What to Celebrate October 4 thru 10, 2021

Celebration Ideas for October 4 – 10, 2021
Welcome to October! The spookiest month of the year. But also one of the most beautiful with trees displaying vibrant, ever-changing colors.
Enjoy it while you can!
Of course, there’s plenty of other non-spooky celebrations to be had too. So do take a peek and plan your week. And as always …
Celebrate All October Long
It’s almost time to hibernate. So get ready with apple pies, brown betties, and sauces. Put on a big pot of chili, and snuggle with your pit bull adopted from the shelter.
What a perfect month.
National Pit Bull Awareness Month: We’re pretty sure you’re aware of pit bulls. They have a reputation for being aggressive and mean. But are you aware that reputation is all wrong? While individual dogs (of any kind) can be aggressive and even dangerous, pit bulls as a whole are extremely loyal and loving animals. Sadly, some people take advantage of their loyalty and eagerness to please to train them to fight and attack.
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month: Any day of any month is a good time to adopt a shelter dog. But this month many shelters offer special adoption rates or give you supplies to get you started with your new pet. And even if the ones near you don’t, springing a loving new family member from life in a cage is all kinds of rewarding. So if you’ve been thinking about it, now’s the time to do it!
National Chili Month: The weather’s getting cooler, and that means it’s time for soups and stews. Including chili! Because while that new dog may help keep your lap warm, you also need warm, comforting foods to get through the cold days ahead. So head to the kitchen with your favorite chili recipe, or try a new one.
National Apple Month: Eat apples. Cook with apples. Bake with apples. Eat more apples. A truly sweet, tart, & crisp month! Oh, and learn about the different kinds of apples, too. There are around 7500 different varieties! Although you won’t find most of them at any stores near you.
Weekly Celebrations for October’s 1st Full Week
Spend this week listening to your favorite tunes, reading your favorite detective, and learning about fiber art.
Mystery Series Week (October 3 – 9, 2021): Read mysteries! But not just any mysteries. Find (or continue) a mystery series. No new books in your current favorite series? Discover your new favorite investigator.
Spinning and Weaving Week (October 4 – 10, 2021): Celebrate the art of fiber! Spinning it, weaving it, and dying it. This is an ancient art that creates things of beauty and function. If you already love fiber art you’ll want to be part of this week’s events. If you never really thought about fiber, why not learn more for the week?
National Carry a Tune Week (October 3 – 9, 2021): Suggest your favorite tune to the American Tune Lovers Society. Then listen to it/sing it all week! Mix thing up by checking out other people’s favorites, too.
Celebration Days coming up for Oct. 4 thru Oct. 10
Animals & children. Teachers & libraries. Tacos, noodles, & fluffernutters.
Will they be part of your fun-tastic week?
October 4:
World Animal Day: Help World Animal Day further its mission “To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe.” Because animals have no voice, so it falls to us to be their voice.
Blessing of the Animals Day: We’re not sure if having this on the same day as World Animal Day is deliberate or not, but they do make perfect companion days! This one is on Oct. 4 because it’s the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals. Many people bring their pets to church to be blessed. If that wouldn’t terrify your pet too much, you may want to celebrate that way too.
World Child Health Day: This is, obviously, a day to focus on childhood health. If you have kids, make sure they’re up to date with routine checkups (including dental) and vaccinations. And make sure they eating right and getting enough exercise. Of course we know parents do this without a special day, but when life gets hectic sometimes we let things slide temporarily. And then “temporarily” starts turning into “permanently.” So sometimes we need a reminder to get back on track! And whether or not you have kids, support organizations and national programs focused on creating strong children’s health programs.
National Vodka Day: Enjoy your favorite vodka cocktail (or sip it neat) to celebrate another Monday done well. Or anything else you feel like celebrating. Of course we know you’ll celebrate responsibly.
Kanelbullens Dag (Cinnamon Roll Day): The Swedes love their cinnamon rolls! And whether they’re in Sweden or America (or anywhere else in the world!), they celebrate the sweet, cinnamony pastry every October 4. Of course, that means eating kanelbullens. Lots & lots of kanelbullens … But you don’t have to be Swedish to celebrate! So have a cinnamon roll for breakfast. And another for lunch. And dinner! Or at least dessert. 😊
National Taco Day: It’s not on a Tuesday this year (or even most years!), but you still must eat tacos. As if that’s a hardship! 😋 So whip up your favorite taco filling, set out your favorite toppings, and chow down! Just make sure to leave room for cinnamon rolls.
October 5:
National Do Something Nice Day: We need more nice in the world. Help make it happen, even if only for one day. Although we sure won’t protest if you keep the nice going all month. Or even all year!
World Teachers’ Day: Support the teachers who work hard every day to support their students, your kids. Teaching has its challenges, and the past 18 months have been especially challenging. But the teachers have done their best to keep kids engaged. And now they’re trying to get kids back into something resembling “normal.” Which is reflected in this year’s theme: “Teachers at the heart of education recovery.”
Dupuytren Disease Awareness Day: If you’ve never heard of Dupuytren Disease, you’re not alone! We hadn’t either, although now that we have, we’re pretty sure a family member had it. We “celebrate” on October 5 in honor of French surgeon Guillaume Dupuytren who described this condition and was born on this date in 1777. Despite the lack of awareness, millions of people suffer from this disease, which can be debilitating in severe cases. Learn a little about Dupuytren Disease for the day. You might also be interested in a study about living with the disease.
National Apple Betty Day: You’ll want to make an Apple Betty for dessert to celebrate this day right.
October 6:
American Libraries Day: Celebrate the birthday of the American Library Association, born on this date in 1876. Heading out to your local library to see what it has to offer seems like a fantastic way to celebrate.
International Walk to School Day: Many schools participate in this day, but if yours doesn’t you can also register as a family or neighborhood. Then get walking! It doesn’t have to actually be a walk from your home to school, either. See some ideas for celebrating here.
National Badger Day: This is more of a UK day, but we see no reason not to celebrate in the US, too. After all, we have badgers! Granted the badgers in the UK are not very closely related to the American badger, but who cares? Learn about badgers for the day.
National Orange Wine Day: Orange wine seems like a relatively new thing. But really it’s a very old thing … almost 6,000 years old! But it has recently been rediscovered and deserves some recognition. Find yourself a bottle of orange wine and enjoy!
National Noodle Day: Enjoy your favorite noodles for the day. Or try something different! And then you may want to keep celebrating for the rest of the month, since it happens to also be National Pasta Month. Here are some ideas to get you started. Maybe pick something that’ll pair well with that orange wine?
October 7:
National Inner Beauty Day: This day is about focusing on who we are, not what we look like. And certainly not whether we fit someone else’s definition of beauty. And even more importantly, it’s about ending human trafficking and supporting its victims.
National Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day: Learn about this painful and often debilitating condition, and help support those who suffer from it.
World Cotton Day: Celebrate cotton and all the ways it makes our lives better.
National Frappe Day: Coffee and whipped cream? Yes, please! Now technically a frappe can be pretty much any blended drink, usually served icy cold. But we’ll be celebrating with the coffee kind. Won’t you join us? Buy your favorite frappe or make it yourself.
National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day: Do you snack? If not, you should! And on Oct. 7 one of your snacks must be chocolate covered pretzels. You’re welcome.
October 8:
World Octopus Day: Celebrate the sea creatures that existed before the dinosaurs and have continued to exist while dinos are nothing but a collection of fossils. Learn about these fascinating and smart animals for the day.
American Touch Tag Day: Get outside and play! You’re never too old for touch tag.
National Hero Day: Celebrate the real-life heroes in your life. These are the people who make our lives better in many ways, both big and small. Because sometimes it’s the smallest acts that make the biggest impact. So anyone can be a hero to someone.
National Fluffernutter Day: When was the last time you had a fluffernutter sandwich? If you’re like most of us, it’s been years … and years. (What? Never!?!) This is the day to change that. Get yourself a jar of marshmallow fluff. Then spread it on a some bread (or toast!), add peanut butter, and give your taste buds a treat.
National Pierogi Day: For dinner: pierogi! Buy your favorite pierogi (or make them from scratch), then cook them up & add your favorite toppings.
October 9:
World Post Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the day the world decided it wanted to make delivering mail between countries easier.
African Penguin Awareness Day: It’s time again to celebrate the unique, endangered African Penguin! If you happen to be near SANCCOB (The Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds) in Cape Town it’s having 2 days of half price tours to celebrate. If not, you can still learn about these birds, help raise awareness, and donate to help save them.
National Leif Erikson Day: Celebrate the Norse explorer who landed in what we now call America several hundred years before Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Since we don’t know the exact date of his feat, we celebrate it on the anniversary of the 1825 landing of a group of Norwegian Quakers in New York Harbor.
National Moldy Cheese Day: Yum! Moldy cheeses are delicious! At least, the ones that are supposed to be moldy are delicious. Think bleu and Roquefort and Camembert. Not that chunk of cheddar you forgot at the back of the fridge last April. Toss that. Then get yourself your favorite moldy cheese and enjoy.
October 10:
World Porridge Day: Learn how porridge can provide nutrition to the poorest children around the world. And consider a donation to help Mary’s Meals in its mission to do just that. Or hold a fundraiser. (Always check out a charity before donating).
World Mental Health Day: It has not been a good couple of years for mental health. Even people without prior mental health challenges have been having trouble adjusting to this “new normal”. And for those already affected, it’s only gotten worse, especially when treatment was (and in some cases still is) disrupted. But we can do better for everyone, an idea at the core of this year’s theme: “Mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality”.
Hug a Drummer Day: Give your favorite drummer a hug! In-person or virtual, it doesn’t really matter. Just let them know they’re hug-worthy!
National Handbag Day: If you love handbags this is the day to celebrate them. And show off your favorite handbag(s). And, of course, get yourself a new handbag!
National Angel Food Cake Day: Enjoy a sweet, light angel food cake for dessert.