Celebrate Cranky Co-Workers Day Every October 27

Cranky co-workers. We all have ‘em (or had ‘em), and October 27 is the day to give them their due. It’s Cranky Co-Workers Day!
This lighthearted day comes from the fertile minds of Thomas & Ruth Roy, over at WellCat. According to this day’s official page: “In honor of all the complaining and just plain cranky co-workers you have to endure all year, this is the day to let them go with it and enjoy their miseries.”
(If you’re interested in checking out some of the other 80+ holidays the Roys have created, visit Wellcat Holidays. There’s sure to be several that tickle your fancy! And no, we’re not affiliated with them. We just love their quirky holidays.)
You know those co-workers are just cranky because they’re not getting the recognition they know they deserve. But on this day that can all change!
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficially cranky holiday.
Ideas For Celebrating Cranky Co-Workers Day
Well, the Roys seem to be suggesting we should let the office crank be cranky today. So maybe you could go a little further and make him or her feel special today:
- Sympathize with all your favorite crank’s aches, pains, stress, and general dissatisfaction with life.
- Bring in the office crank’s favorite treats to share.
- Send the crankiest person at the office flowers.
But maybe avoid being too nice and sympathetic, or you might just find yourself with a new BFF! And unless it’s a relationship you want, that just might make you cranky …
Or you could adopt the “if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em” attitude. Just be cranky!

Angry pumpkin by Icons-Land
- No smiling today. Have a frown-fest instead.
- Find the worst side of every situation. And complain about it.
- Use frowny face emoticons all day (instead of smilies, of course!).
You might also consider one-upping every complaint you hear today.
- Someone was stuck in traffic for 20 minutes? Well, you nearly got run off the road!
- Someone’s coffee order was missing the requested 3 sweeteners? Well, your breakfast sandwich didn’t include cheese, the lid on your coffee was loose so it spilled, and you were overcharged for the whole mess!
- You get the idea.
Depending on your office atmosphere, you might want to let people know you’re celebrating Cranky Co-Workers Day so it doesn’t backfire on you!
How do you plan to celebrate Cranky Co-Workers Day this year?
Share your favorite cranky co-worker stories!
[…] Cranky Co-Workers Day: Do you have cranky co-workers? Of course you do! We all do. Unless you’re the cranky co-worker? At any rate, this is the day to just go with the crankiness. Sympathize with it even! […]
[…] Cranky Co-Workers Day: Celebrate your favorite cranky co-workers! Will that make them more or less cranky for the day? Time to find out! […]