Celebrate Impossible Astronaut Day Every April 23

Have fun “forgetting” The Silence today …
and confusing non-Whovians everywhere!
Whovians rejoice! On April 23 we celebrate Impossible Astronaut Day.
Don’t know what that is? Sorry, you’re not a true Whovian.
But if you’re here then you want to learn. So there’s hope for you yet. ;)
Read on to discover what happened on this date in the Whovian universe.
Dr. Who, Series 6, Episode 1
That’s the episode called The Impossible Astronaut. It aired on April 23, 2011 (in the UK).
And it wove quite the complicated tale.
It involves mysterious invitations, a trip to America and two Doctors. An astronaut emerges from Lake Silencio to shoot and kill one of the Doctors. But it’s okay (at least for now) because it was the future Doctor.
It turns out the real current Doctor is alive and well … The “King of Okay” in his words.
Later the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song track down a little girl who was calling the White House asking for help. When they find her she’s wearing an astronaut suit. But who is she? What’s the suit about? That’s not answered in this episode.
Throughout it all, a mysterious new monster appears: The Silence. They show up everywhere, but nobody can remember seeing them. You can see them, but you forget the encounter as soon as you look away.
Our world/space/time travelers started marking themselves each time they saw one.
How to stop them, and what they want, remain questions as the episode ends.
In fact, this opening episode of Series 6 brought up many, many questions. They’ve since been answered, but it was a thrilling ride to get there.
If there are things you don’t remember—or, … Horrors! … You’ve never seen it—consider watching The Impossible Astronaut on the anniversary of its first airing.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this spooky but fun unofficial holiday.
Celebrating Impossible Astronaut Day
The most common way to celebrate Impossible Astronaut Day is to mark yourself with the tally marks representing a reminder of an encounter with The Silence. And, of course, when asked why you have these marks you must pretend you have no clue.
You might also like to:
- Get the video of the episode
- Get an Impossible Astronaut poster
- Send Impossible Astronaut Stationery Cards (or keep them for yourself)
- Hang a Lake Silencio Indoor/Outdoor Sign
Will you be celebrating Impossible Astronaut Day this year? Of course you will!
[…] Impossible Astronaut Day: Calling all Whovians! Surely you know this is Impossible Astronaut Day. But in case you forgot ???? here’s your reminder. Mark yourself, watch the episode, and above all have fun! […]