Celebrate World Ranger Day Every July 31

Did you realize being a park ranger can be a dangerous job? Did you ever really think about it? We didn’t until we came across World Ranger Day.
On this day we remember those rangers killed in the line of duty and honor the work all ranger do protecting wildlife.
The day is sponsored by the International Ranger Federation. It chose July 31 because that is the anniversary of the organization’s founding in 1992. The first World Ranger Day was in 2007, its 15th anniversary.
What Park Rangers Do
Park rangers do more than oversee visitors to US national parks.
Rangers exist around the world, protecting the more than 100,000 parks, reserves and other protected areas spread throughout the globe.
They protect the natural habitat and the animals living there from whatever danger is present in that area. Poaching is especially common in many parks and preserves, and the rangers are often fighting a losing battle.
And poachers aren’t necessarily poor villagers looking to survive. No, militia groups and terrorist organizations poach animals to sell on the black market to finance their “work.” These modern-day poachers are well-armed, too. They use military-grade equipment to slaughter animals and park rangers alike.
In addition to working in the field to protect the world’s natural resources park rangers also educate the public on the importance of protecting wildlife.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial but worthwhile holiday.
Observing World Ranger Day
Many organizations and communities around the world hold events in honor of World Ranger Day, including fundraisers and tree plantings. See if there’s one near you.
If not, consider trying to get something started. Maybe with a screening of The Thin Green Line. This documentary tells the stories of Park Rangers in 50 locations around the world. (please note, we do not receive a commission when you buy through this link. We just think this movie’s worth seeing).
You might also like to read the book, The Thin Green Line: Outwitting Poachers, smugglers & Market Hunters, by Terry Grosz. Mr. Grosz was a wildlife law enforcement officer and, as the name suggests, tells the story of trying to fight against poachers and other who would harm wildlife. You might be surprised to learn the stories take place right here in the US.
Find a list of other ideas for ways to celebrate here. Ideas include:
- Light a candle in honor of Rangers who died in the line of duty.
- Visit a school to talk about the importance of conservation and biodiversity.
- Write to your local paper about the importance of World Ranger Day.
Many of the ideas are geared toward Rangers, to honor and support their fellow Rangers. But there are several ideas that anyone passionate about protecting our wildlife and natural habitats can do.
Consider supporting the Thin Green Line Foundation. This charity is “dedicated to protecting endangered species and threatened ecosystems by supporting park rangers.” (Note: When we mention charities, we are not recommending them, only mentioning them as a possibility you might like to look at. Always do your own research before sending a donation!).
See Jane Goodall’s World Ranger Day 2014 message:
[…] World Ranger Day: Celebrate the founding of the International Ranger Federation and honor the park rangers around the world who protect our parks & wildlife. In some parts of the world that’s actually a very dangerous job! […]