What to Celebrate November 4 thru 10, 2019

Celebration Ideas for November 4 – 10, 2019
So Halloween is over, and it’s time to look forward to the rest of the fall & winter holidays. Are you ready?
Now, the stores all say it’s Christmas, but don’t believe them. First we must give thanks. But even before that we can celebrate animal shelters, saxophones, and puns.
If you prefer food celebrations there’s candy, scrapple, and vanilla cupcakes. And Harvey Wallbangers & stout to wash it all down.
Plus much more of course.
So jump right in to take a peek and plan your week. As as always remember to …
Celebrate All November Long
For November we learn just how wonderful senior pets can be. And we learn about some of the diseases our pets can get.
We also consider adopting a turkey instead of eating one …
Adopt a Senior Pet Month: Senior pets often get overlooked in shelters in favor of the younger, “cuter” animals. But seniors still have lots of love to give. And they have some advantages over more rambunctious animals for busy families (or seniors!). They’re usually calmer & don’t need much, if any, training.
Pet Cancer Awareness Month: We hate to think about it, but our pets can get cancer too. And just like in humans it’s often (but not always) treatable. Use this week to learn more about the cancers most common in our pets and treatment options. And if you can, consider making a donation toward more research … maybe even in memory of your own pet.
National Pet Diabetes Month: Pets can also get diabetes, just like humans. And just like in humans it’s manageable with diet and medication. Take some time this month to learn more so you’ll be prepared if it happens to your pet.
Adopt a Turkey Month: No, you don’t have to bring a turkey into your home to celebrate this month! (Although you can if you want to & have the room). Instead you symbolically adopt a sanctuary turkey. You even get an adoption certificate and or a photo of “your” turkey (depending on where you adopt it from)! We’ve linked to Farm Sanctuary, which as far as we can tell first had this idea (back in 1986). Other sanctuaries that have similar programs include Woodstock Farm Sanctuary and Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary.
Weekly Celebrations for November 4 to 10
This week is all about animals and health. So help keep shelter animals and wildlife safe, manage your stress, and thank a rad tech.
National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week (November 3 – 9, 2019): Celebrate the animal shelters that work so hard to make sure homeless animals are safe and cared for. And to help each animal find its perfect furever home. Shelters are always short on money, supplies, and volunteers. So why not see what your favorite shelter needs most and supply it to celebrate this week. And if you’ve been thinking about adopting, this is a great week to do that too! You’ll get a new best friend and make room for the shelter to help another animal in need.
Give Wildlife a Brake! Week (November 4 – 8, 2019): Daylight hours are getting shorter, making it harder to see the critters crossing the road. So slow down and stay alert to avoid hitting them! Here are some more tips and what to do if you do hit an animal.
International Stress Awareness Week (November 4 – 8, 2019): Last year The International Stress Management Association has expanded its Stress Awareness Day to a week. And it was a hug success, so they’re doing it again. The year has a theme: Resilience: the power to succeed!. Like last year’s there’s a Stress Fair and a Stress Conference in London. The rest of us can find updates on ISMA’s Facebook page or Twitter. Videos from last year’s conference are also available for viewing.
National Radiologic Technology Week (November 3 – 9, 2019): Celebrate the discovery of the x-ray. And honor the radiology techs who do the medical imaging and radiation therapy that helps diagnose & treat disease. If you know any rad techs, thank them this week.
Celebration Days coming up for Nov. 4 thru Nov. 10
We begin the week with a dose of common sense and full staplers. As the week goes on we read, make puns, and celebrate freedom.
Of course we find deliciousness woven throughout the week. And we close out the week with a great big happy birthday to the US Marine Corps. Celebrate it with vanilla cupcakes?
Whichever celebrations you choose, make it a fun-tastic week.
November 4:
Use Your Common Sense Day: For this day we do our best to do as the day’s name says and use common sense in all our decisions. Now you may think that seems simple enough. But as Will Rogers once said, “Common sense ain’t that common.” Good luck! 😊
National Easy-Bake Oven Day: The Easy-Bake Oven is 56 years old! Did you have one as a kid? Did you actually eat any of your creations? Whatever your memories of this fun little oven, get nostalgic on this day. Check out the oven’s history, too.
Color the World Orange Day: This day raises awareness of a chronic pain condition that can make life miserable for its sufferers: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). Be a part of the day by wearing orange and supporting participating businesses.
Fill Our Staplers Day: Over at the Dull Men’s Club (and elsewhere) empty staplers are a serious problem. So twice a year they (and we) make sure all the staplers are full and ready to fasten papers together. We do this on the day after we’ve changed our clocks to or from Daylight Savings Time.
National Candy Day: Despite the amount of candy being handed out & collected on October 31 that is not the day we celebrate candy. November 4 gets that honor. So enjoy your favorite candy to celebrate the day.
November 5:
Firewood Day: This one seems to be another entry in the “there really is a day for everything” files. So what do we do on firewood day? We appreciate and learn about firewood, of course! The day comes from the folks over at the Firewood Hoarders Club. Which (probably not coincidentally) happens to be a good place to learn about firewood …
National Love Your Red Hair Day: If you have red hair, this day’s for you!
National Doughnut Day: Unlike the June Doughnut Day celebration, which honors the “doughnut lassies” of World War I, this day seems to really be all about the food. So enjoy a doughnut (or donut!) or 2 to celebrate.
November 6:
National Nachos Day: Eat nachos all day. Yes, even for breakfast. You’re welcome.
National Saxophone Day: Celebrate the birthday of the saxophone’s creator, Adolphe Sax. He was born on November 6, 1814. He created his versatile instrument in the early 1840s and got a patent on it in 1846.
November 7:
International Stout Day: If you like strong, dark beers this day’s for you. Because on this day you must drink only stout. Enjoy!
Read for the Record Day: This day raises awareness of the importance of early literacy. We accomplish this serious goal in a fun way: With millions of people (adults and children alike) all reading the same book. For 2019 the book is Thank You, Omu!.
National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day: Dogs can get cancer too. And lymphoma is one of the most common cancers they get. Learn more about canine lymphoma and its treatments for this day.
National Men Make Dinner Day: These days plenty of men can and do cook. Lots of them are even better cooks than lots of women. But there are still some “traditional” couples where the men rarely if ever cook. Some of these men are even completely clueless in the kitchen. This day is for them.
National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day: This day combines two delicious (and even healthful!) foods into one delightful day. So enjoy some chocolate-covered almonds. Or a chocolate bar with almonds. As long as the chocolate is bittersweet, that is!
November 8:
Abet and Aid Punsters Day: On this day you must smile and laugh at all the puns. No groaning allowed! And maybe even try your hand at a few puns yourself. If you’re the punster of your group, make sure everyone else knows about this day so they can aid & abet you!
Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day: Apparently now that we’ve closed our doors & windows against the cold we must stink up the house with some especially smelly foods! Thank Tom & Ruth Roy of Wellcat for this truly aromatic holiday.
National Cappuccino Day: No matter what your usual morning coffee is, for this morning make it a cappuccino!
National Harvey Wallbanger Day: Wind down after a long day with this once-popular and still tasty cocktail. If you’re feeling social, gather some friends and head out to the bar for a round of Harvey Wallbangers. If you’re making them at home, here’s a recipe that makes it simple.
November 9:
World Freedom Day: This day celebrates the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. It happened on November 9, 1989. George W. Bush first declared the day in 2001.
Microtia Awareness Day: Microtia is a condition where one or both ears don’t develop right in the womb. Babies with microtia are born with missing or underdeveloped ears. It’s rare, so most people have probably never heard of it. But it’s a big deal to the people with it, and that’s why we have this day.
Carl Sagan Day: Celebrate the birthday of the renowned astronomer (and more!) and creator of COSMOS.
National Scrapple Day: “What the heck’s scrapple?!” you ask? Why it’s most likely the first pork dish created in America. It’s name apparently comes from the fact that it’s made from scraps of pork. They’re mixed with spices and cornmeal & formed into a loaf. You then fry slices of the loaf. If you’d like to try it, here’s a recipe for you.
November 10:
NET Cancer Day: This day raises awareness of neuroendocrine cancers & advocates for improved understanding, treatment, and research of these uncommon cancers.
United States Marine Corps Birthday: Celebrate the birth of our Marine Corps, established on November 10, 1775 (as the Continental Marines).
National Vanilla Cupcake Day: On this day enjoy a vanilla cupcake for dessert. But only vanilla! No chocolate cupcakes (or any other flavor) for this day. Use this recipe for moist, fluffy vanilla cupcakes.