What to Celebrate October 25 thru 31, 2021

Celebration Ideas for October 4 – 10, 2021
The final week of October is upon us, and a chill has finally hit the air here. You know what that means, right?
Cat snuggling season is here! At least our cat has become a lap cat once again. Maybe yours is less weird?
At any rate, whether or not you can celebrate the cat wanting to spend time with you again, there’s plenty of fun, delicious, and worthwhile celebrations waiting for you this week.
So do take a peek and plan your week. And of course, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of October
You have one final week to celebrate bats, pit bulls, & squirrels, and chili, apples, & pizza, and so much more.
And remember, the Wishbones for Pets Month campaign runs through the end of November. There’s still plenty of time to help your local pet sitters reach their goals to help their favorite pet-related charities!
Weekly Celebrations for October’s final week
Protect your lungs, your children, and wildlife. And thank the people who help others pro bono.
Pro Bono Week (October 24 – 30): Celebrate the professionals who offer their services for free to people who otherwise can’t afford it. You may be most familiar with the term in reference to lawyers, but many other professionals also do pro bono work. And they all deserve recognition and thanks for helping make our world a better place. See if there are any events or activities near you for this week.
Give Wildlife a Brake Week (October 24 – 30, 2021): The number of daylight hours is dwindling, which means we’re driving in the dark more often. And it can be hard to see animals in the road in the dark. But you can take steps to lower your chances of a collision with wildlife. And learn what to do if the worst does happen.
Respiratory Care Week (October 24 – 30, 2021): Celebrate the people who literally help you breathe, the respiratory care professionals. Also take some time this week to learn how to take care of your lungs to reduce your chances of needing their help.
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (October 24 – 30, 2021): Make sure you’re doing all you can to prevent lead poisoning for your family. Learn more here.
National Red Ribbon Week (October 23 – 31, 2021): Celebrate drug-free kids and help ensure they stay that way. Learn how to talk to kids about drugs, the signs that they may be experimenting with drugs, and how to help them.
Celebration Days coming up for Oct. 25 thru Oct. 31
Howl at the moon, clear out that haunted refrigerator, and let black cats cross your path (right into your heart). Celebrate artists, first responders, and internists. Enjoy pasta, pumpkin, and American beer.
What does your fun-tastic week look like?
October 25:
Sourest Day: Although this day was originally created to honor a person who’s last name was Sauer, it has become more of a day to be sour. As in see the glass as half empty & sulk all day long. Even if you’re normally a glass-half-full, sunshiny kind of person.
International Artists Day: Celebrate the artists you know and how they make the world a more interesting place, no matter what form their art takes. And if you are an artist, get in on the contest (Deadline is midnight on International Artists Day).
National Greasy Food Day: Indulge in your favorite greasy foods guilt-free for this tasty celebration. For most of us the occasional greasy treat won’t hurt (if it could hurt you please skip this celebration).
World Pasta Day: Did you celebrate pasta on the 17th? No matter your answer you get another chance to enjoy your favorite pasta dishes!
October 26:
National Financial Crime Fighter Day: This day honors the heroes who protect our financial industry. They root out financial fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes. And work to prevent them in the first place, too. And since financial crimes are often used to help finance other criminal activity, they keep us all safer in general.
National Day of the Deployed: For this day we honor the military personnel who are or have been deployed around the world. It recognizes their sacrifice and the sacrifices of their families as they work to make the world a safer place. Donate, volunteer, or attend a ceremony near you to show your appreciation to the deployed.
Howl at the Moon Night: Get a little crazy and howl at the moon! Too embarrassed? Grab a few friends & howl together!
National Pumpkin Day: Fall is all about pumpkins! Decorate with ’em, carve ’em, make ’em into pies & other yummy foods. It’s a pumpkin lover’s delight. Even if you’re not a fan of pumpkin spice. And this day is extra-special pumpkinny. So incorporate pumpkin into as much of your day as possible.
National Mincemeat Day: Enjoy a mincemeat pie! Depending on the recipe, it may or may not contain any actual meat. If it does, it’ll be spiced meat. And either way there’ll be fruit. Try one of these two recipes if you’re feeling creative.
National Chicken Fried Steak Day: Make sure you don’t completely fill up on mincemeat pie though. You’ll want to leave room for chicken fried steak!
October 27:
Cranky Co-Workers Day: Celebrate your favorite cranky co-workers! Will that make them more or less cranky for the day? Time to find out!
National Black Cat Day: Celebrate black cats (and black & white cats) in all their glory! Because black cats aren’t evil, they’re magnificent! This day was originally created by a UK cat charity, but of course black cats everywhere deserve to be celebrated. If you’ve been thinking of adopting a cat, this would be the perfect day to bring home a black cat or a black & white cat.
National School Backpack Awareness Day: Make sure your children’s backpacks aren’t setting them up for back pain. Learn about buying backpacks, wearing them right, and what’s an acceptable weight for a backpack.
National American Beer Day: Toast American beers with—what else?—your favorite American beer. Or try a beer from a brewery you’ve never tried before & see if you can discover a new favorite American beer.
October 28:
National Chocolate Day: Mmmmm … we believe every day should be chocolate day. But that won’t stop us from making this one extra-special. How about you?
National First Responders Day: Celebrate the first responders, the people who help us get through stressful and scary situations. And sometimes they’re the people running toward the very situation we’re running away from.
National Internal Medicine Day: Celebrate the internal medicine physicians (internists). They may seem like generalists, but they’re actually specialists in treating adults with a wide variety of health conditions.
Read for the Record Day: For this day children and their parents—and/or other adults in their lives—all read the same book all around the world. Each year the campaign chooses a book that fosters language development and honors the world’s diversity while appealing to young children. This year it’s Amy Wu and the Patchwork Dragon by Kat Zhang.
October 29:
National Cat Day: All the kitties get extra love, cuddles, treats, toys, and whatever else their little hearts desire. As if that doesn’t happen every day … But actually it doesn’t for all the cats waiting in shelters for rescue. So if you have room in your home & heart, consider celebrating by adopting a new furry, feline family member.
Frankenstein Friday: Celebrate one of the most famous mad scientists and his creation. If you’re going to (or throwing) a Halloween party, Frankenstein’s monster—or the not-so-good doctor himself—would be the perfect costume. Otherwise, just watch your favorite Frankenstein movie.
World Psoriasis Day: Learn more about psoriasis and how this immune disorder affects the whole body, not just the skin.
National Hermit Day: For this day we disconnect and make like a hermit. Do it for a few hours or all day if you can (and want to). The day honors St. Colman whose hermitage in a cave lasted 7 years. He died on this date in 623 A.D.
Internet Day: If you’ll be making like a hermit all day this one could be hard to celebrate. But if you’re only hermitting for a few hours, spend the rest of the day on that fabulous invention, the internet! (As if you don’t do that already) Maybe use the internet to learn more about the internet’s history. And how some governments limits their citizens’ access to the internet.
National Oatmeal Day: Start your day off right with a bowl of oatmeal and your favorite toppings/mix-ins. Then consider baking a batch of oatmeal cookies to enjoy later. Now, oatmeal cookies also have their own day on April 30, but who wants to wait until April for oatmeal cookies?!
October 30
Checklist Day: If you’re a fan of checklists this is the day for you! So make your list, put “celebrate Checklist Day” right there at the top. And then check it off! Make sure to check off all the other items on your checklist too. A day celebrated perfectly!
National Speak up for Service Day: Help get young people involved in community service: Speak up! Speak about the importance of service and getting involved early. And especially speak up about the good things young people are doing every day for their communities and beyond.
Haunted Refrigerator Night: What kind of science experiments do you have growing in the back of your fridge? Gather family & friends ’round and exorcise all that haunts your fridge!
National Candy Corn Day: Love it or hate it, this is the day to celebrate candy corn! Now whether you celebrate it by eating it by the handful or expressing your disgust with it is all up to you.
October 31:
National Knock-Knock Jokes Day: What’s scarier than groups of monsters, ghosts, and assorted other creatures roaming the neighborhood looking for candy? A day-long knock-knock jokes fest! Truly frightening. So make sure you terrify family, friends, and co-workers alike with non-stop knock-knock jokes. Although your kids will probably adore it …
National Doorbell Day: On the day when little ghouls & goblins everywhere give doorbells a workout we celebrate this handy little button that announces visitors with a buzz, a ring, or a variety of other tones. Celebrate by answering your doorbell and ringing a few too.
Books for Treats Day: Looking for something other than sugary treats to hand out for Halloween? How about gently used children’s books? Hit up used book stores, garage sales, and library book sales. It might be a little late to collect enough this year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t swap out some candy for whatever books you get. And then start right back collecting so you’ll have enough for next year!
National Magic Day: Halloween seems like the perfect day to celebrate the art of illusions. But that’s not why we celebrate on this day. It’s because October 31 is also the date the amazing Harry Houdini died in 1926. Go to a magic show if you can. Or learn a magic trick or two to amaze and fascinate your friends.
National Caramel Apple Day: Enjoy a caramel apple. Even better, make caramel apples. Throw a caramel apple making party!