Observe National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day Every May 8

On May 8 we recognize that natural disasters affect our pets as much as ourselves. National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day reminds us to make sure all family members have disaster-preparedness kits—including the furry ones!
Yes, pets are also members of our family. And we always want all our family members to survive a disaster.
This day was created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency after hurricane Katrina. So many animals were separated from their families, the agency put together educational materials to help pet parents learn how to prepare to safely evacuate with their animals.
Other animal welfare and protection groups have joined FEMA in promoting this day and providing tips and guidelines for keeping your pets safe in a disaster.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial but worthwhile holiday.
What to Do for National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
Use the day to make sure you have the supplies you need for all your pets in case of a disaster.
So what needs to be in your pet’s disaster preparedness kit?
- Food & water: Enough for at least 3 to 5 days for each animal. Don’t forget the bowls. Also, remember a can opener (manual) if you’re including canned food without easy-open lids!
- Litter box and litter for cats: You’ll also want a scoop and plastic bags to collect the solid waste and clumped litter.
- Scoop and plastic bags for collecting doggie waste.
- Medications, if any: Or make sure you always keep the medications in a spot where they’re easy to grab and throw in the kit if you have to get out quick.
- Carriers and leashes: Scared animals aren’t always easy to control. Make sure you’ll be able to safely transport them. Depending on where you end up, they may also have to stay in their carriers for long stretches of time. Make sure they’re big enough. And have one for each animal!
- Current photos of your pet(s): If possible have pictures of you with them. That’ll make it easier to prove they’re yours if you’re separated.
- Written information about your pets and their needs: If you have to board them or leave them with others, this will help ensure they get what they need. Include their feeding schedule and food amounts, any medical conditions and medications, behavioral issues (problems with other animals, etc). Also include your name and contact information, along with your vet’s name and contact information. If you have pet insurance, keep this information in your kit, too.
Make sure rescue workers know you have pets. The ASPCA offers a free Pet Safety Pack that includes a window decal you can customize to your number/type of pets. You can also buy stickers and decals.
It’s a good idea to have your pets microchipped in all cases. But this can be really helpful if you get separated from them during a disaster. Or if you have to put them in an animal-only shelter for a while.
Your own evacuation plan should include a place to go and a way to get there. But many hotels and shelters don’t allow pets. So make sure you know which ones do (both at your destination and along your way there, in case you need to stop for the night).
FEMA has prepared a brochure with information for pet owners (PDF) to help you prepare and plan for an emergency with your pet. There’s also a printable version. (PDF)
The Ready.gov website contains even more valuable information on preparing your whole family to stay safe in a disaster. Pet parents will want to read the section on Caring For Animals. It includes guidelines for sheltering your pet, protecting him during a disaster and caring for him afterwards. There’s even information on large animals.
Do you have any useful tips for keeping your pets safe? Share to help others for National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day.
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