Celebrate National Grouch Day Every October 15

On October 15 we celebrate the grouch.
Why? Because Sesame Street says so, that’s why!
Apparently Sesame Street Magazine announced October 15 as National Grouch Day a few years ago. It seems to be a day to honor its lovable grouch, Oscar the Grouch.
And Oscar is certainly a lovable grouch. You may know one or more lovable grouches, too.
Other grouches are a lot less lovable.
But today’s a day to celebrate them all. No matter how miserable and grouchy that makes them. And you know it irritates them no end. Because grouches want nothing to do with cheerful things like celebrations!
And paradoxically, nothing makes a grouch happier than being miserable. So your favorite grouch will just love being miserably grouchy while celebrating his or her special day.
And actually, this isn’t the only day of the year for celebrating people who are their happiest when they’re unhappy. There’s also Curmudgeon’s Day in January.
Famous Grouches
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of a grouch is:
- “A person who complains frequently or constantly”
- “A habitually irritable or complaining person”
There have actually been a lot of famous grouches throughout history. Some are/were real people:
- Gordon Ramsay, the chef you don’t want anywhere near your kitchen unless you’re prepared to cry.
- WC Fields, who was funny by being grumpy. And pretty much played himself in his movies.
- Simon Cowell, who generally just seems irritated at the contestants on the various shows he’s judged.
Others are characters on TV and in movies:
- Dr. Gregory House of House. Surrounded by lying patients and other doctors much less brilliant than him, why wouldn’t he be a grump?
- Ron Swanson of Parks and Recreation. You’d be grouchy too if you had to deal with all those excessively cheery people. Especially Leslie Knope!
- Sue Sylvester of Glee. High school angst makes us grouchy, too!
- Archie Bunker of All in the Family. The world was going to hell in a handbasket according to Archie!
They’re not all human, either. We can’t forget the famously grouchy feline Grumpy Cat. Grumpy (real name Tardar Sauce!) left us unexpectedly on May 14, 2019. But don’t let that make you grouchy! Her adorable grouchiness lives on in our hearts and the internet.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficially grouchy holiday.
Ideas For Celebrating National Grouch Day
Wish your favorite grouch a Happy National Grouch Day. Maybe even send an e-card. We’ve never seen an actual, physical card for this day … But then again, we haven’t looked too hard!
Invite your favorite grouch(es) over to watch a movie featuring a grump (or two):
Or consider watching an episode of Sesame Street to honor the inspiration for the day, Oscar the Grouch.
You might even want to be a little grouchy yourself today! Even if you’re normally happy, see how it feels to be a grouch for a day. You might find it has its uses.
And if you are normally a grouch, celebrate the fact that you might just live longer than your happier friends. That’s right, some research suggests you’ll get more time to spread more grumpiness than they get to spread happiness.
Just don’t let your grouchiness get so bad it keeps you from enjoying anything. At that point it might actually be depression, and you may need to see a doctor.
Now we dare you to stay grouchy while listening to the Grouch Anthem:
So how are you planning to celebrate National Grouch Day this year?
[…] National Grouch Day: Celebrate all the grouches you know. Which will, of course, make them even grouchier. And a fun time will be had by all! 😁 […]
[…] Day: We celebrated grouches on the 15th, and while this day may seem similar, it’s not! That day celebrated the perpetual grouch. […]
[…] National Grouch Day: Do you know a grouch? Of course you do! Probably more than one, in fact. So celebrate them all! And make sure they know about it, so they can be grouchy about all the fuss you’re making. […]