Celebrate National Train Your Dog Month Every January

January is National Train Your Dog Month
The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) started National Train Your Dog Month® in 2010 to promote the value of training in your dog’s life. And professional dog trainers can help make it easier and fun for both dogs and humans.
Training and socialization is important for ensuring you have a healthy, happy and well-mannered pet. It helps keep you sane, too, because you know how to teach and reinforce his manners.
When pets and their people all understand what’s expected, fewer dogs end up given away to shelter or abandoned because of behavior problems.
Now that’s a win for everyone!
And a great bonding experience for everyone, too!
The Association chose January for National Train Your Dog Month, because many people get new pets for the holidays.
(Of course, this is only a good idea for those who are absolutely sure they want the commitment … but that’s a completely different issue. But still one to think about before getting that new puppy (or any pet)).
At any rate, the earlier you get your new puppy socialized, the easier it will be for him to adjust to all kinds of new experiences with confidence for life. Which makes January the perfect time to make sure your new baby will be a happy, well-behaved family member.
When you take training classes with your new puppy, you give him the chance to learn how to interact with both people and other puppies/dogs. And you get the chance to learn how to deal with unwanted—but completely normal—behaviors. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t work.
Want to know more about the benefits of training and socialization? The official website for the month has lots more information.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this obedient holiday
How to Celebrate National Train Your Dog Month
Dog Parents
Take a training class! Of course it’s best to train dogs as puppies, but it doesn’t matter how old your dog is. If she needs training, it’s always the perfect time to start.
Encourage your friends to take classes, too. Maybe even take the same class together. They’re rewarding and fun no matter what, but if you take them with a friend, you can support each other … and hopefully end up with your dogs being friends too.
If your dog’s already trained, you can still spread the word. Check out these promotion ideas, like writing a letter to the editor of your local paper or distributing training tips handouts to relevant businesses in your area.
If you follow any APDT members on social media, consider sharing/retweeting any of their messages promoting this event.
Did you miss the January celebrations? Can’t fit classes into your January schedule? Don’t worry! Training is important all year round. Find a trainer and get started as soon as you can.
APDT offers sponsorship opportunities and licensing for using National Train Your Dog Month® events to promote your products and/or services.
People love their pets, and if your company can make a positive contribution to this month, it can only help you and the dogs.
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[…] National Train Your Dog Month: If you’ve adopted a puppy recently, or even an older dog, this is the month to make sure you train it. Because training is important to a healthy, happy dog. […]