Celebrate Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day The Last Monday in January

Background image by Pete Linforth @ Pixabay
Pop … pop … pop. It’s time to celebrate that fascinating packing material we just can’t get enough of, Bubble Wrap®. Yep, we’re talking about Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!
The textured wrap was created quite by accident in 1957.
Ok, not completely by accident. But its inventors, Al Fielding and Marc Chavannes, weren’t trying to create packing material. They were trying to create a plastic wallpaper.
Luckily for them (and us), they quickly figured out their air-filled plastic sheets would actually make good cushioning in packages.
They formed the Sealed Air Corporation in 1960 and the rest is, as they say, history. Today the company makes a wide variety of packaging material.
The company also sponsored a Bubble Wrap® Competition for Young Inventors for several years. The contest’s goal was to come up with the most creative product made mostly with the wrap.
But it didn’t start this day. The “Spirit 95” FM radio station in Bloomington, Indiana did that back in 2001.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial holiday.
Celebrating Bubble Wrap® Appreciation Day
Today you can pop all the wrap you want, guilt-free!
Or you could get more creative and make something out of it. Ideas you might try could include:
- A dress or skirt. You can find lots of pictures of these around the web.
- A suit
- A bikini
- Animals
- Paintings Ok, these may be too complicated for most people (we certainly don’t intend to try!), but they’re amazing!
There’s even a Bubble Wrap Book with tons of ideas for crazy uses. Keep it for yourself or give it as a gift. The book is out of print, but as of this writing, it’s available on Amazon.
Even cats enjoy popping this stuff (or maybe not, judging by these reactions):
Raccoons, on the other hand, can’t get enough of the popping (or at least this guy can’t):
When is Bubble Wrap® Appreciation Day Next Year?
Since this day is celebrated on the last Monday in January, the exact date changes each year. Here’s a quick guide for the next few years. You’ll want to plan ahead to be sure you have plenty of bubble wrap on hand:
- 2019 – Monday, January 28
- 2020 – Monday, January 27
- 2021 – Monday, January 25
- 2022 – Monday, January 24
- 2023 – Monday, January 30
- 2024 – Monday, January 29
- 2025 – Monday, January 27
- 2026 – Monday, January 26
- 2027 – Monday, January 25
- 2028 – Monday, January 24
[…] Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day: This year Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day falls on the same day as Curmudgeons Day. Which might make it hard to celebrate both. After all, just how curmudgeonly can you be while playing with bubble wrap?!? […]
[…] Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day: Pop some Bubble Wrap in appreciation of this accidental discovery. Or wrap something precious to keep it safe. No, not your kids, pets, or significant other. There are better ways to keep them safe! Stick with inanimate precious objects, please. […]