What to Celebrate November 1 thru 7, 2021

Celebration Ideas for November 1 – 7, 2021
Can you believe November has arrived? Or will in a couple of days, depending on when you’re reading this.
That means our clocks turn back, we’ll be living in perpetual darkness, and the holiday season is officially here.
Of course, for us the “holiday season” is all year long! Because who has time to wait for official holidays when unofficial (and often more fun!) holidays abound?
So don’t wait! Go take a peek and plan your week. And of course, remember to …
Celebrate All November Long
November is all about animals! (Isn’t every month? 🥰) So let’s get senior pets out of shelters; and learn about pet cancer and diabetes, so we can catch them early and get them treated. And don’t forget about the fascinating and adorable manatees!
Adopt a Senior Pet Month: A shelter is no place for any animal, but especially not the seniors! They deserve warm, loving homes with soft beds and laps. If you’re ready to adopt an animal, consider a senior this month.
Pet Cancer Awareness Month: It’s not something we like to think about, but pets can get cancer just like us. Happily they can also get treated & often live happy lives after a cancer diagnosis. Make sure you know what to look for!
Pet Diabetes Awareness Month: Pets can also get diabetes just like us. And also like us, treatment and monitoring can help a diabetic pet live a long, happy life. Your vet can help.
Manatee Awareness Month: Manatees are fascinating animals that just want to be left alone (can you relate?). Unfortunately, humans have trouble doing that. So we need this month to spread the word about protecting them (mostly by leaving them and their habitat alone).
Weekly Celebrations for November’s 1st Week
Spend your week eating figs & supporting veteran-owned small businesses. Then, if you’re in Key West, go “Party at the End of the World”.
National Fig Week (November 1 – 7, 2021): Find ways to add figs to your diet all week. They’re always popular in holiday foods (like figgy pudding), but they add a unique flavor to all kinds of foods (all year long!). And they’re great substitutes for raisins or dates in baked goods.
National Veterans Small Business Week (November 1 – 5, 2021): Support small businesses owned by veterans this week.
Parrot Head Days (November 4 – 6, 2021): It’s time for the Parrot Head Meeting of the Minds in Key West, Florida, with the theme “Party at the End of the World”. If you’re not already a PHIP member but want to attend, there is an on-site registration option!
Celebration Days coming up for Nov. 1 thru Nov. 7
Kick off November by pampering your pets with home-cooked meals. Then brush your teeth (theirs too, if they’ll let you), use some common sense, and play Monopoly.
Snack on deviled eggs, doughnuts, and bittersweet chocolate with almonds, too.
If you can’t find a way to have another fun-tastic week, you’re just not trying!
November 1:
Go Cook For Your Pets Day: Do like the day’s name says and cook for your pets. Preferably a gourmet meal that takes hours. 😉 Do make sure you’re cooking something safe for your pet too.
National Authors’ Day: Celebrate your favorite authors. Give them a shoutout on your favorite social media. And treat yourself to their newest book(s) … assuming you don’t already own them, of course. And if your friends are promoting their favorite authors, consider picking up one of their books too. You might discover another must-read author! And if your friends aren’t sharing their favorite authors, remind them about this day!
National Brush Day: No, we’re not celebrating brushes. Not exactly, at least. We’re celebrating brushing our teeth! (So indirectly we’re celebrating toothbrushes, I guess …) We celebrate on the day after Halloween because … well … candy! If you have kids, make sure they understand the importance of brushing and oral health.
National Cinnamon Day: Mmmmm … cinnamon. A beautiful, warm spice for this chilly time of year. Apple pies just wouldn’t be the same without it. (And neither would your pumpkin spice!) So use it in everything you eat & drink for the day.
National Calzone Day: Cinnamon in (or on) you calzone? We’d be willing to try it! But even if you’re not, enjoy your favorite calzone to celebrate this delicious day.
National Deep Fried Clams Day: Deep fried clams just can’t be beat. You know you want some!
World Vegan Day: Whether or not you’d ever consider going completely vegan, do try eating vegan for this one day (assuming you’re not celebrating deep fried clams anyway). Vegan options have improved in recent years, and a vegan meal can be both healthy and tasty.
November 2:
National Broadcast Traffic Professionals Day: This day honors the people who work behind the scenes in radio and television making sure their stations’ broadcasting runs smoothly.
Cookie Monster Birthday: Celebrate Sesame Street’s lovable blue monster who loves his cookies. Maybe have a cookie or two in his honor?
National Deviled Egg Day: Make yourself some deviled eggs to enjoy in honor of the day. You can share them too, if you like, but that’s completely optional!
November 3:
National Housewife’s Day: This day may sound a little dated (housewife? What the heck is that!?), and some have taken to calling is National Homemaker Day to encompass anyone who keeps the household running, but housewives do still exist. Even if they probably prefer a different name (household executive, perhaps?). So celebrate whoever’s in charge of keeping your home running smoothly. They’re superheroes who deserve their own day (and more!).
Cliché Day: Spend the day using as many cliches as you can for the day. So think outside the box, but try not to be a loose cannon. And whatever you do, don’t open a can of worms. Because you know what goes around comes around!
SOS Day: Celebrate the universal distress call: SOS or, in Morse Code (which is how it’s more likely to be sent) …—… It was on this date in 1906 that the S.O.S. became the universally approved distress call. Technically it was for ships at sea, but we all know what it means, wherever it’s coming from
National Sandwich Day: Celebrate the birth of the 4th Earl of Sandwich, creator of the sandwich, on Nov. 3, 1718. Make your favorite sandwich in his honor.
November 4:
Use Your Common Sense Day: We know our readers have common sense (right?). But having it and using it aren’t always the same thing. We all have those days! But not on Nov. 4. On this day we actually use our common sense & avoid doing boneheaded things (like swallowing hammers …).
National Easy-Bake Oven Day: The Easy-Bake Oven hit the scene on Nov. 4, 1963 and has remained a favorite of kids everywhere ever since. Did you have one? Did/do your kids? If there’s a functioning Easy-Bake Oven somewhere in your home, use it to celebrate the day!
National Candy Day: Halloween might seem like a natural fit for National Candy Day. After all, tons of the stuff gets handed out & eaten on that day! But apparently we actually celebrate candy a few days later. So if you still have some Halloween candy left, have a piece or two.
November 5:
Firewood Day: Do you use firewood? This is the day to make sure you have enough!
Play Monopoly Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the date in 1935 when Parker Brother’s began marketing a real estate game under the name Monopoly. The company thought it was a fad, but they may have underestimated the appeal of the game. 😉
World Tsunami Awareness Day: This day is about helping communities in areas prone to tsunamis protect themselves. The risk for tsunamis will only grown and spread to more areas, so taking steps now to lower the risk of disaster when one strikes can pay off for decades to come.
National Doughnut Day: Eat doughnuts! Or donuts. Your choice. 😛 This day is not the same as the Salvation Army’s Donut Day in June. It’s just about the yummy rings of fried or baked dough. Enjoy!
November 6:
National Nachos Day: Eat nachos. ‘Nuff said.
Saxophone Day: Celebrate the birth of Adolphe Sax, creator of the saxophone, on this date in 1814. But “the saxophone” isn’t really one instrument. There are many different types of saxophone, each with a different pitch!
International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict: Armed conflicts of all kinds aren’t just bad for the people living in the conflict zones. They’re also horrendous for the environment. Animals die, forests get destroyed, water gets polluted, and more. All of which makes things even worse for the people. Learn more about the problems and potential solutions for this day.
November 7:
National Retinol Day: It’s the first annual National Retinol Day! If you don’t already use skincare products containing retinol, learn why you should consider doing so. And if you do use it, celebrate this amazing ingredient that can literally turn back time (for your skin, anyway).
Notary Public Day: Celebrate the people who help prevent fraud and help ensure confidence in transactions. All by acting as impartial witnesses to important signatures. We celebrate on the anniversary of the appointment of our country’s very first notary, Thomas Fugill, in 1639.
National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day: Do you know the signs that a dog may have lymphoma? If you’re a dog parent it’s something you should learn. Because sadly, lymphoma is one of the most common cancers dogs can get. But it’s easy to diagnose, and with quick treatment the odds are often good for remission. Learn more about canine lymphoma for this day.
International Merlot Day: Make (or order) meals that pair well with your favorite Merlot for the day. Then have a relaxing Sunday.
National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day: And for your snacking pleasure: bittersweet chocolate. Which is perfect, because this chocolate is phenomenal with Merlot!