What to Celebrate September 27 thru October 3, 2021

Celebration Ideas for September 27 – October 3, 2021
Fall is here and cool weather is right around the corner. If it hasn’t arrived already!
It’s time for sweaters & boots, chili & soups …
And it’s also time to take a peek and plan your week. And of course, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of September & All of October
You still have a few days to celebrate happy cats, honey, koalas, and so many more September month-long observances. So make the most of these last days.
Then get ready for the October celebrations, like these.
Bat Appreciation Month: Bats are amazing little critters who don’t deserve the fear and hatred they so often get. They don’t want to hurt us, and they’re actually incredibly useful. So celebrate them every chance you get!
Squirrel Awareness Month: Squirrels may be less helpful than bats, but if you slow down and pay attention to them, they’re just as fascinating. Did you know that tail they like to flip around actually helps them balance on your wires while they scamper across them?
Raptor Month: Celebrate the beautiful (mostly) and amazing birds of prey all month long. From owls and eagles to vultures and hawks, raptors are fascinating to watch and learn about.
Weekly Celebrations for 9/27 to 10/3
Take a walk (with your dog!), read a book you’re not supposed to (according to the would-be censors, anyway), and honor the firefighters who gave their lives protecting their communities. Sounds like a worthwhile week.
Banned Books Week (Sept. 26 – Oct. 2, 2021): Celebrate (and in some cases fight for) the right to read whatever you please. You’d think by now society would recognize the value of access to all books and having open discussions about them. Sadly this is still far from the truth. And this year’s theme is quite appropriate in today’s divided world: Books Unite Us. Censorship Divides Us.
Walk Your Dog Week (October 1 – 7, 2021): Walking your dog has lots of benefits for you both. You both get exercise and fresh air, and it could even help you both lose weight (too many pets are overweight). It’s also great bonding time, possibly helping prevent or lessen behavior issues that can develop in a dog who’s bored or feeling lonely. So if you don’t already, make walking your dog a reqular habit for this week and all year.
National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend (October 2-3, 2021): It’s a long weekend, not a whole week, but it’s an important 4 days. This memorial weekend pays tribute to all the firefighters who died in the line of duty this past year. The official celebration is in Emmitsburg, Maryland, but anyone can hold a remembrance in their own communities.
Celebration Days coming up for Sept. 27 thru Oct. 3
Battle censorship: of websites, religious criticism, and government activity. We all have the right to visit any website, speak our minds (about religion or any other topic), and know what our tax dollars are funding.
Have a little fun in between that hard work, too. Like putting on a floorshow for your fish, naming your car, & spreading smiles.
Enjoy lots of good food & drink along the way too. Yes, it is indeed shaping up to be another fun-tastic week!
September 27:
Google’s Birthday: Throw Google a party? 🥳 🙃
National Day of Forgiveness: Forgiveness is good for you! Yes, you. It frees you from the past and its hurts. Forgiveness helps you heal, whether or not you ever even tell the other person of the forgiveness. Use this day to work on forgiving. And check out the Forgiveness Mantra PDF & recording, free for a limited time, in honor of the day.
National Scarf Day: Wear your favorite scarf for the day! Or buy yourself a new scarf to celebrate. Maybe from Echo New York, founder of the day?
National Chocolate Milk Day: When was the last time you had chocolate milk? If it’s been a while, this is the day to change that! And if you drink it regularly? Well, make sure this is one of the days you enjoy a delicious chocolate milk.
National Corned Beef Hash Day: You do know what your breakfast must be for this day, right? Right??! Just to make clear: Whip up some corned beef hash. And if you don’t have time to cook breakfast in the morning? You don’t get a pass! Make breakfast for dinner. And make it corned beef hash.
September 28:
World Rabies Day: Rabies is still a problem in some parts of the world. This day’s goal is to one day be obsolete, when rabies has been ended everywhere. Spend some time learning about this disease and helping raise awareness of how we can end it.
Fish Tank Floorshow Night: For this evening you entertain the residents of your fish tank, instead of the other way around. Why? For the answer to that you’d have to ask Tom & Ruth Roy. Or you could just have fun with the idea.
International Right to Know Day: Everybody everywhere has the right to know what their governments and other public bodies are doing. Unfortunately, not all countries have strong right to information (RTI) laws. Spend some time on this day learning about the RTI laws in your country and other countries, too.
National Drink Beer Day: Drinking a beer or two will probably help you prepare for the Fish Tank Floorshow you’ll be putting on for your finned friends. And if you don’t have a fishtank, well just toast Tuesday with your favorite beer.
National Strawberry Cream Pie Day: Strawberry Cream Pie is simple to make and even simpler to devour! It’s sweet & light and the perfect dessert.
September 29:
International Coffee Day: Drink coffee. Now that’s my kind of celebration!
Banned Websites Awareness Day: On the Wednesday of banned books week we remind people that banning websites is just as wrong. The day focuses on overly restrictive filters in places like schools and libraries. Because this practice actually hurts learning.
World Heart Day: Learn about cardiovascular disease (CVD) and then help others learn too. Heart disease is the #1 killer worldwide, with more than 18 million people each year dying from some type of heart-related problem. And people with CVD are at much higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 if they catch the virus, making it even more important to manage it. But many people are actually not managing it well at all, because they’re afraid to go to their appointments. It’s a catch-22 we really need to fix.
VFW Day: For this day we honor the veterans of foreign wars and the organization that serves them. A group of Spanish-American War veterans established the VFW on September 29, 1899.
MAGS Day: Celebrate the September 29, 1958 charter of the Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society. Check out an archaeological or natural science museum near you for the day. Or, if you’re lucky enough to live near a dig, see if they’re allowing volunteers or visitors and if so, go see what you can see & learn.
National Biscotti Day: Have biscotti with your coffee (and celebrate two days at the same time!). Or tea. Or milk. Or whatever you’re drinking. Because you just can’t go wrong with biscotti.
September 30:
Blasphemy Day: Also called International Blasphemy Rights Day, this day celebrates the rights of anyone to criticize religion without fear of reprisal. Because no ideas, religious or otherwise, should be considered off limits to criticism. We celebrate on the anniversary of a famously blasphemous satirical drawing. Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten newspaper published caricatures of Muhammad on September 30, 2005. And Danish embassies in several countries were firebombed in violent protests, spurred by imams in those countries. More than 100 people were killed in these protests.
International Translation Day: Celebrate translation professionals who help ensure people around the world can understand each other. We celebrate on the feast day of St. Jerome, the patron saint of translators. Consider starting to learn a new language to celebrate the day. Or brush up on a language you learned in high school but have since forgotten most of.
National Love People Day: For this day we perform random acts of love. And actually, the celebration starts on September 25, so you have plenty of time to spread the love. But for this day we love everyone unconditionally and without exceptions. No excuses, either!
National Hot Mulled Cider Day: Enjoy a glass of warm, spicy, mulled cider to celebrate Friday Eve. Or, if you’re not a fan of mulled cider, consider this simplified recipe using apple juice, for a somewhat different flavor.
National Chewing Gum Day: Chew gum. That is all.
October 1:
National Homemade Cookie Day: Fill your home with the delightful scent of baking cookies. And then fill your mouth with their delightful taste. A win-win for sure!
World Smile Day: Homemade cookies are sure to make you smile! But this day is actually about making others smile. So make enough of those cookies to share and put a smile on all your friends’, family’s, & coworkers’ faces. Or do other acts of kindness to spread smiles far and wide.
National Black Dog Day: If you have a black dog, give it some extra love for the day. And if you’re considering adopting a dog, check out the black dogs at the shelter. They’re gorgeous! And just as lovable & loving as dogs of any other color. And take your black dog for a walk too, to celebrate Walk Your Dog Week!
International Day of Older Persons: Our population is aging, and that brings with it new challenges and opportunities. Each year this day has a theme, and for 2021 it is Digital Equity for All Ages, reminding us that while older people did not grow up with digital technology and may struggle to learn some aspects of today’s digital world, they deserve the opportunity to participate in it.
International Music Day: For this day the world celebrates music. So listen to your favorite music, and explore different musical genres too. Maybe sign up for lessons to learn a musical instrument. Go to a concert. Start a band! Just let the music guide you.
October 2:
National Name Your Car Day: If you haven’t yet named your car, this is the day to fix that oversight!
International Day of Non-violence: On Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday we celebrate his non-violence philosophy. Help spread awareness that violence will not help us build a better society or future. Think of ways to use non-violent methods to resolve differences in your own life and in our communities.
World Day for Farmed Animals: This day raises awareness of the abuse too many farmed animals endure before they end up at our local supermarkets. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Humane treatment of these animals is not only possible, it’s the right thing to do.
National Fried Scallops Day: Make fried scallops for dinner. Or head out to your favorite seafood restaurant to let someone else make them. Either way, it’s a delicious way to spend your Saturday evening.
October 3:
Virus Appreciation Day: We know one virus we’re not going to be appreciating! Just the same, viruses are pretty fascinating, so maybe learn a bit about them for the day. You get to decide whether you want to appreciate biological viruses or computer viruses. Or both!
National Techies Day: For this day we celebrate the people who choose the ever-growing field of technology for their careers. And we encourage today’s students to consider technology when thinking about their futures. Because this field keeps growing, and we need passionate people who will continue to make improvements and innovations in the tech that has become such an integral part of our lives.
National Boyfriend Day: If you have a boyfriend, make sure he knows just how special he is to you. (Not that you shouldn’t be doing that more than once a year!) And if you are a boyfriend, there’s nothing wrong with making sure your significant other knows about this day. Maybe even drop a few hints about what you’d like to do for the day.
Get Out and Drive Day: Do as the day’s name says and have a fun & adventurous Sunday with a drive. Where to? Anywhere you’d like!