Celebrate National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day Every January 22

Background image by Jennifer C. @ Flickr; CC BY 2.0
Your cat has questions. Oh, yes he does. Lots of them. And National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is the day to answer them.
Face it, your cat thinks you’re dumb. He meows. He purrs. He pats you with his paws. But you just don’t get it.
So today’s the day to sit down and have a nice conversation with your favorite feline(s).
Yes, we know you speak different languages. But with a little effort you can learn to read your cat’s expressions and actions.
And your cat understands you better than you think, too.
Just because they don’t like what you have to say, and often ignore it, doesn’t mean they don’t understand.
For example, one resident cat around here regularly ignores the word “NO.” But he does understand it, because he occasionally chooses to listen. And at those rare times, he makes sure we know he’s not happy about it by meowing petulantly as he walks away.
This fun holiday was created by Tom & Ruth Roy of Wellcat.com.
Some Questions Our Cats Ask
We imagine a conversation with our cats might go something like this:
Sweet little furball: But why can’t I root through the garbage? (yes this is a cat, not a dog)
Answer: Because that chicken bone/ground meat wrapper/piece of pork fat/whatever you’re trying to steal is not good for you. We feed you a balanced kitty diet to keep you healthy because we love you.
Sassy kitty’s response: But I like raw meat wrappers, and you don’t feed me enough! (for the record, he was put on a diet under veterinary orders).
Sweet little furball: Why aren’t I allowed on the kitchen counter?
Answer: Because that’s where the food we eat goes. Paws & butts don’t belong there.
Kitty’s response: But there are good smells up there. And I like to be up high.
Answer: Dear cat, you’re allowed on almost every other surface in the house, including the dining room table. Deal.
Sweet little furball: Why did you bring that scary creature into my home? I want my old buddy back.
Answer: Sweetie-pie, your old buddy was just that: old. We had to say good-bye. And you seemed sad without him. This boy needed a new home, and you’ll grow to love him too. (no, there’s no guarantee that two animals will ever learn to get along, but our boys are indeed friends now).
Sweet little furball: Why don’t you play fetch with me every time I ask? (again, yes it’s a cat)
Answer: Because I can’t, in fact, play fetch 24/7. And you try to change the rules of the game by dropping the ball where I have to go fetch it. Besides, you seem to enjoy playing by yourself throwing the ball down the steps.
Kitty’s response: I do like playing by myself. But I like playing with you, too. On my terms. It’s my ball!
Human’s final response: (while throwing ball) Sigh…
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this cute unofficial holiday.
Celebrating National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
The best way to celebrate is no doubt by spending some quality time with your cat!
Whether or not you get any questions answered, your cat will (probably) appreciate the extra attention.
Wellcat offers some Rules for Cats to Live By. They’ll help you better understand what your cat is thinking in various situations ;)
And finally, this cat has a very important question hungry cats everywhere would also like an answer to:
[…] National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day: If you live with a cat you know that sweet furball has lots of questions for you. Often starting with “Why can’t you feed me at a reasonable hour?” … never mind that cats find 3 a.m. to be a reasonable hour! At any rate, whatever questions your kitty has, you must answer on this day. […]
[…] National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day: Really you should answer your cat’s questions any day of the year. To do otherwise is to be rude. But we get it. Some cats just don’t stop with the questions. And it’s easy to start putting off answering. But for this day give your cat and its questions your full attention and answer all the questions the best you can. No matter how many questions your cat comes up with. 😻 […]