Celebrate What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs? Day March 3

March 3 is What if Cats & Dogs had Opposable Thumbs Day
Your pets probably already get into plenty of trouble. And they do it with the “handicap” of not having opposable thumbs.
Today is a day to think about how much more trouble they could find if they did have thumbs. Yep, it’s What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs? Day!
You didn’t know there was such a day?
It’s actually been around since about the mid-1990s (based on information in this article).
Thomas Roy asked himself that very question and decided it needed to be a holiday. He and his wife Ruth of Wellcat have invented all kinds of quirky holidays, many pet-related.
Around here we’ve been thinking about the same question for years ourselves. We have cats that can open many doors without thumbs. One was helping himself to oil that had dripped down the sides of the oil bottles. Had to rearrange the kitchen to move it to a higher cabinet he can’t reach!
These boys would definitely rule the world with thumbs!
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this fun unofficial holiday.
Celebrating What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs? Day
Think about the answer to the question!
Whenever you do something, especially something for your pet, think about how life would be different if your pet could do it.
Here are some ideas we’ve had about the kinds of things the cats would do:
- Open the refrigerator door to get the cheese hidden inside.
- Unscrew the lid on the dry cat food container.
- Pop open the wet cat food cans.
- Play catch. After getting the ball out of the drawer himself.
- Open the front/back door so they could finally catch those birds and squirrels.
- Open the bedroom door so they could get breakfast at a reasonable hour (like about 3am!).
- Watch animal shows all day and night … Refusing to ever give up the remote.
- Surf the internet and create human memes to post to Facebook.
- Lock us out of the house when they’re mad at us.
- Escape from the carrier every time it’s time for a vet visit.
We’ve also thought about chores we’d like to assign them if they had thumbs. Not that they’d actually do them:
- Scoop their own poop out of the litter box.
- Shoot, just do all the litter box maintenance, including complete changes whenever needed.
- Brush themselves (or each other). We actually do enjoy doing this, but they could do it more often, so they’d get fewer hairballs.
- Speaking of hairballs, they could pick up their own. And clean the carpet stains they leave.
- Vacuum. After all, it’s their fur!
- Sweep up the cat litter they fling all over the floor.
Yeah. As much as we’d like to assign them chores, it’s probably best the cats don’t have thumbs.
Although we would enjoy getting a thumbs up from Jimmy:
What about you? Would you like your pet to have thumbs?
[…] What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs? Day: Just imagine! The things they could get into. The trouble they could cause! As if they don’t do that quite well already … […]