Celebrate Make Up Your Own Holiday Day Every March 26

On March 26 what and how to celebrate is all up to you. It’s Make Up Your Own Holiday Day.
So pick a cause you love, something silly you like to do, or anything that pops into your head. Then celebrate it.
Of course you can technically do that any day of the year. But today you have official unofficial permission! Or maybe that should be unofficial official permission …
Anyway, there’s nothing official about this holiday. So you won’t find it on most calendars.
But there’s nothing stopping you from putting it on your calendar.
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day was created by Thomas & Ruth Roy of Wellcat.com. Why? We’re not sure.
But Thomas especially has created a ton of mostly silly holidays just for the fun of it. You can find more of their holidays here.
It’s hard to create an official holiday. The kind that’s recognized by governments, employers and calendar makers.
But it’s simple to just declare a day. And Make Up Your Own Holiday Day is your permission to do just that.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this creative unofficial holiday.
How to Celebrate Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
Use your imagination in deciding how to celebrate this most unique of holidays.
Unofficial holidays celebrate, honor, and/or raise awareness of people, animals, history and more. There are already a lot of unofficial (and official) holidays around, but we bet there’s something you care about (or just want to do) that’s not already a day.
So make it one!
Maybe …
- Sleep in Day. Or if you need to be more specific, Wake Up At Noon Day
- Green M&Ms Day (or whatever color you prefer)
- Keep it to Yourself Day … or maybe I Don’t Care Day
- Treasure Hunt Day
- No Shaving Day
- National Limburger Cheese Day
(Some of these might already exist … we’re not sure!)
Need more inspiration? Check out some of these books. Of course, these are days that already exist (some official, some not), but maybe one will give you just the idea you need:
- Eat the Year: 366 Fun and Fabulous Food Holidays to Celebrate Every Day
- Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays
- Celebrate! A look at calendars and the ways we celebrate
- All Around the Year: Holidays and Celebrations in American Life
- The Folklore of American Holidays: A Compilation of More Than 600 Beliefs, Legends, Superstitions, Proverbs, Riddles, Poems, Songs, Dances, Games, Plays, Pageants, Fairs, Foods and Processions (Wow! That’s a long name!)
Once you have your holiday named, decide how to celebrate. Alone? With a few friends? With a huge party?
It’s all up to you. If your day is a success, call it your first annual (fill in your holiday) Day. Then do it again next year on March 26.
And if you decide your holiday was a bust, well, you have another chance to create a new holiday next year.
So just enjoy!
[…] Make Up Your Own Holiday Day: Today is the day for you to celebrate whatever your little heart desires. If you want a holiday for something, declare it so! […]