Celebrate Pandemonium Day Every July 14

Enjoy a day of utter chaos and turmoil on July 14 for Pandemonium Day.
Some days are just like that, full of unexpected surprises and bedlam
Some people love this kind of “live moment to moment” life. Others prefer calm, organized days.
But both kinds of people can enjoy this day. Obviously if you already like disorder and chaos, you know just how to embrace the day.
But even if you prefer calm, sometimes it’s good to step outside your comfort zone. So today endeavor to stay calm, cool and collected in the midst of whatever tornado (virtual, not literal we hope) comes your way.
We have no idea who started Pandemonium Day or why. It was probably someone who thrived on pandemonium.
Definition of Pandemonium
So what does pandemonium really mean, anyway? And who came up with such a crazy word?
According to Dictionary.com, pandemonium means “wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos.” Also, “a place or scene of riotous uproar or utter chaos.”
The word apparently comes from John Milton, the English poet, who named the capital of hell Pandaemonium in his epic poem Paradise Lost.
This is appropriate, because in Greek pan means all and daimonion means inferior gods.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficially chaotic holiday.
Ideas For Celebrating Pandemonium Day
Accept and embrace the chaos. It’s everywhere, and nobody can escape it entirely.
At least, not without going to live under a rock somewhere. And that’s not much fun.
Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t also take steps to tone down the amount of chaos you experience. In fact, today is a good day to evaluate which forms of chaos cause you the most stress. That’s where you’ll want to focus on creating more calm.
Acknowledge that sometimes chaos comes from trying to do too much or trying to do everything yourself. Figure out where others can help, and then ask for that help.
Need some organizing supplies, hints, and tips? Consider:
- Vertical File System
- To-do lists
- Storage boxes
- Get Organized Without Losing It, by Janet S. Fox
- Organization For The Hopelessly Unorganized, by Fhonda Rajaofera
Or just use the day as the perfect excuse to go a little crazy!
How do you prefer to celebrate Pandemonium Day?
[…] Pandemonium Day: Immerse yourself in chaos for the day. Or at least calmly accept the chaos that comes your way. […]