Celebrate the National Day of Reason the First Thursday in May

On the 1st Thursday in May we celebrate reason. Something surely we can all agree is important! Although there may be less agreement about the reason for the National Day of Reason.
You see, the American Humanist Association and the Washington Area Secular Humanists created the day in 2003. The idea was to give atheists, secularists and humanists something to celebrate on the National Day of Prayer (also held on the first Thursday in May).
Atheists and other secular groups view the National Day of Prayer as unconstitutional.
But not because they think religious groups shouldn’t have such a day. No. It’s because the government actually promotes the National Day of Prayer. Congress made it official in 1952. President Truman and every president since him has proclaimed the day.
Today federal, state and local governments recognize the day and spend tax dollars to support it.
According to the Day of Reason’s official website, part of the reason for the day is to “raise public awareness about the persistent threat to religious liberty posed by government intrusion into the private sphere of worship.”
Since our governments are not supposed to give preference to any one religion or belief, this seems like a valid criticism.
The National Day of Reason Has Gained Momentum
Although the day started to counter the Day of Prayer, the days don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Believing in God doesn’t stop you from believing in reason. Does it?
After all, if you believe God gave humans free will (and impressive brains) you surely must believe He expects you to use reason in addition to faith to make your decisions.
And if you don’t believe in God … All the more reason to need reason in our lives.
More and more people seem to be agreeing.
Some states & town have issued official proclamations recognizing the day. These include Gov. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island and Michael Hancock, mayor of Denver. They both made proclamations in 2013.
For 2015, Delaware Gov. Jack Markell officially recognized May 7 as the National Day of Reason. Gov. Pete Rickets did the same in Nebraska.
And on April 29, 2015 U.S. Representative Mike Honda introduced a resolution into the U.S. House to recognize May 7, 2015 as the National Day of Reason. This was the first time a resolution for the day had been introduced in Congress.
Additional proclamations & resolutions have been issued in the years since.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial (for now) holiday.
Ideas For Celebrating the National Day of Reason
Many atheist and other secular organizations hold events for the day. Events can include food drives, blood donation drives and general secular celebrations.
Some people choose to protest the National Day of Prayer or protest the use of prayer before local government meetings.
Depending on your views, you may want to join some of these celebrations or protests.
Would you like your town or state to recognize the National Day of Reason? Organize a letter writing campaign.
If you’re part of a group or organization, have it officially recognize the day. Hold a celebration or a rally. Sponsor an educational presentation or forum. Put together a community service project.
Interested in learning more about atheism, humanist and secularism? Consider these books (remember, keep an open mind!):
- Your God Is Too Small: 50 Essays on Life, Love & Liberty Without Religion
- Atheist Mind, Humanist Heart: Rewriting the Ten Commandments for the Twenty-first Century
- The Good Book: A Humanist Bible
- Living Without God: New Directions for Atheists, Agnostics, Secularists, and the Undecided
Dates for Future National Day of Reason Celebrations
The date of the first Thursday in May changes every year, of course. To help you keep track of the next day to celebrate, here’s a list of dates for the next few years.
- 2019 – Thursday, May 2
- 2020 – Thursday, May 7
- 2021 – Thursday, May 6
- 2022 – Thursday, May 5
- 2023 – Thursday, May 4
- 2024 – Thursday, May 2
- 2025 – Thursday, May 1
- 2026 – Thursday, May 7
- 2027 – Thursday, May 6
- 2028 – Thursday, May 4
[…] National Day of Reason: This day started as an alternative to the National Day of Prayer, because while individuals are free to worship however they please the day’s founders opposed the use of tax dollars to support religion. […]