Celebrate National Pie Day January 23 Every Year

Background image by museinthecity @ Flickr; CC BY 2.0
Mmmm … pie! If you like pie, you’ll love National Pie Day. The perfect excuse to eat a slice (or two) of pie. Not that you need an excuse.
Even better, any pie eaten on this day is calorie-free and guilt-free. … OK, it’s not really calorie-free. But you’re still not allowed to feel guilty.
Now, this Pie Day is different from Pi Day. That other day (pi) is on March 14. And it’s recognized by Congress.
This Pie Day is completely unofficial. But still delicious.
The day was started back in the 1970s by Charlie Papazian. He’s probably better known for founding the Great American Beer Festival and writing the book The Complete Joy of Home Brewing.
But in addition to his love of beer he apparently felt that his birthday should be a holiday … don’t we all know someone like that? Unlike most people who feel that way, Charlie did something about it. He declared his birthday, January 23, National Pie Day.
Pies Aren’t Just For Dessert
Although we tend to think dessert when we hear the word “pie” (unless it’s pizza pie, of course!), it doesn’t have to be.
Pies can be filled with meats and seafoods, too.
As far back as the Greeks and Romans, pastry shells surrounded a variety of seasoned meats. Pilgrims made pies too, filled with things like lamb or duck.
It took until the late 1800s to start making the sweet, fruit-filled pies we enjoy today.
Whether sweet or savory, pies are delightful. So pick your favorite(s) and indulge today.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this sweet (or savory) unofficial holiday.
Celebrate National Pie Day
Celebrate with pie, of course!
Buy or make your favorite pie. Or try one of these recipes:
- Maple Sugar Pumpkin Pie
- Chocolate Pecan Chess Pie
- Dutch Cranberry-Apple Pie
- Utterly Deadly Southern Pecan Pie
You might also want to check out last year’s National Pie Champion winners.
If you’re interested in adding a meat pie, these recipes look good:
- Tourtiere (Meat Pie). This one looks like it takes a bit of work.
- British Meat Pies. Looks pretty simple.
- Michigan Pasty (Meat Hand Pie)
Have a pie party:
- Have everyone bring a different pie (both savory and sweet, if you’d like!) and make it a potluck.
- Or you can all make a few pies together. Give each person a roll (make crusts, make sweet fillings, etc).
Watch American Pie. Or Labor Day. Both movies contain interesting (but very different) scenes with pie.
Listen to some pie songs (yes, there really are more than you might think … although they’re not necessarily about pie). Sing along to any you know, like Don McLean’s American Pie (with lyrics to make singing along easy):
If you sell pie, this is the day to promote them.
- Introduce customers to a new flavor.
- Give out recipes for some of your most popular pies. If you also sell the ingredients and baking supplies to make them, offer a discount on those items today.
- Bakeries can donate pies to local fund raisers or pie auctions. If nobody’s having one, stage one yourself, with proceeds going to a specific charity.
- Have a pie-making contest. Include a category for kids. Invite local chefs and bakers to be judges.
- Hold a pie-making class. Include samples during class and recipes to take home.
How else would you celebrate National Pie Day?
[…] National Pie Day: Pie. It’s what’s for dinner. No? Well at least have a slice of your favorite pie for dessert! […]