Observe No Pet Store Puppies Day Every July 21

Aren’t pet store puppies adorable? So wriggly & clumsy & lovable. How could you possibly not want one?
Why would anyone create a day called No Pet Store Puppies Day?
Because most puppies in pet stores come from puppy mills. Crowded, unsanitary, and depressing places where breeders care only about the money, not the dogs.
Sad but true.
According to ASPCA estimates, the United States is home to between 6,000 and 10,000 commercial breeding facilities. The organization’s goal is to stop them all and bring every mill dog to safety.
The ASPCA began celebrating No Pet Store Puppies Day in 2011. And it asks for everybody’s help to spread the word about puppy mills.
About Pet Store Puppies
The most important thing to know about those adorable little furballs is that they come from puppy mills. Yes, we mentioned that, but it’s that important.
Many pet stores claim to get their animals from “local breeders.” But remember, puppy mills are local to the communities where they’re located. And yes, there’s a good chance there’s one near you.
Animals that come from mills tend to come with a whole host of potential problems. Not every animals will have every problem, of course. But it’s an unacceptable risk.
Health Issues. Most puppy mills don’t give their animals medical care or tests. The animals may have genetic disorders, neurological issues and infections, among other problems. Canine parvovirus is especially serious and can be life-threatening.
Behavior Problems. Mill puppies are usually taken from their mothers at only a few weeks old, and they’re usually not handled much or shown love. So they’re not socialized with either dogs or humans. Because of this they don’t know how to act; they don’t know how to be dogs.
Not Housebroken (and hard to train). Mill animals (breeding animals and puppies) spend their whole lives in tiny cages. They eat, sleep, pee and poop all in that little space. They never learn to do their business outside, or at least away from their living area. It can be hard to retrain them to wait to go outside.
Not necessarily purebred. Not everyone cares about getting a purebred dog, of course. But if that’s what you’re looking for, even the AKC papers you get with your new little bundle of fluff can’t guarantee that’s what you’re getting. Papers can be (and are) faked.
To make matters worse, if you take advantage of the pet store’s warranty and return your sick puppy, the odds are good he or she will be euthanized. Think about it: What else are they going to do with an animal nobody is going to want?
Do Reputable Breeders Exist?
Yes! Although many people use the term puppy mill to refer to anyone who breeds dogs (and other animals), we think that’s unfair.
Reputable breeders are usually small and focus on one breed. They make sure all their dogs (breeders and puppies) get regular vet visits, tests, vaccinations, etc. They socialize their puppies and keep the litters with the mother for at least 8-10 weeks.
They also welcome visits from potential owners and are happy to show you their facilities. In fact, many want to meet you so they can be sure their precious pups are going to good homes.
Reputable breeders care more about the animals than about the money they make from them. And they don’t always make money off them. Here’s one breeder’s breakdown of her expenses and income from 3 litters a few years ago.
And most don’t sell their puppies to pet stores! Those pet store puppies are from breeders who don’t care where the animals end up once they get their money.
How many reputable breeders are there? We really don’t know. But we’re pretty sure they are the minority of breeders.
So Where Can You Find Your Next Pet?
Rescues and shelters! They may be “mutts,” but mutts tend to be healthier than purebred animals.
Animals that were strays or from abusive situations may have other injuries or problems. But you’ll know about them. Rescued animals are all vetted before being put up for adoption. Injuries and illnesses get treated. Animals that aren’t ready for a permanent home go to foster homes first, where they get time to heal and learn to trust.
And if you want a specific breed, ask around to find a rescue that specializes in that breed. Odds are at least one rescue does.
No, rescues & shelters aren’t perfect. Sometimes an animal is sicker than staff realized. Or behavior problems only pop up in certain situations, which the shelter didn’t know (it’s impossible to test all situations!). But overall shelter animals make amazing additions to any family.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficially wriggly & non-pet store puppy-filled holiday.
How to Celebrate No Pet Store Puppies Day
Learn more about pet store puppies and the puppy mills they come from.
Find out if your state has laws to protect dogs in puppy mills. These are a good start, but many of them are not strong enough to stop the unsanitary conditions and lack of care. This list is a couple of years old now. Hopefully more states have passed or strengthened their laws by now.
Pledge not to buy anything at pet stores that sell puppies. But don’t be confused by pet stores that have partnered with rescues to adopt animals out of their stores. Many (but not all) PetCo and PetSmart stores adopt out animals from local rescues. By all means give these stores your business.
Vow to get your next pet from a shelter or rescue.
Check out this gallery of photos taken inside puppy mills. Many pictures are of illegal conditions. Others are legal, but still supremely sad for the animals living there.
Learn about Harley, a puppy mill survivor whose story helped spread awareness of the horror of puppy mills and inspired Harley’s Dream and Harley’s Puppy Mill Action and Awareness Project. Harley left us on March 20, 2016, but his dream lives on. And all the humans who loved him will carry on the fight against puppy mills.
Watch the ASPCA’s No Laughing Matter video: