we should appreciate how root canals can preserve your tooth & often prevent future problems. Because keeping your tooth, even if it’s dead, is usually better than having to get an implant or wear a partial (denture).
World Migratory Bird Day: On this day we think about how to protect migratory birds. But we also take action and spread the word about the threats to these birds. And sadly one of the big threats to birds is plastic pollution. They eat it, get tangled up in it, and smothered by it. But we all have to power to reduce the amount of plastic we use. And so we also have the power to help protect our birds.
National Eat What You Want Day: This week we have 2 days created by Tom & Ruth Roy. First they tell us to skip the homework. Now they say we may eat anything we want without any guilt. So do that! And don’t worry, taking the occasional break from your regular diet can be good for you! Just don’t turn it into Eat What You Want Week or Month!
National Dog Mom’s Day: If one or more of your kids has fur & barks, this day is for you! Plan to spend the day enjoying the company of your canine kids. And while these kids aren’t likely to make you breakfast in bed, they’ll happily play fetch, lick your face, and just generally make you smile.
May 12:
Limerick Day: If you love limericks, this is the day to read them, recite them, and even write them!
National Nutty Fudge Day: What’s your favorite fudge? Hopefully it includes nuts, because the only proper way to celebrate this day is with nut-filled fudge! Do you make your own fudge? Maybe you’d like to try this Maple-Walnut Fudge recipe. Or if you prefer chocolate fudge, This Nutty Chocolate Fudge recipe looks simple but yummy.
National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day: Understanding of this condition has come a long way in recent years. But it’s still hard to diagnose and understand, and the National Fibromyalgia Association is still working hard to keep raising awareness.
National Odometer Day: Did you know that little display in your car that tracks how far it has traveled has its very own day? Well it does! How to celebrate? No clue!