Celebrate One Voice Day Every July 26

Will you be reading the Universal Peace Covenant for the day?
One Voice Day is a day for people around the world to join together to commit to global peace.
They voice this commitment by reading the Universal Peace Covenant.
Looking at the news these days it’s hard to believe peace is possible. Or even that most people want peace.
But it is, and they do. Yes, there always have been and always will be those that oppose peace. But they are the minority of people (although a very vocal minority).
Students in the School of Metaphysics created the Universal Peace Covenant in 1996/1997. Originally the Covenant was to be read at midnight (local time) on New Year’s Eve, creating a wave of readings around the world.
Eventually One Voice Day and the Hour of Peace was added. So on July 26 at 6:00 pm UTC, people around the world read these words of hope and commitment all at the same time, in one voice.
Note: This day is different from the OneVoice Movement, an organization seeking to empower ordinary Israelis and Palestinians to voice their desire for a two-state solution.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial peace holiday.
Celebrating One Voice Day
Read the Universal Peace Covenant at 6 pm UTC:
- 2 pm EDT
- 1 pm CDT
- 12 pm MDT
- 11 am PDT
That’s it!
Although it would help if you really mean it, and vow to take positive steps toward achieving true peace.
Copies of the covenant are available in many languages, including English, Spanish, Danish, Italian, Mandarin and more.
Want to do more? If you know any language not yet represented, translate the Covenant and send it to Peace Dome, email: peace (at) som (dot) org.
Take inspiration from Dr. David Krieger’s
100 Ideas for Creating a more Peaceful World.
(Note: This list was originally posted on the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation’s site at http://www.wagingpeace.org/menu/issues/peace-&-war/start/100-peace-ideas/100-peace-ideas.htm. But that page appears to have been taken down off the site. But Dr. Kriger and Joshua C. Chen wrote a book based on his list, Peace: 100 Ideas, which you might also be interested in. We have added links that we think add to the discussion.)
“Creating world peace takes many forms, but surely it begins with individuals. Here are 100 ideas for creating a more peaceful world. I encourage you to play your part in creating peace. It continues to be the most significant challenge of humankind, and requires the efforts of each of us.”
- Be generous with your smiles.
- Be kind.
- Respect the Earth.
- Walk in a forest.
- Plant a tree.
- Contemplate a mountain.
- Protect the Earth.
- Live simply.
- Help feed the hungry.
- Erase a border in your mind.
- Teach peace to children.
- Read Chief Seattle’s Letter to the President. (It’s very unlikely Chief Seattle actually wrote these words, but they are a moving tribute to the earth just the same).
- Be honest.
- Demand honesty from your government.
- Think about consequences.
- Commit yourself to nonviolence.
- Support nonviolent solutions to global problems.
- Speak up for a healthy planet.
- Demand reductions in military expenditures.
- Be fair.
- Pledge allegiance to the Earth and to its varied life forms.
- Think for yourself.
- Ask questions.
- Recognize your unique potential.
- Join an organization working for peace.
- Be less materialistic.
- Be more loving.
- Empower others to work for peace.
- Oppose all weapons of mass destruction.
- Support equality.
- Speak out for a nuclear weapons-free world.
- Support a Department of Peace.
- Listen to your heart.
- Help the poor.
- Fight against militarism.
- Study the lives of peace heroes.
- Help create a community peace park or garden.
- Commemorate the International Day of Peace.
- Help strengthen the United Nations.
- Support the International Criminal Court.
- Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Advance the rights of future generations.
- Be a voice for the voiceless.
- Join an action alert network.
- Be forgiving.
- Laugh more.
- Play with a child.
- Support educations and the arts over weapons.
- Help educate the next generation to be compassionate.
- Take personal responsibility for creating a better world.
- Sing
- Write a poem.
- Organize a church service on the theme of peace.
- Learn about another culture.
- Help someone.
- Support the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
- Oppose the arms trade.
- Clear your mind.
- Breathe deeply.
- Sip tea.
- Express your views on peace to government officials.
- Fight for the environment.
- Celebrate Earth Day.
- Think like an astronaut, recognizing that we have only one Earth.
- Be constructive.
- Let someone else go first.
- Plant seeds of peace.
- Work in a garden.
- Change a potential enemy into a friend.
- Be positive.
- Share
- Be a good neighbor.
- Send a note of appreciations.
- Tell your friends how much they matter.
- Say “I love you” more.
- Don’t tolerate prejudice
- Demand more from your elected officials.
- Walk by the ocean, a river, or a lake.
- Recognize that all humans have the right to peace.
- Respect the dignity of each person.
- Be a leader in the struggle for human decency.
- Be a friend.
- Send sunflowers to world leaders, and call for a world free of nuclear weapons,
- Oppose technologies that harm the environment.
- Lose an argument to a loved one.
- Value diversity.
- Walk softly on the Earth.
- Appreciate the power of the sun.
- Speak out for global disarmament.
- Support a democratic order.
- Teach non-violence by example.
- Remember that “No man is an Island.”
- Spend time in nature.
- Boycott war toys.
- Be thankful for the miracle of life.
- Seek harmony with nature.
- Remind your leaders that peace matters.
- Oppose violence in television programming for children.
- Listen to Beethoven’s Ode to Joy.
- Celebrate peace.Don’t tolerate prejudice.
Will you be part of One Voice Day this year? Will you continue working for peace in whatever small ways you can every day of the year?
[…] One Voice Day: A day to raise your voice for peace. That’s a valid use of your voice on any day. But on this day the creators ask that you read the Universal Peace Covenant at 6 pm UTC. […]
[…] One Voice Day: Raise your voice for peace at 6 pm UTC. […]