Celebrate I Need a Patch For That Day Every May 21

What do you need a patch for? Well, today’s the day to ask for it, on I Need a Patch For That Day.
“Patch” has several definitions.
As a noun, it may be:
- A piece of material used to mend a torn or worn spot in a piece of fabric.
- A cloth badge sewn onto clothing, like boy scout or girl scout patches.
- A pad worn over the eye to protect it.
- A medicated pad worn on the skin to deliver a drug slowly over time, like nicotine or birth control patches.
- A piece of code added to a program to correct a security vulnerability or error, or to make the program work better.
- A small area of ground, like a garden patch.
“Patch” can also be a verb, as in to patch a program (insert that code) or patch a piece of clothing (add that extra piece of material).
But I Need a Patch For That Day celebrates the nouns. Any and all patches you can think of. Even things made entirely of patches, like a patchwork quilt.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this patchy unofficial holiday.
How to Celebrate I Need a Patch For That Day
If you have things that need patching, do it.
That might be, for example:
- Your kids’ clothing that they’ve torn.
- Your software programs.
- A bicycle tire (or any other tire).
- A torn blanket or throw.
Nothing to patch today? Think of things you’d like a patch for. Get creative. It doesn’t have to be anything that exists or could even be invented.
How about:
- An allergy patch. Not the patch tests, but a patch to stop the sneezing, the watery eyes and everything once and for all. … Actually in February 2015 scientists announced the early results of a study on a patch for treating peanut allergies. Maybe other allergy patches will be coming soon too?
- An “Ace That Test” patch.
- A “Fill My Bank Account” patch.
- A “Waste Less Time on Social Media” patch … Although I think that’s actually called “willpower.”
- Ok then, a “Better Willpower” patch!
- An “Eat Fewer Sweets” patch.
What other kinds of patches would you like for I Need a Patch For That Day?
[…] I Need a Patch for That Day: What do you need a patch for? Clothes? Software? Your eye? As a stop-smoking aid? Whatever it is, today’s the day to recognize it and then get it! […]
[…] I Need a Patch For That Day: Whatever it is you need a patch for, this is the day to get it. […]