Celebrate Play in the Sand Day Every August 11

There’s a kid inside everyone. A kid that just wants to play. And that kid should be indulged at least once a year. August 11 is the perfect day to do just that: It’s Play in the Sand Day.
So grab your bucket and shovel and head out to someplace sandy to—what else—play in the sand!
We don’t know who created Play in the Sand Day, but it was probably an adult who missed just being a kid.
After all, once upon a time summer was all about the freedom to just play. A day at the beach, playing in the sand and surf, was the ultimate treat.
And now that we’re over-scheduled and over-stressed (and without a proper summer break), a day playing in the sand is an even more delicious treat. Seriously!
Yes, seriously … When was the last time you played in the sand?
If you have kids you probably watch the play, but do you ever get in there and play too? So today you have permission to play.
Remember: Adults need simple fun too!
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial summer break holiday.
Ideas For Celebrating Play in the Sand Day
If you can get to the beach, then do it!
Preferably with some friends.
- Dig holes in the sand
- Make sand pies (like mud pies, but with sand!)
- Bury each other in the sand
- Build sand castles
- Have a beach volleyball game
- Go swimming to to wash off all that sand … And then start all over again!
If you’re feeling creative (or competitive) have a sand castle building contest.
Write a message or draw a picture in the sand near the water’s edge. Then watch the surf wash it away. Take a picture before it’s gone!
If you only have a short time or you just want some “me time,” take a walk or run on the beach. Do it early to avoid the crowds (or head for a less popular beach).
Can’t make it to the beach? If your kids have a sandbox, join them in it.
No sandbox? If you have a kiddie pool, dump a few bags of sand in there … Instant sandbox! (Yes, you can also buy a proper sandbox).
Or take the kids to the nearest park/playground with a sandbox and play in that.
Has it been so long since you’ve played in the sand that you’re short on play supplies? Here are a few ideas your kids are sure to love (admit it, you want to play with them too!):
- Sand Cupcake set: Make sand cupcakes.
- Beach Set in Bag: Comes with buckets, shovels, rakes, molds and more.
- Beach Sand Toys Set: This one has castle molds, animal molds (bunny, turtle, dino and more), plus other molds, watering can, and more.
- Seaside Sidekicks Funnel Fun: Watch what happens when you pour sand or water through this thing.
What will you be doing to celebrate Play in the Sand Day?
[…] Das Blog nonstopcelebrations.com über den 11. August als Play in the Sand Day (englisch) […]
[…] Play in the Sand Day: Being a kid is not a requirement for this one. Playing in the sand is fun no matter your age! So get out there & enjoy the sand. […]