Celebrate Book Lovers Day Every August 9

If you can’t get through a day without picking up a book, then August 9 is the day for you: Book Lovers Day.
Whether you like classic literature, popular fiction, romance, horror or another genre doesn’t matter. Only that you love books. We’re not elitist!
We don’t know who created Book Lovers Day or when. It was probably someone who loved books. Or maybe an independent book seller trying to drum up more business. Of course, independent book sellers also love books … That’s why they do what they do!
To add to the uncertainty, some people apparently celebrate Book Lovers Day on the first Saturday in November. Two day to love books? We’ll take it (and celebrate on both dates)!
At any rate, the origin of the day doesn’t really matter. It’s the perfect excuse to indulge your passion guilt-free. Twice every year if you celebrate in both August and November … And what true book lover wouldn’t?
Book Lovers Trivia
Did you know?
- Humans first made books in about 2,900 B.C.
- The pages of early books were made from parchment or vellum.
- Early book covers were made from wood. The wood was often covered in leather.
- Public libraries have been around since the Middle Ages.
- The U.S. currently has more than 9,000 public libraries, circulating some 2.2 billion materials.
According to a survey by Princeton Survey Research Associates International in January 2014:
- 76% of adults had read a book in the previous year.
- 70% of adults read a print book.
- Ebooks are becoming more and more popular, too:
- 28% of adults had read at least one ebook (ever, we presume).
- 50% of adults own an ereader or tablet.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficially literate holiday.
How to Celebrate Book Lovers Day
This is an easy one: read a book … Or two … Or three … Or, well you get the idea!
What books? Any books!
- Spend part of the day wandering the library looking for something new.
- Check out a used book store. They’re goldmines of unexpected finds!
- Or support a local independent bookseller, if there’s still one in your community.
- Search your own library to find an old favorite you haven’t read in a while.
Curl up in your favorite chair and get lost in your book. Or find a shady spot under a tree, an umbrella at the beach, or anyplace else that strikes your fancy.
Feeling more ambitious? Have a party for your fellow book lovers!
- Have your guests dress as their favorite characters from their favorite books. It doesn’t matter if it’s “great literature” or popular fiction. Have prizes for the best costumes. Maybe a gift card to a book store?
- Or give your party a theme based on your favorite book. Have your guests dress as characters from that book. Serve refreshments consistent with what those characters would eat and drink.
Want to keep the book lovers party theme going all year? Start your own book club.
If your book collection’s getting out of hand (we know, we know … IF?), consider (ACK!) paring down. Donate the books you can bear to part with to your local library’s book sale or another worthy cause. Find library book sales at Book Sale Finder.
Many libraries have special events for this day, too. Consider volunteering for your library’s event. Maybe reading to children?
Visit a literary landmark or two. Find out if there’s any near you with this Literary America map from the American Writers Museum. When you click on a state you get lists of author museums, book festivals, final resting places, and more.
How will you be celebrating Book Lovers Day?
[…] Book Lovers Day: Indulge in your love of books today. Busy lives can often get in the way of settling in with a good book. But not on Book Lovers Day! Browse a book store (new or used), wander your local library, or pick up something from your to-read pile. Then shut out the world and read! […]
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[…] Book Lovers Day: This day is for anyone who loves books. It doesn’t matter what kind of books. Fiction or non-fiction. Romance, mystery, or horror. Just pick up a book and get lost for a while. Such a simple but immensely enjoyable celebration! […]
[…] Book Lovers Day: You know this is a simple one to celebrate, right? Read a book! Or buy a book (or 2 or 10). Browse a used book store. Or your local library. Basically, surround yourself with books! […]