Celebrate National Tie Month Every December

Do you wear ties? These days many men wear them only for special occasions.
But December is National Tie Month, so break out those ties and wear one every day!
Ok, so every day might be unrealistic for many of you. But on days you’re dressing up even a little, add a tie.
A Christmas/Hanukkah/Festivus tie for the office holiday party counts.
Even a Grinch tie, if that’s your preference. Funny ties and/or cartoon ties work too. Unless you’re hanging with super serious people, of course. Then you’ll need a plain ol’ serious tie.
Although bow ties are included in National Tie Month, they also have their very own day. Bow Tie Day happens every year on August 28.
Some Tie Trivia and History
Neck ties existed at least by 221 BC. Proof exists in the tomb of China’s first emperor, Shih Huang Ti.
From the mid-1600s to 1840, most people called their neckwear “cravats.” These were not the ties we consider standard today.
Over time neckwear evolved, as fashion tends to do. Men wore ascots, bowties, long ties, and more. Today these are all simply different kinds of ties.
And of course even the long tie has gone through evolutions. Every few years a different width becomes popular. From super skinny to crazy wide (5 inches during the 1950s!), men seem to have tried them all.
Did you know? …
Arizona has an official state tie: the bolo tie.
Now, you might argue the bolo isn’t a real tie. And you might be right. Or not. … But at least you don’t have to tie yourself in knots trying to learn how to tie one!
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial knotty holiday.
Ideas for Celebrating National Tie Month
The clearest way to celebrate is, of course, to wear a tie.
You can find all kinds of fun ties to at least make things interesting.
Since it is December, consider one of these:
- Funny Christmas tie
- Hanukah tie with menorahs & dreidels
- Snowflake tie
Or a tie related to your job, hobby, or other interests:
- A tie covered in pills for pharmacists
- A hot dog tie (yum!)
- A DNA helix tie, for sciency guys
- A periodic table tie for sciency guys who prefer Chemistry over Biology
- A tie covered in happy green frogs … just because!
Don’t forget a festive tie for your dog. Or cat, if yours will tolerate such a thing!
But wearing a tie isn’t your only option.
Update your tie collection
If you do wear ties regularly, you’ve probably collected a few over the years. Go through them and weed out the ones you don’t wear anymore. Then either donate them to your favorite charity or sell them on eBay.
Then consider buying yourself one or two new ties. You’ll feel like a whole new person!
Learn to tie a tie
If you don’t wear ties much and you resort to clip-ons when you are forced to wear one, try learning to tie a “real” tie.
It’s easier than you might think. It just takes a little practice. Really, just a few times and you’ll be a pro.
There’s even a whole website devoted to learning how to tie a tie. Learn the basic tie knot or get fancy with more advanced knots or bow ties. The site also offers tie tips and dress code guides.
Get Crafty
Yes, really.
Try making a tie. This is a great idea if you can’t find a tie in a pattern you like. Or if the ties you like best cost more than you’re willing to pay. Yes, it does help if you’re reasonably good at sewing.
Or, instead of making a tie, use your old ties to make something completely different! Here are a few creative ideas to get you started:
Make a quilt out of neckties. The instructions here aren’t too detailed, but it does offer 3 options for how to arrange the ties for your quilt.
- Make a skirt.
- Make a purse. Or a tote bag.
- Make a drink cozie.
- Make a headband.
And my personal favorite: an obi belt. Check out this quick, 3-minute tutorial!
Finally, consider this adorable Necktie Onesie. You don’t use any actual ties for this. Instead, you sew a tie-shaped piece of fabric to a plain onsie. Voila! Your baby looks all dressed up.
So what are your plans for celebrating National Tie Month this year?
[…] National Tie Month: Whether or not you usually wear ties, find at least one reason to wear one during December. Make it a funny one if that’ll make you feel better. Just wear a tie! […]