What to Celebrate November 22 thru 28, 2021

Celebration Ideas for November 22 – 28, 2021
The winter holiday season is officially here. Which means lots of busyness and shopping and parties. How exciting!
It also means fewer unofficial holidays. But fewer is not the same as none! And there’s still plenty of deliciousness, fun, and awareness spreading to be had.
So do take a peek and plan your week (around all your other activities!). And of course, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of November
This month is all about gratitude, and not just on Thanksgiving! Practice gratitude all month long, and give others (humans and animals alike) something to be grateful for too.
Wishbones for Pets Month: There’s still time to help pet sitters help homeless pets! This 6-week celebration started in October, but it doesn’t end until the last day in November. Help bring homeless animals some holiday cheer.
National Gratitude Month: Homeless pets sure would be grateful if you choose to celebrate Wishbones for Pets Month! Of course, we’re pretty sure the month is more about practicing gratitude yourself. But we advocate for both practicing gratitude and giving others reasons to be grateful.
Adopt a Turkey Month: Speaking of giving others reasons to be grateful … We’re pretty sure turkeys would be quite grateful for you celebrating this month. And apparently they make pretty good pets?
We’re also quite sure the lucky adoptees of Adopt a Senior Pet Month are grateful to have loving homes of their very own for their senior years. If you haven’t celebrated this one yet, and you have room in your heart & home, consider bringing home a senior pet just in time for the holidays.
Weekly Celebrations for November’s 4th week
Celebrate your family all week & enjoy togetherness with your favorite games & puzzles. But it’s not all fun & games. Help spread the word about a couple of serious subjects, too: restorative justice and GERD.
Restorative Justice Week (November 21 – 28, 2021): Learn about restorative justice and how it can help victims, communities, and even offenders heal and move forward.
GERD Awareness Week (November 21 – 27, 2021): Learn how frequent heartburn could be a sign of a more serious condition that can lead to esophageal cancer. If you seem to be popping antacids like candy, talk to your doctor to see if you could have GERD. And everyone can help spread the word.
National Family Week (November 21 – 27, 2021): Celebrate your family all week. Plan fun activities for the whole family and also for smaller gatherings, especially with people traveling in for the Thanksgiving holiday who you don’t see often.
National Game & Puzzle Week (November 21 – 27, 2021): Games & puzzles with the family! It’s the perfect way to have fun with the whole family.
Celebration Days coming up for Nov. 22 thru Nov. 28
Start your week with cranberry relish and end it with French toast. In between enjoy cashews, sardines, and small-batch jerky. That’ll give you plenty of energy for celebrating The Doctor, your unique talents, and flossing.
Yep, it’s definitely looking like another fun-tastic week!
November 22:
National Cranberry Relish Day: This is not the day for jellied cranberry sauce from a can! No, no, no. In fact, it’s not even time for homemade cranberry sauce. For this day it must be cranberry relish, a raw, sweet-tart creation that equally good as a side, a dip, or a topping for everything from meats to waffles! Buy it if you must, but cranberry relish is dead simple to make! And it’ll keep for a couple of weeks in the fridge, so make sure you make enough to add it to your Thanksgiving feast, too.
November 23:
Doctor Who Day: Celebrate the 58th anniversary of the arrival of The Doctor to the television airwaves. The episode was An Unearthly Child, and it immediately captivated audiences. Of course, The Doctor didn’t actually make it to the US until January 1965, but that’s not going to stop us from celebrating. Preferably by watching some Doctor Who.
Fibonacci Day: The Fibonacci sequence of numbers—which we celebrate on 11/23 because the sequence begins as 1-1-2-3—might seem like a fun if useless bit of simple math. But it’s not! You can actually find it represented in nature, in things like a pinecone’s pattern or a hurricane’s shape! Learn more about the Fibonacci sequence and its secrets for the day.
National Espresso Day: Make sure you’re wide awake to enjoy your Doctor Who marathon and finding Fibonacci sequence examples—have an espresso! Or two. Or even three or four, although you may want to space them out. Just 2 little espressos can have as much caffeine as a full cup of coffee.
National Eat a Cranberry Day: We’d recommend eating more than one (possibly even in the form of that cranberry relish from the 22nd). But if you want to take the name of the day literally, well eat a single cranberry! Just make sure you make a huge production out of it to make it a worthwhile celebration. Maybe even make a toast. 🥂 😁
National Cashew Day: Snack on cashews! Also roast them, bake with them, crush them to use as a topping (on ice cream, salads, etc), and even make cashew butter.
November 24:
Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day: Do you have a unique talent? Of course you do! We all do. So whatever it is, celebrate it. Which basically means celebrate yourself, preferably by doing something with/related to your talent.
National Jukebox Day: On the day before Thanksgiving we listen to the jukebox! Or our favorite media players, since you probably don’t have your own jukebox (if you do we’re jealous!), and it’s not always easy to find a nearby jukebox (although the TouchTunes app can help with that).
D.B. Cooper Day: Can you solve the mystery of D.B. Cooper? Or do you think one of the current hypotheses is correct? Think about it on the anniversary of his famous jump.
Spitegiving: On the day before we give thanks we give spite! No, that’s not right … we give spitefully! Then at your Thanksgiving celebration you’ll be able to genuinely smile at the people in whose name you donated to causes they don’t believe in (but you do) 😁. And at the Spitegiving website (not related to this day, as far as we can tell) you can do just that!
National Sardines Day: Sardine-lovers this day’s for you! You know what to do. 😋
November 25:
Blasé Day: This day doesn’t really go too well with Thanksgiving. But if you’re not feeling the thankful spirit, maybe being blasé about the whole day will suit you better.
International Hat Day: Wear your favorite hat(s) to Thanksgiving!
Shopping Reminder Day: This is your one-month reminder to get cracking on that Christmas shopping! Unless you’re done? If not, time’s a-wastin’.
National Play Day with Dad: If you’re a dad, make sure you carve out some time from Thanksgiving celebrations to spend some quality time with your child(ren). The day is focused on having bonding time with minor children, but it really shouldn’t matter how old your kids are. Either before or after Thanksgiving dinner, make it a play-date with dad!
National Parfait Day: Skip the pumpkin pie this year and make dessert a simple pumpkin parfait instead! Or a slightly more complicated caramel spiced pumpkin parfait. Or whatever other kind of parfait you love.
Turkey-free Thanksgiving: These days a turkey-free Thanksgiving isn’t really all that unusual, as vegetarians obviously want meat-free options and even meat-lovers look for more creative proteins. So don’t feel obligated to serve a turkey if you’re cooking. And don’t feel obligated to eat a turkey if you’d rather not.
November 26:
Buy Nothing Day: Don’t get caught up in the frenzy of Black Friday. Stay out of the stores (yes, even grocery stores) and off the shopping websites. Keep all cash, credit cards, & debit cards tucked safely away in your wallet. And don’t go near any payment apps, either! The “nothing” in Buy Nothing Day means literally nothing!
Flossing Day: Spend some of that time you save by not shopping on getting the remnants of Thanksgiving out from between your teeth! Of course we hope you actually did that before going to sleep on Thanksgiving. But either way, this day serves as a reminder to floss at least once a day for healthy teeth and gums.
Random Acts of Kindness Friday: Here’s another alternative to the Black Friday craziness (and you can absolutely celebrate it right along with Buy Nothing Day). Instead of knocking people over to get the last of those “perfect gift” items, perform random acts of kindness throughout the day. And report any acts of kindness you see, too.
World Olive Tree Day: Celebrate the symbol of peace and hope. And the source of some delightful fruit and oil!
National Cake Day: Eat your favorite cake.
November 27:
International Aura Awareness Day: Many people believe that all living things have an aura or energy field surrounding them. This aura changes color depending on your emotional state or even physical condition. If you are a believer, help others understand. If you’re not, learn more about auras and at least consider the possibility.
National Craft Jerky Day: Don’t like jerky? You’ve probably been eating the wrong kind. Mass-produced shoe leather isn’t very appetizing. Small batch jerky on the other hand … aaahhhmaaaaZING! Try it to celebrate this day. And of course, if you already know & love jerky made by true jerky artisans, well you know what to do!
National Bavarian Cream Pie Day: Don’t fill up on jerky, though. You’ll want to enjoy the equally amazing Bavarian cream pie you make.
November 28:
National French Toast Day: After a full week of being thankful and grateful and flossing and performing random acts of kindness, among other things, you deserve French toast. So French toast you shall have!