What to Celebrate November 29 thru December 5, 2021

Celebration Ideas for November 29 – December 5, 2021
If you’re here in the US, we hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. If you’re elsewhere, we hope you’ve also had a beautiful, fun-filled week.
And we hope everyone is ready to create another perfect week of unofficial holiday fun.
So jump right in to take a peek and plan your week. And of course, remember to …
Celebrate All December Long
You have a few days left to celebrate Wishbones for Pets, along with all the other month-long November holidays (like gratitude, banana pudding, and healthy skin). Then jump into one (or more) of these.
Operation Santa Paws: Don’t have time to celebrate Wishbones for Pets before November ends? You’re in luck! Operation Santa Paws collects toys, treats, & supplies for shelter animals to help them have as bright a holiday as possible. There are official collection sites around the country, but if there’s none near you consider dropping off some items at your favorite local shelter (get extra donations from friends & family, too!).
Safe Toys & Gifts Month: This month reminds us to pay attention to the age range for toys, to be sure they’re safe for your intended recipient. And regardless of the stated age range, just think about whether the person you’re buying it for can really play with/use the gift safely.
Bingo’s Birthday Month: Play Bingo all month! Maybe even make your own Bingo game. But in the spirit of Safe Toys & Gifts Month, pay attention to how you’re playing. If you’re using small pieces to cover the Bingo spaces, keep them away from young kids. And if you’re using markers to mark the spaces, make sure they’re non-toxic if kids are playing.
National Pear Month: Eat pears! Cook and bake with them too. It’s peak pear season, so take advantage and enjoy them in all their glory.
Weekly Celebrations for 11/29 to 12/5
There’s not much happening in the week-long celebrations department this week, but we’re pretty sure any bakers out there can make good use of the one we found.
Cookie Cutter Week (December 1 – 7, 2021): If you make sugar cookies for the holidays your cookie cutters no doubt get a workout! Which makes this the perfect time to celebrate them. Plan to use them during this week. And maybe get yourself some new cookie cutters, too.
Celebration Days coming up for Nov. 29 thru Dec. 5
Go square dancing, adopt a mutt, and learn about baboons. Be a blessing, protect wildlife, and party in the tub.
Enjoy red apples, fritters, and pie along the way.
What will your fun-tastic week look like?
November 29:
Electronic Greetings Day: Send your favorite people ecards! Or DMs, IMs, texts, or regular ol’ emails. Or whatever other electronic media you’d like. Just let them know you’re thinking of them.
Square Dancing Day: Do you Do-Si-Do? If not it’s time to learn! Because what’s square dancing without do-si-doing? Have a square dancing party or take square dancing lessons. Learn a bit about the history of square dancing, too.
November 30:
Stay Home Because You’re Well Day: Sick days are all well and good … when you’re sick. But sometimes you deserve a well day. And this is it! Call in well and enjoy your day. How is all up to you. (Unless calling in well will get you fired … that’s nothing to celebrate!)
National Personal Space Day: We are all entitled to as much personal space as we need. And some of us need more than others! Sometimes this includes no touching … not even a handshake. (Does anyone even do handshakes since Covid?!) Sometimes it’s just a temporary need, and other times it’s part of who we are. This day recognizes that and asks us all to understand others may have different boundaries than we do.
National Mason Jar Day: Celebrate the workhorse of home canning, the mason jar! But it’s good for so much more, from storage to crafting (and crafting for storage!).
Computer Security Day: This is your annual reminder to make sure your computer (and all electronic devices) is secure from hackers & scammers & people who want to cause headaches (and worse) for you and your devices. Start by making sure they’re up to date and backed up. Make sure all passwords are strong and you’re using quality anti-virus and firewall software.
National Mousse Day: Dessert for the last day in November is mousse! We vote for chocolate mousse (although that has it’s own day in April), but you may choose any mousse you’d like.
December 1:
Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day: This is less of a problem than it once was, as progressive lenses have mostly replaced true bifocals. But if anyone still wears those and works at a computer, we feel for you!
Rosa Parks Day: This one could, eventually, become an official federal holiday. For now we can still celebrate, unofficially, the anniversary of the day she refused to give up her seat on the bus. Why not learn a bit more about her, beyond that one day, for this day?
Antartica Day: Celebrate the signing of the Antarctic Treaty on this date in 1959. The treaty dedicated Antarctica as a place of peace and research to benefit mankind. Now that seems like something to celebrate!
World Aids Day: Although most people living with HIV can now live full, healthy lives, there’s still stigma and shame associated with it. And it still infects too many people every year. This day reminds us HIV still exists and more research is still needed.
National Eat a Red Apple Day: Have a healthy snack so you’re ready to celebrate the next holiday without guilt. Or eat one because apples are delicious.
National Pie Day: Welcome to the 2nd National Pie Day of the year (not to be confused with Pi Day in March!). And what better time to celebrate that popular holiday dessert than smack dab in the middle of the holiday season? Make a practice pie or two to celebrate the day and make sure your next holiday dessert will be absolutely perfect.
December 2:
National Mutt Day: Pie isn’t the only thing we celebrate 2x per year. We also celebrate mixed breed dogs (aka mutts!) in July and again in December. Because mutts tend to stay in shelters longer than pure breeds, even though they’re just as loving and often healthier. If you’re looking to add a dog to your family, consider a mutt from a shelter. You won’t be disappointed!
Safety Razor Day: Here we have an example of there really is a day for everything! Celebrate the razor that makes it less likely you’ll suffer major blood loss while shaving. 😉
Special Education Day: Celebrate the signing of the US’s first federal special education law on December 2, 1975. It required states provide equal access to education for children with disabilities. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act has been expanded and enhanced in the years since, including a name change. But it was the first step toward treating children with disabilities as just as worthy of education as any other child.
National Fritters Day: Make or buy your favorite fritters!
December 3:
National Roof Over Your Head Day: This day reminds us to be grateful for what we have instead of worrying over what we don’t. Because there are plenty of people who would love to have as much as we have. Maybe use the day to help some of those people.
International Baboon Day: Learn about and appreciate baboons in all their weird glory!
Be a Blessing Day: Be a blessing to everyone you come across for this day. Show kindness and compassion to them all. Yes, it really is that simple.
E-Discovery Day: Although the “paperless office” seems to be an enduring if unachievable myth, computers have transformed most industries. Including the legal industry and the process of discovery (the exchange of information between the two sides in a legal case). This day celebrate the electronic aspect of this legal process.
December 4:
World Wildlife Conservation Day: This day recognizes the threat to our natural world and the animals that live in it. These threats are two-fold: the side effects of human activity and wildlife crimes including trafficking and poaching. Use this day to learn more, help raise awareness, and support the Endangered Species Act.
National Dice Day: While we hope you won’t roll the dice with wildlife’s survival, we absolutely support rolling the dice in Monopoly, role-playing games, board games, or any other dice-using games you’d like.
National Sock Day: Celebrate your socks! Throw them a party & tell them how much you appreciate their hard work keeping your feet warm. 😁 And especially how much you appreciate those pairs of socks that have managed to stay together through many loads of laundry, allowing you to have matched sets to wear each day. And if your paired socks have been disappointing you lately, why not buy some new pairs of socks from this day’s founder, Pair of Thieves?
National Cookie Day: Here’s your excuse to snack on cookies all day! Maybe even bake your favorites, and make enough to share! (Many of you may already be sharing cookies for the holidays, in which case you’re all ready for this day!)
December 5:
Bathtub Party Day: The Roys suggest skipping the shower in favor of a bath for this day and making it festive with a few friends. We’re not sure how big of a tub they have, but we’re thinking our tub would get pretty crowded pretty fast …
International Ninja Day: Be a ninja for a day.
World Soil Day: Did you know effective soil management is critical to a healthy ecosystem and the survival of all living things? Did you even know there is such as thing as soil management? Well there is and it is. Learn more for the day and help spread the message.
National Sacher Torte Day: Make dessert the delightfully chocolaty, apricoty Sacher torte. Make it yourself, with the almost original Sacher torte recipe.