Celebrate National Kazoo Day Every January 28

Background image by Nemo @ Pixabay; Public Domain
There’s a buzz in the air every January 28. And it’s announcing the arrival of National Kazoo Day.
Yes, there really is a day devoted to that rather odd looking and odd sounding musical instrument. That day is January 28 each year.
Or thereabouts. Some people prefer to celebrate on the fourth Thursday in January. Or whatever late January date fits their schedule best. Apparently kazooists are very flexible.
The day was founded by Chaplin Willard Rahn of the Joyful Noise Kazoo Band.
A Note of Kazoo History & Trivia
The kazoo really is a musical instrument, even if we tend to think of it as a child’s toy. Real musicians, including rockers Frank Zappa and Jimi Hendrix used it in some of their songs.
According to legend, a former slave, Alabama Vest of Macon, GA, invented the design for the modern kazoo in 1850.
He then had German immigrant and clockmaker Thaddeum von Clegg build it for him. They introduced it to the public at the 1852 Georgia State Fair.
Emil Sorg began commercially producing kazoos in 1912 in Western New York.
Here’s a cute, 3-minute history of the kazoo:
If you’re not familiar with the kazoo, you might think you blow into it to produce sound. In fact, you hum into the large end. This causes a membrane inside to vibrate, producing the buzzy sound. The quality of this membrane affects the quality of the sound that comes out.
The material the kazoo is made from also affects the sound. Common materials used to make kazoos include metal, plastic and wood.
Love ’em or hate ’em, kazoos appear here to stay. There was even a campaign to make the kazoo America’s national instrument. This campaign was founded by professional kazooist (yes, there really is such a thing!) Barbara Stewart. It’s not clear if this campaign is still active, since Ms. Stewart passed away several years ago.
The kazoo is one of only a few instruments invented in America. So as irritating as it can be, it does deserve its own day. Although we don’t think we’d go so far as to suggest it should really be America’s official musical instrument…
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial musical holiday.
How to Celebrate National Kazoo Day
The obvious way to celebrate is to play the kazoo. Don’t know how? Let Avi Wisnia show you how:
You could also visit the Kazoo Factory, Museum & Gift Shop of Eden. It’s the original American kazoo manufacturer. And it’s the only one in America that still manufacturers metal kazoos.
Take a tour, watch kazoos being made or make your very own!
If you prefer a more passive Kazoo Day experience, you might just listen to some kazooists.
Check out the Temple City Kazoo Orchestra’s version of Whole Lotta Love, recorded live:
Sounds more like a whole lotta’ angry ducks fighting to us… but what do we know? Apparently people find this recording very funny. You might too!
On the other hand, we were quite impressed with this kazoo version of Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean. See if you agree!
So … Have you been inspired to celebrate National Kazoo Day this year?
[…] National Kazoo Day: Play the kazoo! Or learn to play the kazoo. Did you know only a very few instruments have been invented in America, and the kazoo is one of them? […]