Celebrate World Animal Day Every October 4

October 4 is another chance to be a voice for voiceless animals: World Animal Day.
Although we say another, we don’t mean to imply there’s too many—or even enough—days devoted to protecting and improving animals’ lives. There isn’t.
Animals are still abused, killed, and even threatened with extinction. All for human’s pleasure.
And even when we’re not deliberately targeting animals, human activities like clearing forests and filling in wetlands to build more cities threatens the survival of local animals.
But today and into the future, we heed the mission of World Animal Day: “To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe.”
The day got its start way back in 1931. A group of ecologists wanted to bring attention to the troubles faced by threatened and endangered species.
Over the years the celebration has grown. Today it’s a day to think about, respect and protect all the animals we share this earth with. Because we’re all interconnected. From the tiniest ant to the biggest whale.
And wiping out entire species is not good for our world. Being kind to all creatures is wonderful for our world.
The choice of October 4 for this day honors the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial holiday.
Ideas For Celebrating World Animal Day
The main idea for the day is to do something for animals. It doesn’t even have to be something big (although if you can do something big, go for it!).
Every little gesture helps.
- Donate money or supplies to a local shelter. Or donate some of your time to the animals by volunteering.
- Donate to an animal-related charity. There are a number of organizations working to protect endangered species. Many focus on specific species. So you could find one that’s helping your favorite animal. (Always check out any charity before donating)
- Organize a fundraiser for your favorite animal-related charity.
- Organize another event to raise awareness of this day.
- Plan a wildlife friendly garden for your own yard.
- Learn more about puppy mills. Then vow to always adopt your pets. Never shop.
Do you work at a school or daycare? Suggest a trip to a shelter, wildlife sanctuary or farm to learn more about animals.
The official World Animal Day website has tons more celebration ideas for individuals, companies, schools, community groups and others.
Those ideas are step 1 in the site’s suggested 3-step process for getting involved in the day. Step 2 is to get organized. And step 3 is getting the word out.
And, of course, if you share your home with an animal (or two, three, four …), treat him (or her or them!) extra special today.
If you’re interested in learning more about wildlife—how they interact with their surroundings, how to identify them, and how to help injured animals—you might like one of these books:
- Wildlife of the World, by DK Publishing: Beautiful photography and tons of information.
- National Geographic Illustrated Guide to Wildlife: From Your Back Door to the Great Outdoors: Covers animals, insects, fish, etc. in North America.
- Rescuing Wildlife: a Guide to Helping Injured & Orphaned Animals, by Peggy Hentz: Covers what to do and not to do if you find an injured or orphaned animal.
You might also like the short video Wildlife of East Africa, showcasing East Africa’s diversity of wildlife, from lions, hippos, and giraffes to dolphins, sea turtles and reef fish.
How are you celebrating World Animal Day this year?
[…] World Animal Day: Help World Animal Day further its mission “To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe.” Because animals have no voice, so it falls to us to be their voice. […]