Celebrate Cuddle Up Day on January 6 Every Year

Background image by Ebowalker @ Pixabay
Cold winter days are perfect for cuddling up and hibernating. And every January 6 you get unofficial permission to do just that on Cuddle Up Day!
Not cold where you live? That’s ok. Cuddling is a feel-good activity no matter the weather.
It’s romantic, too. And unlike Valentine’s Day (which can also involve cuddling), there’s no expectation of dinner and gifts. Just time spent together cuddling.
Nobody special in your life? That’s ok too. You don’t technically need another person to cuddle. A pet works just fine. And so does snuggling down in a comfy chair with a warm blanket to enjoy some alone-time. See? No pressure!
Whose idea was Cuddle Up Day? No idea. We’ve been unable to find reliable information on how or why this day started.
But it doesn’t really matter anyway. A day just for cuddling is a brilliant idea. :)
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this cozy unofficial holiday.
Ideas For Celebrating Cuddle Up Day
Individuals: Cuddle of Course!
Preferably with a significant other. Maybe in front of the fireplace, watching a movie or just talking.
Single people, don’t despair. Merriam-Webster defines cuddle as “to hold (someone or something) in your arms in order to show affection.”
Did you notice the “something” in that definition? That means you don’t have to feel left out if you don’t have someone!
You can cuddle:
- Your pet
- A stuffed animal
- Up in your favorite chair … with a good book or movie
- Up in front of a fire
- Up in bed … also with a book or movie if you’d like
You can, of course, combine two or more of these things too! Nothing’s stopping you from cuddling up with your significant other and a pet (or two) in front of the fire. :)
Really all you need to do to celebrate Cuddle Up Day is enjoy time spent being cozy, with someone, with a pet or just with yourself (yes, you can be good company to yourself!).
Companies: Promote Cuddle-Friendly Items
Depending on your business, you may be able to tie your products to this day.
If you sell furniture, consider a sale on pieces perfect for cuddling: soft, cozy chairs; love seats; sofas; beds.
Clothing stores can promote comfy clothes like robes, pajamas, slippers and similar items.
Other things that are useful for cuddling could include:
- Blankets & pillows
- Comfort foods: things like hot chocolate (with or without marshmallows), macaroni & cheese, etc
- Books
- Movies
- Stuffed animals (for the kids or adults!)
- Pet products—like beds, toys and treats—for those who want to cuddle with their pets on this day
Sell services, not products? Consider promoting your service as something that will free up customers’ time for more enjoyable activities – like cuddling!
[…] Cuddle Up Day: A day to do exactly what the name says: cuddle up! […]
[…] Cuddle Up Day: A cold winter day is perfect for cuddling … with your significant other, with a pet, or even just with a good book. However you like to cuddle, do that for this day. And if January is warm (or even hot!) where you are? Cuddling is still a great mood booster. So you have no excuse not to cuddle up. (And maybe even laugh at what a ridiculous word “cuddle” is … seriously, say it a few times in a row & it just starts to sound weird!). […]
[…] Cuddle Up Day: For Friday Eve spend some time cuddled up. In front of the fireplace, if you have one! Cuddle up with your significant other, a pet, a friend, or even just a good book. Whatever makes you feel warm and cozy works for this celebration. […]