Celebrate Save The Eagles Day on January 10 Every Year

Background image by JWFisher @ Deviant Art
Save the Eagles Day is a day to celebrate these majestic birds of prey and give thanks for the conservation efforts to prevent their extinction. It was begun to raise awareness of the threat the birds were facing.
There are actually more than 60 species of eagle around the world. Many of them are threatened or endangered.
Only two species, the Bald Eagle and the Golden Eagle, live in North America (the U.S. and Canada).
In the U.S., we focus on the success of bringing our national bird, the Bald Eagle, back from the brink of extinction.
At one time the Bald Eagle population numbered in the hundreds of thousands (up to 500,000 by some estimates). But by the 1940s only about 500 breeding pairs were left.
How did this happen? Habitat destruction, hunting and, possibly most importantly, the use of a pesticide called DDT. This pesticide caused the birds to lay eggs with weak shells that would crack before the chick inside could survive.
It took a lot of work—including habitat protection, a ban on DDT and making hunting the birds illegal—to prevent Bald Eagles from disappearing completely.
But the hard work paid off. In 2007 the Bald Eagle was removed from the endangered species list. Although the population is still much smaller than it was in the 1700s, it’s estimated about 70,000 Bald Eagles are thriving in the wild.
Even so, wildlife agencies continue to monitor the birds to ensure their continued survival.
And federal laws continue to protect the birds and their habitat.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial but worthwhile holiday.
Celebrating Save The Eagles Day
Spread the word about this worthy day on social media.
Donate to a wildlife sanctuary, conservation organization or the American Eagle Foundation.
If you live in an area where Bald Eagles (or even Golden Eagles) gather, consider planting a tree or two in your yard. Or donating a tree to a local park.
If your community has other eagle conservation projects, like putting up high nesting platforms, consider donating time or money to the effort.
Many communities and zoos have Save the Eagles Day events you can take part in.
Businesses can commemorate this day in similar ways to individuals:
- Donate trees to parks where eagles are known to stop.
- Contribute to efforts to build nesting platforms.
- Offer matching contributions when employees donate to wildlife conservation efforts.
Both your company and the birds win. Your company builds good-will with its employees and the local community. The birds win with more resources devoted to ensuring they can keep living free and safe.
[…] Save the Eagles Day, January 10 […]
[…] Save The Eagles Day: America’s Bald Eagles may be off the endangered list, but many other eagle species around the world are still in trouble. […]
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