What to Celebrate October 7 to 13, 2019

Celebration Ideas for October 7 – 13, 2019
As we roll toward the 2nd week in October the weather is finally really and truly cooperating. Are you enjoying the cooler temperatures? (Assuming you also have cooler temperatures).
Some of our celebration finds definitely take advantage of cooler weather. Like chili! But it’s not strictly necessary.
And no matter the weather anyone can enjoy a game of tag, learning about octopuses & African penguins, and decorating cakes.
For the serious-minded there’s learning about eczema, thanking primary care physicians & ER nurses, and more.
So keep reading to take a peek & plan your week. And of course remember to …
Celebrate All October Long
October is a delicious, fun, & safety oriented month.
It’s also a good time to learn about an itchy skin condition a surprisingly large number of people share. And talk about it too!
National Apple Month: It’s apple picking season! Which makes it the perfect time to discover new apple varieties. Try new apple recipes. And just snack on sweet, juicy apples.
National Chili Month: Eat chili as often as possible this month. Have your favorite, and try some new recipes too.
Squirrel Awareness Month: As irritating as those little buggers can be, squirrels are also cute, fascinating, and smart. So learn more about them for this month. And try to admire their ingenuity.
Halloween Safety Month: Make sure memories of Halloween and the weeks leading up to it are happy ones. Keep everyone safe with these tips.
Eczema Awareness Month: Millions of people have some form of eczema. But most sufferers hide their condition. This month aims to end the stigma surrounding this extremely common condition.
Weekly Celebrations for Oct. 7 thru 13, 2019
We found an eclectic mix of celebratory weeks coming up. So get your finances in order, and thank a primary care physician. Also learn about octopuses & other cephalopods, and carry your favorite tune through the week.
Financial Planning Week (October 7 – 11, 2019): Do you have a financial plan? Have you reviewed it recently to make sure it still fits your life & plans? This is technically a UK observance, offering free 1-hour financial planning sessions to UK residents. But it’s a great idea for anyone, so celebrate in spirit by making an appointment with your financial planner to review (or make!) your plan.
Cephalopod Awareness Days (October 8 – 12, 2019): Celebrate the intelligent, 8-armed cephalopods (octopus, squid, & cuttlefish). They’re really quite fascinating!
National Primary Care Week (October 7 – 11, 2019): Celebrate the primary care physician and students looking to enter the primary care field. Specialists may get more “prestige” but it’s the primary care doctors who are critical to keeping us all as healthy as possible.
National Carry a Tune Week (October 6 – 12, 2019): No, this week isn’t about whether or not you can sing. It’s a free online event about “carrying” a favorite tune through the week. You can enter your tune into a contest to win a free CD, too.
Celebration Days coming up for Oct. 7 thru Oct. 13
It’s another week of deliciousness as we enjoy chocolate covered pretzels, beer & pizza, eggs, and more.
We work off some of those calories with a game of tag. And we keep the “being a kid again” theme going by taking our teddy bears to work!
We also get our eyes checked, think for ourselves, and train our brains.
Plus so much more. With all these happenings, you can’t help but have another fun-tastic week!
October 7:
National Consignment Day: Have you ever sold clothes on consignment? Or bought from a consignment shop? It’s a great way to ensure gently used, quality clothing get a long life & stays out of landfills. To celebrate this day, either weed out your closet & make a consignment appointment or fill in pieces your closet is missing with consignment shopping. Or both!
National Inner Beauty Day: Although inner beauty isn’t as immediately obvious as your external appearance, it’s much more important. And the strong, kind, generous inner qualities that makes up that beauty deserves recognition.
National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day: For the 1st time ever the marriage of chocolate & pretzel has its own day! Now maybe you ate chocolate covered pretzels to celebrate Pretzel Day, but this is different. This day is only about the chocolaty, crunchy, salty, chocolate-covered pretzel. So buy your favorites or make make your own. Just make sure you enjoy some! Maybe even from Fatty Sundays, the creators of the day.
National Frappe Day: Enjoy a Frappe (or two!) to celebrate. Your favorite coffee shop may even be giving away free Frappes! Hopefully you can at least score a discount on your drink.
October 8:
World Octopus Day: Celebrate the smart & kinda bizarre octopus! Did you know they have 3 hearts?
National Salmon Day: Celebrate this delicious & nutritious pink fish by including it in every meal for the day. And yes, you can have it for breakfast! Try this Dill Salmon & Egg Scramble.
National Pierogi Day: Mmmm … pierogi make a quick & delicious meal any day of the year. But for this day they’re absolutely required. You can even make this Pierogi Salmon Skillet to celebrate salmon & pierogi at the same time.
American Touch Tag Day: Get out and play tag! Seriously. How long has it been since you’ve played? No matter, gather everybody (adults & kids alike) and get a game going. After all, you need to work up an appetite for all that salmon & pierogi!
October 9:
World Post Day: On this day in 1874 the Universal Postal Union (then called the General Postal Union) was born, making mail delivery between countries easier. Do you still send snail mail?
Emergency Nurses Day: This day honors the nurses who make a huge difference to people having a health crisis. So thank any emergency room nurses you know. If you or someone you know has had an ER visit recently, thank the nurse(s) who cared for you. This day is part of Emergency Nurses Week.
National Leif Erikson Day: Honor the man who arrived in North American 500 years before Columbus.
National Nanotechnology Day: Celebrate the science of tiny & learn what nanomaterials are & how they help us.
International Beer and Pizza Day: Eat pizza. Drink beer. ‘Nuff said!
National Moldy Cheese Day: No, this isn’t a day to clear out the old, molding cheeses at the back of your ‘fridge! (Why are you keeping those cheeses long enough for them to mold anyway?). This is about those cheeses made with mold. You know, the Roquefort, Brie, Gorgonzola & others. So enjoy your favorite moldy cheese(s) or try a new one to celebrate the day.
October 10:
World Porridge Day: This day raises awareness of how a simple, inexpensive meal like porridge can provide critical nutrition for poor children around the world.
World Mental Health Day: Mental health has been in the news a lot lately. Between mass shootings & suicides of police officers and celebrities, someone is always talking about how mental health plays into these events. But how much do you really know about mental health?This year’s day focuses on preventing suicides & asks us all to learn how we can each help.
World Sight Day: This day reminds us to protect our sight. Start with regular eye exams for yourself and your family.
National Angel Food Cake Day: Make & enjoy the light airiness of angel food cake for this day. Not a fan of angel food cake? Maybe you’d prefer a flavored version. Like this orange angel food cake. Or go with lemon. Or make a dessert with strawberries & angel food cake.
National Cake Decorating Day: Indulge your artistic/crafty side and decorate a cake to celebrate. Maybe even decorate your angel food cake! (Yes, they’re traditionally glazed, not frosted or decorated, but who cares?).
October 11:
Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day: For one day we get to be a kid again & clutch our teddies close. So let your teddy help you with that report, sit in on that tedious meeting, and just brighten your day. No, there’s nothing weird about it!
General Pulaski Memorial Day: Honor the Polish general on the anniversary of his 1779 death. He suffered fatal wounds on October 9 at the Siege of Savannah. This is an official holiday, by annual Presidential Proclamation. But it’s not a federal holiday with the day off.
National Sausage Pizza Day: A second day to eat pizza in the same week! But on Wednesday you got to choose your pizza. For this day you must eat only sausage pizza. Although you can certainly put your sausage on your favorite crust.
World Egg Day: Enjoy nutritious, protein-packed eggs for at least one meal to celebrate this day. Maybe even add eggs to your sausage pizza? (Or would that make it no longer a true sausage pizza?). Make them your favorite way or try a new recipe.
October 12:
African Penguin Awareness Day: Although the SANCOB official celebration of African penguin awareness happened on Oct. 5 this year, other organizations are celebrating on the 12th. See if a zoo or wildlife center near you is having any events for the day.
National Freethought Day: On this day we think for ourselves and come to conclusions based on logic & reason (with our evidence being facts & science). The date is the anniversary of the day Massachusetts Governor William Phips effectively ended the Salem Witch trials in 1692.
I Love Yarn Day: Crafters, crocheters, & knitters alike love yarn! And this day is for them all. And for anyone else who loves yarn, too. So make something with yarn to celebrate. Or start/continue a project that uses yarn. Find free patterns on the Craft Yarn Council’s website. And connect with other yarn lovers on social media too.
National Chess Day: Play (or learn to play) chess to celebrate this day. Play casual games (is there such a thing?!) or join a tournament. President Gerald Ford first proclaimed the day in 1976.
National Costume Swap Day: Need a new Halloween costume? Don’t go buying a whole new one. Swap with family & friends. Then add a bit of your own creativity to make it all yours & you’re ready to party! Do the same with your kids & you’ll all have new costumes with less work (and money). Many communities & libraries around the country also seem to get into the spirit of costume swapping. They hold swap events throughout October. If you want to hold your own event, consider these tips.
National Gumbo Day: Make & eat gumbo! Yum. Never made gumbo? Try this chicken & sausage gumbo recipe.
October 13:
International Day for Failure: Dare to fail on this day! And on every other day for that matter. Because the way to success is through failures. So don’t be afraid of falling on your face. Get out there & try. When you fail, try again!
National Train Your Brain Day: This day is a reminder that your brain is kind of a “use it or lose it” organ. And while many people think training your brain involves games & puzzles, it’s really just about using it! That can involve games, sure. But also learning new things. Also reading & really thinking about what you’ve read. Here are some tips on keeping your brain sharp.
Navy Birthday: Say Happy Birthday to our nation’s Naval Service! The Continental Congress authorized America’s 1st naval force on October 13, 1775.
National Yorkshire Pudding Day: “What the heck’s a Yorkshire pudding?” you ask? Why, it’s a popover-type dish served with meat & gravy. In fact it was traditionally made using the fat drippings from the meat. In other words, not what you normally think of when you think “pudding.” Try this simple recipe to help you celebrate right.