What to Celebrate October 29 to November 4, 2018

Celebration Ideas for October 29 – November 4, 2018
Happy Halloween weekend! Have a ghoulishly grand time at your parties, trick-or-treating, trunk-or-treating, or whatever spooky fun you have planned.
But remember, Halloween isn’t the only thing happening next week.
As usual there’s lots of animals, good food, and silliness to enjoy, among other things.
So before you get too far into your weekend fun, stop for a moment to take a peek and plan your week.
And as always …
Celebrate All November Long
As we enter the final days of October you still have time to adopt a shelter dog, enjoy chili, and admire raptors.
But don’t worry if you didn’t get around to adopting that shelter dog … during November senior dogs and other senior pets get all the love. So you get a whole other month to head out to your local shelter and find your new best (senior) friend.
And since senior pets often love to snuggle, you’ll have a warm lap buddy while you enjoy the deliciousness of some of November’s other monthly celebrations.
Adopt a Senior Pet Month: Senior pets are awesome! And for all of November we encourage everyone to discover just how awesome.
National Peanut Butter Lovers Month: Get creative with peanut butter all month. Eat it by the spoonful. Add flavors to create “gourmet” versions (or buy gourmet versions). Cook with it. Bake with it. Just eat it!
National Georgia Pecan Month: Enjoy pecans from Georgia all month! Snack on ‘em plain or add sugar/spices. Add ‘em to salads, cookies, pancakes & so much more.
World Vegan Month: October was Vegetarian Awareness Month, and for November we take it a step further and go Vegan! Or at least explore some vegan recipes … that’s what we’ll be doing (we’re not at all ready to give up all animal products!) Won’t you join us?
And don’t forget Wishbones for Pets Month runs all through November! Pet sitters can help out their favorite local shelters/charities. And pet owners can help their favorite pet sitters reach their donation goals. A win-win!
Weekly Celebrations for October 29 – November 4
This week we watch out for animals, promote drug-free living (illegal drugs), and enjoy figs. An eclectic mix of celebrations, but all worthy in their own ways.
Give Wildlife a Brake! Week (Oct. 27 – Nov. 2): Keep your eye out for animals on the roadway. Of course, this is a good idea all year long, but now that there are fewer daylight hours you’re more likely to be driving in the dark when it’s harder to see them. So slow down and give them a brake! Get some tips on how to avoid hitting wildlife here.
Red Ribbon Week (October 23 – 31): Help raise awareness of illegal drugs’ destructive power during this celebration of drug-free living.
National Fig Week: Eat figs all week! Cook & bake with them, too. They’re delicious and good for you.
Celebration Days coming up for Oct. 29 thru Nov. 4
During this week we’ll be cooking for our pets, men who don’t know a paring knife from a can opener will cook dinner (yikes!), and we’ll use common sense for a whole day.
We’ll celebrate animals from cats to bison. While enjoying oatmeal and calzones.
We’ll applaud the early days of the internet, peer cautiously into the depths of our haunted refrigerator, and enjoy a cheesy knock-knock joke or two. Plus much more.
So let’s get on with planning for another fun-tastic week ahead!
October 29:
National Cat Day: Celebrate all things feline! And of course cater to your cat’s every whim … surely you do that every day? 😉 And if you can, donate or volunteer at a local shelter to help kitties without their own worshiper find one.
National Oatmeal Day: Oatmeal is tasty, good for you, and not just for breakfast. So add it to every meal for this day. Dessert too! Get some recipe inspiration here.
National Hermit Day: Be a hermit for the day! Or at least part of the day. Some quiet alone-time (stay off social media too!) can do wonders for your mood. This day commemorates the death of St. Colman who spent 7 years living as a hermit in a cave.
Internet Day: On Oct. 29, 1969 (yes, 1969!) Charley Kline sent the first message from one computer to another. Well, part of a message anyway. He got 2 letters (L-O) sent before the connection crashed! Some things never change …
October 30:
National Candy Corn Day: Love ‘em or hate ‘em, these weird little candies have their own day. If you love them, enjoy some for the day. If you hate them, spend the day wondering how on earth anything made with fondant and wax could possibly have stayed popular for more than 100 years!
National Speak Up for Service Day: This day recognizes young people’s contributions to their communities.
Haunted Refrigerator Night: Did you think the ghouls & goblins waited until Oct. 31 to come out? No! According to Tom & Ruth Roy of Wellcat, unspeakable horrors are lurking in the forgotten foods at the back of your fridge! 😮
October 31:
National Knock-Knock Jokes Day: Trick-or-treating and knock-knock jokes? It’s a kid’s heaven! And heaven for kids-at-heart too. So get out there for free candy and cheesy jokes. If you haven’t been able to decide on a costume yet this year, consider going as a bad comedian & tell knock-knock jokes! 😉
National Caramel Apple Day: Caramel apples have been a popular fall treat for ages. And especially at Halloween and/or Halloween parties. Which of course makes Halloween the perfect day to celebrate them … and eat some!
National Magic Day: Celebrate the art of illusion on Halloween! But the day doesn’t actually have anything to do with Halloween. It actually celebrates the famous magician Harry Houdini, who died on October 31, 1926.
National Doorbell Day: This day celebrates the day of the year when more doorbells get rung than on any other. NuTone, maker of door chimes, created this day last year to honor the door chime’s inventor J. Ralph Corbett.
November 1:
National Go Cook For Your Pets Day: On this day you must make your pets a home-cooked meal! Or a homemade treat. C’mon, you know they deserve it. 💖
National Calzone Day: Tomatoey, garlicky, cheesy pockets of goodness! For this day you must have at least one calzone. If you live near a Minsky’s Pizza, go there … they created this magnificent day in 2016. And they’ll no doubt have some specials on their calzones. Last year there was a sweepstakes to win free calzones for a year. Not sure if they’re doing it again this year, but it’s worth checking out!
National Men Make Dinner Day: This is the day when men who are normally lost in the kitchen must get in there and make something edible! Men who already cook regularly are exempt from “celebrating” this day.
November 2:
Fountain Pen Day: In this age of electronic everything fountain pens seem quaint. Shoot, writing anything by hand seems quaint. There’s even debate about whether schools should keep teaching cursive writing! But along comes Fountain Pen Day to restore our faith in the staying power of good pens and handwritten communications.
Love Your Lawyer Day (PDF): Lawyers tend to have a bad reputation. And in a profession where the stakes are often high it’s easy to understand why. But most of them are just trying to do their best for their clients, whatever the issue may be. On the 1st Friday of November the American Bar Association asks us to focus on the good that lawyers do … and maybe carry that positive attitude through the rest of the year?
National Deviled Egg Day: Mmmmm … deviled eggs do deserve their name, since they’re devilishly delicious! So whip up a batch & enjoy! No holiday gathering required. And if you’re not a fan of the traditional recipe, here’s 16 recipes to try (including traditional).
November 3:
National Sandwich Day: Sandwiches can be simple or complex. And they’re not just for lunch. So eat a sandwich for every meal to celebrate this day. How? Consider an egg sandwich for breakfast, a BLT for lunch, and a Reuben for dinner. Done! And delicious. Get lots of recipe ideas here.
National Bison Day: Did you know the bison is the National Mammal of the US? Yep, it happened in 2016. And this iconic animal also gets its very own day on the 1st Saturday in November. If there’s a bison herd at a national park near you, see if there may be any events for this day. Like the “Bison Crawl” at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie in Will County, Illinois.
National Housewife’s Day: If you’re a wife who’s not employed for pay, this is your day! Yes, you’re a “housewife,” although we don’t usually use that word today. People see it as a negative thing, but it shouldn’t be. Taking care of the kids and/or house is hard work and this day recognizes that. So enjoy your day … if you’re not too busy working hard at your “unpaid job”!
November 4:
Use Your Common Sense Day: Before you do anything, run it through your common sense filter! You do have one of those, right? Oh, and if your common sense filter says it’s a bad idea, don’t decide to do it anyway … that’s the opposite of using your common sense!
National Chicken Lady Day: No, this day is not about the chicken alternative to crazy cat ladies. In fact, it’s not really about chickens at all. And it’s about one specific lady: Dr. Marthenia Dupree. She worked for a chicken restaurant chain as a community spokesperson. And she eventually got the nickname The Chicken Lady. She went on to train hundreds of professional speakers and authors. This day honors her contributions to raising her community’s educational standards.
National Candy Day: If you thought October 31 doubled as candy day, you were wrong! Nope, candy in all its sweet, glorious forms gets its very own day a few days later. So if you’ve gotten over your Halloween sugar rush, dive back in and enjoy your favorite candies for this day.
And remember Daylight Savings Time Ends at 2 am on the 4th. So remember to set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed Saturday night … unless you’re still up at 2 am, and then you’ll magically be transported back in time an hour! 😉