Celebrate National Joy Germ Day Every Year on January 8

Background image by jill111 @ Pixabay
Joy Germ Day?
What? We’re supposed to celebrate a germ?!
Why would we want to do that?
Because it’s a Joy Germ! This germ spreads joy, making it the one kind of germ you want to spread around. :)
And believe it or not, joy is actually contagious.
Apparently scientists studied a group of about 5,000 people for 20 years. And they found that one happy person could spread that happiness to others in the group.
So joy is pretty easy to spread. And it can last for about a year.
That means the joy you spread today can hang around until the next Joy Germ Day next year.
The scientists aren’t sure how happiness spreads. But does it really matter? Be happy and help others be happy.
We’re also not sure who started Joy Germ Day or when. But that doesn’t really matter either, does it?
Just be joyous it exists. And it happens every January 8. :)
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this joyous unofficial holiday.
How Can You Celebrate National Joy Germ Day?
Smile! It’s one of the easiest ways to give your own mood and others’ moods a boost. Think about it: Doesn’t it feel good when someone smiles at you? You know it does, and you can’t help but smile back. And then you can’t help but keep smiling, spreading the good feeling to the next person you see.
Tell a stupid joke. Yes, you’ll probably get as many groans as laughs, but even most of the groaners will be amused at least a little.
Lend a helping hand. What can you do to help out family, friends or neighbors? If you’re not sure, ask! Once you know, do it! We get pleasure from helping others. And the ones we help are happy to know we care. And maybe they’ll go out and pay it forward.
Volunteer. Similar to above, we feel good when we help those less fortunate. And the ones you help will feel better too.
Continue the celebration into tomorrow, and the next day, and … well, you get the idea. Spreading joy is a great idea every day of the year.
So don’t worry about being contagious … go out into the world and spread the Joy Germ!
[…] National Joy Germ Day: Go ahead, be contagious today. Spread the Joy Germ far and wide! […]
[…] National Joy Germ Day: On this day we spread joy! It only takes one little germ of joy to start a wave of infection. Why not provide that joy germ in your little part of the world? […]