What to Celebrate October 5 thru 11, 2020

Celebration Ideas for October 5 – 11, 2020
The weather finally feels like fall around here! We’re looking forward to cozy evenings and fires (the safe kind, not the kind Fire Prevention Week is about!).
How about where you are?
But we can’t get too cozy! There’s too much fun & delicious stuff to do. Like eat apples (and Apple Betty). Be sarcastic. Drink orange wine. Take your Teddy bear to work. And so much more!
So take a peek and plan your week. And always remember to …
Celebrate All October Long
We’re pretty sure right brainers enjoy the wit of sarcasm. And finding new & creative ways to use apples. And the beauty of raptors.
But even if you’re not a right brainer, these celebrations are too fun, delicious, and beautiful to pass up.
Raptor Month: Birds of prey are fascinating and beautiful. And definitely deserving of a month of celebration and admiration. If you don’t already know about these birds, take some time to learn. And if you already know and love them, maybe go bird watching to see if you can spot any raptors.
National Apple Month: Fall is apple season, so it’s appropriate we have a whole month dedicated to this sweet (or not!), crisp (or not!), red (or green or yellow or …) fruit. Cook and bake with apples all month. If you don’t already do this regularly you might be surprised at all the ways apples can dress up your meals.
National Sarcastic Awareness Month: Now, not everyone appreciates sarcasm. But just the same, it’s a good idea to be aware of it! Because you probably know at least one very sarcastic person. And probably more than one. So you’ll want to know when to take them seriously, and when to roll your eyes. 😉 If you’re the sarcastic one, use this month to practice your sarcasm! Just don’t be cruel with it. That’s no fun for anyone.
Right Brainers Rule! Month: This month celebrates the “right brainers”, the artistic, creative people who make life more interesting. If that’s you, give yourself a pat on the back and then go create something to celebrate! But the rest of us can be creative, too. We just have to work a little harder at it. Why not try your hand at writing a poem. Or take a drawing class (or even a free online tutorial). Take music lessons, or rediscover an instrument you played in school. Whatever level your creative muscle is at, give it a workout for this month. And beyond!
Weekly Celebrations for October’s 1st Full Week
For this week we head down under the oceans to celebrate the weird & fascinating creatures we find there. And we head up to space to celebrate the wonders we find there (including some we put there).
But in the end there’s no place like home, where we get cozy with mysteries that draw us deep into the pages of a book. And we do so knowing we’ve done our best to keep our homes safe from fires.
International Cephalopod Awareness Days (October 8 – 12, 2020): Are you aware of cephalopods? (Do you even know what they are?) The octopus, squid, and other weird, multi-tentacled sea creatures are all cephalopods! And this week celebrates them all (even the made-up ones!), with each one honored on a different day.
Fire Prevention Week (October 4 – 10, 2020): Are you taking all the best precautions you can to prevent fires at home? Use this week to be sure! This year’s theme is “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen!™”
World Space Week (October 4 – 10, 2020): Humans have been fascinated with space since … well, forever! We love to learn about it and create stories about what might be out there. And every October we spend a whole week celebrating it. Each year the week gets a new theme, and this year it’s about things we’ve put into space. Namely, satellites. So the theme is “Satellites improve life.”
Mystery Series Week (October 4 – 10, 2020): In addition to space, humans love a good mystery. But when it’s a whole series of mysteries, all featuring our favorite sleuth? Heaven! This week celebrates these riveting stories. So grab the latest in your favorite mystery series. Or head to the bookstore to discover a new favorite series.
Celebration Days coming up for Oct. 5 thru Oct. 11
We start the week by being nice and celebrating teachers. And we end it with our teddy bears and our favorite Southern foods.
In between there’s orange wine and frappes to sip. Pierogi and eggs to enjoy. Nanotechnology to marvel at. And so much more.
Are you ready to have another fun-tastic week?
October 5:
National Do Something Nice Day: Here’s a simple, pleasurable celebration. Just do at least one nice thing for the day. And since all our readers are super-nice people, we’re sure you do this every day, making this day super simple to celebrate! So maybe do at least one additional nice thing for the day.
National Consignment Day: Sustainability is more than a buzzword. It makes for a more eco-friendly lifestyle. And consignment shops help make that happen. Unlike thrift shops, you get paid for your gently used clothes, accessories, and even home goods. Check out a consignment shop near you. To both sell and shop!
National Child Health Day: This day is all about how we can work together to ensure every child is as healthy as possible. This includes ensuring access to good nutrition, health care, and more. The day has been an official observance—by presidential proclamation—since 1928. But you don’t get the day off! Although if you can take the day off, consider taking your kids to the park or somewhere else for some healthy physical activity.
World Teachers’ Day: This day celebrate the people who work hard every day to help your children get a good education. And it tries to help non-teachers better understand the role teachers play in children’s lives and development. They do more than make your kids sit still and memorize facts!
National Apple Betty Day: Make a fall dessert with apples, cinnamon, sugar, butter, & bread, flour, or oatmeal. Try this recipe if you don’t have your own.
October 6:
National Mad Hatter Day: Let your mad side show! “Mad” as in “silly”, that is. Like The Mad Hatter in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. So have a tea party, read Alice, or just be silly all day. The form your madness takes for the day is all up to you!
National Orange Wine Day: No, not wine made with oranges! White wine grapes get more fermenting time with their skins, allowing the orange color to develop. This day is only a few years old. And we’re not sure why orange wine hasn’t always been a thing for Halloween! But at least now we can celebrate it every October. Salud!
National Fruit at Work Day: Do you snack at work? Of course you do! And much of the time it’s probably not a healthy snack. But for this day it will be. Bring your favorite fruits to work to satisfy those mid-morning and/or mid-afternoon munchies. Your health will thank you.
National Noodle Day: Clearly you must eat noodles. But don’t limit yourself to Italian pasta dishes (not that there’s anything wrong with those!). Consider one of these Asian noodle dishes for something different.
October 7:
You Matter to me Day: Make sure the people who matter to you know it. And while this day is a great time to do that, maybe let them know more often than once a year?
Walk to School Day: This day is about building community connectedness and helping kids build exercise into their day. This year many students’ walks are short. From the bedroom to the kitchen, for example. But that just means we need to get creative! See if your community/school has registered to take part in the day. If so, join in! If not, you can register just your family.
National Coffee with a Cop Day: As with so many other events, this one has been cancelled. At the National level, anyway. Local police departments may still choose to hold in-person or virtual events to help build community-police relations. It’s an important goal that sometimes seems impossible. But honest & open conversations can go a long way toward making it happen, and these informal coffee sessions are a great way to do that. Why not see if your local department is having an event?
National Frappe Day: Enjoy your favorite frappe! Most of us probably think of a coffee drink when we think of a frappe. But it can also be a frozen fruit drink or dessert!
National Pumpkin Seed Day: It’s pumpkin season! That’s pumpkin as in the gourd and the spice. And let’s not forget the seeds! Roasted pumpkin seeds are a satisfying snack that’s good for you. They’re packed with protein & iron, along with other important minerals. So don’t feel guilty about snacking, just choose a snack that’ll make your body as happy as your taste buds. Like pumpkin seeds.
National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day: Chocolate covered pretzels may not offer quite the nutritional punch of pumpkin seeds. But chocolate does contain stuff that’s good for you, like antioxidants, and pretzels have fewer calories than say, chips. So if you need something sweet, grab yourself a handful of chocolate covered pretzels.
October 8:
World Octopus Day: Did you know the octopus is older than the dinosaur? And octopuses still exist! That alone is reason to celebrate them. But there are plenty more reasons …
National Salmon Day: Delicious, nutritious salmon finally got its own day in 2015. So make salmon steaks, salmon tacos, or even salmon “burgers” to celebrate this pink fish.
World Sight Day: For this day we remind ourselves & everyone we care about to get an eye exam every year. And help ensure everyone, everywhere in the world, can have access to eye care too.
National Fluffernutter Day: Are you a fluffernutter fan? Then make yourself a marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwich to celebrate this sweet, sticky day. Of course, if it’s been a while since you’ve indulged, you may have to buy yourself a jar of marshmallow fluff … what are you waiting for? Get it now so you’re prepared!
National Pierogi Day: After your sweet (sweet!) sandwich, you may be ready for something savory. Pierogi to the rescue! They’re a simple but satisfying meal whether you prefer them with potato or meat or cabbage or … well, just about anything! Of course, you can also make dessert pierogi, so if you still need something sweet after that fluffernutter, follow your savory pierogi with a sweet one.
October 9:
World Post Day: Celebrate the postal service. But not just the USPS. We’re celebrating all the postal services around the world making sure mail gets where it needs to go, whether that’s within the country or between countries.
National Nanotechnology Day: The world of tiny tech is huge! And this year the celebration is virtual. Check it out!
National Leif Erikson Day: Norwegian-born Leif Erikson landed on the shores of North America centuries before Columbus or any other “discoverers” of America. He showed up around 1000. He still didn’t find an unoccupied land of course, but he was, as far as we know, the first explorer from the European continent to set foot on the land that would become North America.
World Egg Day: Celebrate this day with eggs for breakfast. Or dinner. Or top your lunch burger with a fried egg. Or all three! Just eat eggs. They’re excellent sources of protein and other nutrients.
National Moldy Cheese Day: On this day we feast on moldy cheese! But not the kind that got furry because you forgot about at the back of the fridge. No, this moldy cheese is supposed to be green! Or blue. Or grey. It all depends on the cheese. So add your favorite moldy cheeses to all your meals for a deliciously colorful (and often aromatic) day.
International Beer and Pizza Day: Well, we’re not sure you want either eggs or moldy cheese on your pizza, but if you do go for it! And if not, have a slice or two of a more traditional kind of pizza. With a beer of course.
October 10:
African Penguin Awareness Day: SANCCOB isn’t having its usual event this year, but it is still celebrating with a penguin release in the morning. It will be streamed live on Facebook at 10 am. So catch it live if you can or check out the recording later. And learn about the African penguins & the help they need to survive.
World Porridge Day: Did you know porridge can provide a child with vital nutrition for literally pennies a day? It’s true! Helping kids get the nutrition and education they need to rise out of poverty is what this day is all about.
World Homeless Day: Homelessness is a problem everywhere. And with the current economic uncertainties, it’s likely getting worse. Learn more about homeless people’s needs and how we can all help.
World Mental Health Day: This day isn’t about “crazy” people. Because people with mental health issues aren’t crazy, they simply need extra mental health support to function well. This can happen to any of us depending on what life throws our way. So let’s stop stigmatizing mental health needs and promote the idea that mental health is simply one part of our overall health and wellness. Which it is.
National Chess Day: Play chess! Or learn the game. Either way, try to have fun.
I Love Yarn Day: Do you love yarn? Connect with other yarn lovers. And create something with yarn. Get some free patterns, check out some tutorials, enter to win some yarn prizes, and more!
National Angel Food Cake Day: If you’re a fan of this light, airy, “food of the angels”, make one to celebrate the day.
National Cake Decorating Day: Decorate your angel food cake? Now, traditionally these cakes aren’t frosted, but there’s nothing stopping you from decorating yours with a sweet glaze and/or some fruit. Or you could decorate individual slices to order! Or just make/buy a different cake (you can never have too much cake!) and get creative with it.
October 11:
Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day: If you’re working on this Sunday, bring your teddy bear to keep you company. Yes, even if you’re still working from home!
National Sausage Pizza Day: You get to indulge in pizza twice in the same week! Whether or not you have a beer with this one is up to you. But the pizza is nonnegotiable: It must be sausage! We’re pretty sure there’s no rule you can’t add other toppings in addition to the sausage. 😁 Dig in!
National Southern Food Heritage Day: What’s your favorite Southern food? Biscuits & gravy (buttermilk biscuits, only!)? Cornbread? The best-ever fried chicken? Sweet tea (yes, we know it’s a drink)? Whatever it is, whip some up to celebrate this scrumptious day.