What to Celebrate September 23 to 29, 2019

Celebration Ideas for September 23 – 29, 2019
Can you believe fall is just a couple days away? (Or here already, depending on when you’re reading this!). Even the weather seems to be cooperating. At least it is around here.
And as usual there’s plenty of food, fun, and seriousness to be had. From deaf dogs & sea otters to pot pies & beer, you’re sure to find something to enjoy.
And for anyone wanting to be productive too, there’s heating systems to tune up, voters to get registered, and diseases to spread awareness of.
So jump right in to take a peek and plan your week. And always remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of September
For the rest of this month we sew & organize photos while keeping aging bodies healthy & babies safe.
Save Your Photos Month: Whether your photos are digital or physical (and they’re probably both!) you’ll want to make sure you protect & organize them for the future. Get some ideas for how to do that & even find a professional photo organizer to celebrate this month.
National Sewing Month: Sew something for September! Whether it’s a craft project, alternations, or just repairs, get out that needle & thread and get sewing. Maybe even join a sewing club? This could be especially helpful if you’re a newbie sewer; experienced sewers love to share their knowledge!
Healthy Aging Month: We’re all getting older, but we’re never too old to try something new or start on a journey to improving our health and/or our lives. And since September is when students start on a new year of education, it’s also the perfect time for older people to do the same! The last week in September is also Employ Older Workers Week, so brushing up on interviewing skills could be one way to go. Or finally take those art or music lessons you’ve always wanted. And just vow to generally look on the bright side of aging (at least most of the time!).
Baby Safety Month: Do you know the best ways to keep your baby safe? And the right products & toys to use for your child’s age? Making sure you do is what this month is all about. And it’s not just first-time parents that will want to celebrate this month. New toys & products come out all the time & you’ll want to know if they’re right for your child. And sometimes advice about certain activities or products changes because we’ve learned something new. So make sure you stay up to date in September and all year!
Weekly Celebrations for Sept. 23 to 29, 2019
This week we learn about sea otters & deaf dogs, read all the books
Sea Otter Awareness Week (September 22 – 28, 2019): Learn about sea otters for this week! If there’s an event near you, head out to it. If not, learn about them on your own. Did you know there are 13 species of sea otter? Only 2 live in the US.
Banned Books Week (September 22 – 28, 2019): This week began back in 1982, and we still need it! Don’t let censors tell you what you can & can’t read. Join the Banned Books Week Coalition to “Keep the Light On!”
National Deaf Dog Week (September 22 – 28, 2019): Deaf dogs don’t know they’re different and have just as much love to give as any other dog. They only need a little extra effort to care for, like protecting them from dangers they can’t hear. And that’s mostly only an issue outside. So why not learn more about deaf dogs & how awesome they are. And if you’re looking for a new canine family member, check out the deaf ones, too!
National Employ Older Workers Week (September 22 – 28, 2019): This week we remind employers that older workers can contribute a lot to the workforce, including knowledge and skills.
Celebration Days coming up for Sept. 23 thru Sept. 29
Autumn starts early in the morning on the 23rd (Autumnal Equinox), and that’s definitely a reason to celebrate. If you like cooler weather & falling leaves anyway.
And the week brings plenty of other fun & delicious celebrations, too. Pot pie is a perfect fall meal. And biscotti is wonderful any day of the year.
We also get registered to vote, give our heating systems some love, and crush some cans. Plus talk about some diseases that don’t get enough attention.
All in all it’s looking like another fun-tastic (and educational) week.
September 23:
Restless Legs Awareness Day: Have you heard of this condition? It can be extremely uncomfortable for the person who has it. And the main symptom—needing to move your legs—often strikes just as you’re trying to sleep.
Teal Talk Day: Here’s another disease that doesn’t get talked about enough, because there’s no screening & many people don’t know much about it: Ovarian cancer. Because of this, most women don’t get diagnosed until their disease is at an advanced stage. Let’s help change that!
National Great American Pot Pie Day: For this day we enjoy the savory pie filled with meats & veggies in a creamy sauce. Pot pie is a comfort food for many people. If that’s true for you, make sure you enjoy a bit of nostalgia for this day. And even if it’s not a comfort food for you, pot pies are delicious so have one anyway!
International Day of Sign Languages: This day recognizes the importance of sign languages to the lives of deaf people. Did you know there are more than 300 sign languages? The UN General Assembly proclaimed this day just last year.
September 24:
National Punctuation Day: Ahhh, punctuation. Those little marks that cause so much confusion … both in how to use them and when their presence (or absence) makes you unsure what the writer was trying to say.
National Bluebird of Happiness Day: We humans have long considered the bluebird to be a symbol of happiness. We’re not sure why, although it might have something to do with a 1908 play called The Blue Bird. Or maybe that play just popularized an older association between bluebirds & happiness. Either way, we know we’re always happy to see one of these pretty birds.
National Voter Registration Day: On this day you’ll find thousands of voter registration drives across the country. Because voting is critical to our elections, both local and national. So if you’re not already registered, go out & get that done! In most states you can even register online.
Innergize Day: Apparently the day after the Autumnal Equinox is a day to take care of yourself. So do the things you want to do … pamper yourself, make plans, reflect on your dreams … whatever you want. After you’ve registered to vote, that is! Unless you’re already registered, and then you can jump right in to innergizing.
National Cherries Jubilee Day: After a long day of correcting punctuation errors, getting registered, and innergizing, wind down with a delicious dessert of Cherries Jubilee. If cooking doesn’t deflate your happiness or innergy, make the Cherries Jubilee yourself.
September 25:
Banned Websites Awareness Day: Schools and libraries have a responsibility to help keep kids safe. One way they do that is by blocking access to certain websites on school-issued devices and at library computers. But in most cases banning website access is just as problematic as banning books. And when internet filters are too strict it can cause more problems than it solves.
National Tune-Up Day: This is the day to make sure your heating system will serve you well this winter! Because you want to be sure of this before the freezing temperatures hit. So celebrate by either getting your heating system a tune-up or making an appointment to get that done.
World Lung Day: This day promotes lung health and awareness of the toll of respiratory illness around the world. Because hundreds of millions of people around the world suffer from lung diseases including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and others.
National One-Hit Wonder Day: Through the years lots of artists had a single huge hit they could never repeat. In many cases we may not even be able to name another song from those artists. But each one does deserve recognition for that one hit. And this is the day for it. Celebrate by listening to your favorite one-hit wonder. And maybe discovering a new one? Maybe Taco’s Puttin’ on the Ritz, Tiny Tim’s Tip Toe Thru the Tulips, or Nena’s 99 Red Balloons?
National Lobster Day: Apparently there’s also a National Lobster Day in June, but this one is proclaimed by the US Senate each year. So it’s truly a National day! Celebrate officially by eating lobster prepared your favorite way.
September 26:
Remember Me Thursday: On this day we remember all the orphaned pets whose time ran out before they found their furever homes. And we help those now waiting for a home.
National Situational Awareness Day: Do you have situational awareness? That’s what we call knowing what’s happening around you. These days lots of people tend to be blind to things happening right next to them. And that can be a dangerous thing. Or at least it can make your life less interesting. This day focuses specifically on the importance of situational awareness to your safety. This day began in 2016.
National Johnny Appleseed Day: This is the 2nd Johnny Appleseed Day of the year, and it celebrates his birthday, September 26, 1774. Of course he wasn’t born as Johnny Appleseed! His real name was John Chapman. He got his nickname because he planted apple trees across the country and helped orchards thrive.
National Dumpling Day: On this day we eat dumplings! So make sure you order dumplings if you head out to eat. Or make dumplings to enjoy. Maybe try this Chicken and Dumplings recipe. And in honor of Johnny Appleseed, how about apple dumplings for dessert?
September 27:
Save the Koala Day: This day is part of the Australian Koala Foundation’s Save the Koala Month campaign. It’s been running all month, but as September is almost over, the day is a reminder that these fascinating animals need our help to survive.
Google’s Birthday: Celebrate the birth of the search engine whose name has become synonymous with search. We Google things. But does anybody Bing things? Or Duck Duck Go things? No! Only Google has become a verb. Of course, Google wasn’t really born on the 27th, but that’s the day we’ve been celebrating since 2006.
National Crush a Can Day: On this day we crush cans! Soda pop cans, beer cans, tomato cans … ok, maybe not that last one. Food cans like that are usually made from steel and are much stronger than the aluminum drink cans. They can be crushed, but it’s harder. At any rate, this day is more about spreading awareness of the benefits of recycling. So if you’re not already recycling, learn a bit more about why it’s a great idea to start.
Corned Beef Hash Day: Start your day with a dish of corned beef hash topped with a couple of eggs cooked your favorite way. It’s a delicious & satisfying way to fuel your morning. Try this recipe if you don’t have a favorite one.
National Scarf Day: Scarves go with just about anything, from business wear to jeans & everything in between. (Ok, maybe not sweats, but just about everything else!). They also go with almost any activity, including crushing cans and saving koalas! So wear your favorite scarf or get yourself a new one to celebrate this day.
September 28:
Responsible Dog Ownership Day: The AKC’s flagship event for this day happens in Raleigh, North Carolina. If you can make it out, you’ll find demonstrations, giveaways, a mini agility course and more. Other AKC affiliated clubs have been holding events throughout the month, and some may also be on this day.
International Rabbit Day: Bunnies! Wild rabbits & pet bunnies, this day celebrates them all. So if you have a pet rabbit, give it an extra treat. And if you have backyard bunnies, why not set out a treat for them, too?
World Rabies Day: Rabies is more than a disease to vaccinate your pets from. It’s still a human problem in some parts of the world, and it kills more than 59,000 people very year. So celebrate this day by spreading the word.
Fish Amnesty Day: PETA wants us all to go vegetarian, and this day promotes the idea that fish have the same rights to protection as other vertebrates & we should not eat them. Even if you don’t agree, there’s no reason we can’t celebrate by giving the fish a break for one day & not eating any. The organization created the day to act as a counterpoint to the next celebration …
National Hunting and Fishing Day: This is the day to go out & enjoy hunting and/or fishing. If you’re going to celebrate both fishing and fish amnesty you’ll probably have to practice catch-and-release for the day.
Drink Beer Day: We’re pretty sure we don’t need to tell you how to celebrate this one …
September 29:
International Coffee Day: On this day we celebrate the magical elixer that helps so many of us function: Coffee! And we give thanks to whoever decided to roast the coffee berry’s pit & make a drink with them. Genius! Absolutely genius. And this person came up with the idea without the benefit of coffee!
National Biscotti Day: A perfect pairing with Coffee Day! Enjoy a relaxing morning sipping coffee & munching biscotti. And you know you have to dunk ‘em, right? But of course you can celebrate this day even if you don’t drink coffee. Biscotti go equally well with (and in!) milk, tea, & pretty much any other drink.
Gold Star Mother’s Day: On this day we honor the mothers who have lost a child serving in the US Armed Forces. If there’s a service planned near you, why not attend to show your support?