What to Celebrate October 18 thru 24, 2021

Celebration Ideas for October 18 – 24, 2021
How’s your fall going? Are you planning any Halloween fun this year?
We do hope your plans include some of the upcoming unofficial celebrations! As usual there’s a mix of delicious, educational, and just plain fun.
So go ahead: Take a peek and plan your week. And as always, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of October
Help the pets, protect your hearing, and appreciate any professional photographers you know. Especially if they took the perfect pictures of the perfect event for you.
And do it all with a positive attitude!
Wishbones for Pets Month (October 15 – November 30, 2021): This 6-week charity drive has begun! If you know any pet sitters, help them reach their goals. If you are a pet sitter, we wish you success with your event!
Photographer Appreciation Month: When you want to remember a special day who do you call? That’s right! A professional photographer who will capture your day in perfect pictures so you can reminisce to your heart’s content.
Positive Attitude Month: Having a positive attitude really can make life seem easier. Now, we don’t mean in a Pollyanna kind of way. Having a positive attitude doesn’t mean everything is sunshine & roses! It just means you’re able to find the good in life, even in the middle of not-so-good situations. So spend time this month fostering a positive attitude and see how much better you feel.
National Protect Your Hearing Month: We live in a noisy world, and that can take a toll on our hearing. Learn how to protect your hearing from hearing loss caused by loud noises.
Weekly Celebrations for October’s 3rd Full Week
Vet techs and medical assistants are essential parts of their respective practices. Give them a shout-out for the week! And while you’re at it, promote health education and free speech.
National Veterinary Technician Week (October 17 – 23, 2021): Vet techs make veterinary practices run smoother & help ensure each pet can get quality, timely care. Thank any vet techs you know this week.
National Health Education Week (October 18 – 22, 2021): This week promotes increasing awareness of public health issues and how health education can benefit us all.
Medical Assistants Recognition Week (October 18 – 22, 2021): Medical assistants help medical offices run smoothly and patients get the quality care they need and deserve. Thank a medical assistant for this week.
Free Speech Week (October 18 – 24, 2021): This week reminds us of the importance of free speech and a free press. This fundamental right is often misunderstood, so learn more about it and then practice your right to free speech this week and every week.
Celebration Days coming up for Oct. 18 thru Oct. 24
Evaluate your life, celebrate your mind, and learn how color can affect you. Then shave your beard, pay back a friend, and love pit bulls.
Do it all while munching on chicken & waffles, chocolate cupcakes, & more.
How will you make it a fun-tastic week?
October 18:
National Legging Day: Wear your favorite leggings. And buy a new pair, too. Maybe from Fabletics, founder of the day?
National No Beard Day: Got a beard? Shave it off! Don’t worry, you can grow it back in November for No Shave November.
National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day: Your computer gets just as cluttered as your physical workspace if you don’t make the time to regularly tidy it up. This is the day to do that. So do that.
Hard Boiled Guy/B-Girl Day: Celebrate the anniversary of The Maltese Falcon’s release and its place in film noir. Obviously you’ll do this by watching The Maltese Falcon.
National Chocolate Cupcake Day: Make simple but amazing chocolaty cupcakes. Then devour ’em all!
October 19:
Evaluate Your Life Day: Do like the name says. Then make a course correction if you’re not headed where you want to go. Or continue on knowing you’re making progress toward your goals.
National LGBT Center Awareness Day: If you don’t already know, learn about how LGBT centers support the LGBT community through advocacy, career services, cultural events and more. And if you do know, help others learn.
National Pharmacy Technician Day: Celebrate Pharmacy Techs for their often-forgotten contributions to our health.
Pay Back a Friend Day: Did you borrow money from a friend and never pay it back? No matter how long it’s been, this is the day to make good on that debt.
National Seafood Bisque Day: It’s soup season. And for this day the soup to make is seafood bisque.
October 20:
International Chefs Day: Celebrate the chefs who create fabulous meals for us when we don’t want to do it ourselves (or, let’s face it: when we just can’t do it nearly as well as they can). But this day is more about the chefs helping kids learn kitchen skills and setting them up for a lifelong love of good food and healthy eating.
Hagfish Day: Challenge any chefs you know to make a delectable meal with hagfish! Or not … it’s edible, but not particularly tasty. Although some Korean men use it as an aphrodisiac.
International Pronouns Day: Help normalize using the pronouns a person prefers. And share your own preferences.
National Brandied Fruit Day: Enjoy brandied fruit in baking, for snacking, or any way you please. If you don’t have any brandied fruit, consider making some. Of course, you’ll have to wait a few weeks to use it.
National Chicken and Waffles Day: What’s for dinner? Chicken & waffles, of course!
October 21:
Reptile Awareness Day: Love reptiles! And learn how to care for them before you get any as pets. Or make sure you’re giving your reptile the best care possible. Because reptiles are amazing, fascinating creatures that deserve the best we can give.
Celebration of the Mind Day: Celebrate Martin Gardner’s birthday with puzzles, games, & magic. He made math fun! So have fun in his honor.
Spirit Day: Support LGBTQ youth and stand against bullying. Wear purple, take the pledge, & spread the word.
Conflict Resolution Day: Learn and promote peaceful conflict resolution. It’s useful for everyone, from whole countries to businesses, schools, and yes, families too.
Thank Your Cleaner Day: For this day we thank the people who keep your workplaces, doctor’s offices, schools, and pretty much any public places clean. And if you have a cleaner who keeps your home clean, well make sure to thank your cleaner!
National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day: For dessert it must be pumpkin cheesecake if you’re going to celebrate this one right.
October 22:
National Make a Dog’s Day Day: Subaru (yes, the car company) supports shelter adoption. And any other ways you can find to make your dog’s day. This year Subaru is focusing on the hard-to-adopt dogs. And donating $100 to a local shelter for every dog adopted during October!
National Color Day: Did you know color can influence your mood and even your behaviors? It can! And the color you’re wearing can also affect how others see you. Explore the meaning of colors for the day & think about how they affect you.
INTERNATIONAL CAP LOCKS DAY: Annoy everybody and type everything with CAPS LOCK ON FOR OCTOBER 22! Or use the day to educate the perpetually CAPS LOCKED about just how annoying it is (although many may already know …).
Smart is Cool Day: Don’t ever let anyone tell you being smart is anything less than cool. Celebrate your smarts! And exercise those smarts by learning something new (preferably something challenging).
National Nut Day: Eat nuts. Cook with nuts. Bake with nuts … be nuts? 🤪 😉
October 23:
National Mole Day Celebrate Avogadro’s number between 6:02 am and 6:02 pm on 10/23. Get it? Chemistry fans will.
Pit Bull Awareness Day: With all the breed-specific legislation and limits for renters we’re pretty sure you’re aware of pit bulls. But are you aware that they don’t deserve their reputation? Learn the truth about these loyal dogs. And celebrate them all month long too, because October is also Pit Bull Awareness Month!
Swallows Depart from San Juan Capistrano Day: The swallows of the Mission San Juan Capistrano leave their summer nesting site every year around the Day of San Juan. They head south to Boya, Corrientes, Argentina and return in the spring. Both their arrival and departure are important event for the town.
National TV Talk Show Host Day: Celebrate your favorite talk show hosts on the birthday of the most iconic of them all, Johnny Carson.
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day: If you have old, expired, or no longer needed prescriptions around the house, dispose of them safely at this event. There are locations around the country, so you should be able to find one near you.
National Boston Cream Pie Day: We sure do hope you finish that pumpkin cheesecake before it’s time for Boston cream pie! Make one or buy one, just make sure you eat one!
October 24:
United Nations Day: Celebrate the achievements of the UN, helping countries work out their differences and move toward a more harmonious world.
Recycle Your Mercury Thermostat Day: If you have an old, mercury-containing thermostat replace it and dispose of it safely. When recycled properly the mercury is removed safely & stored securely. Because mercury can’t be destroyed and we don’t want it contaminating our environment.
National Food Day: This day is all about healthy, affordable food that’s sustainably produced. Because we don’t want to just eat healthy today. We want to eat healthy every day. And we want our children, grandchildren, and beyond to eat healthy too.
National Bologna Day: Well bologna isn’t the most healthy of foods. But it is delicious! Especially fried (which also isn’t so healthy). But as long as we follow the motto of all things in moderation, the occasional not-so-healthy indulgence can be part of a healthy diet. So enjoy!