Celebrate Adopt a Shelter Dog Month Every October

Why do we need Adopt a Shelter Dog Month?
Because every year millions (yes Millions!) of dogs end up in shelters around the country.
They sit in cages, wondering what they did wrong. Hoping for a second chance to love and play with a family again.
The lucky ones get that chance. So every October the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) sponsors this month.
It’s all about reminding you (and all animal lovers!) your next faithful companion might be waiting for you at your local shelter.
On a related note, it’s also National Pit Bull Awareness Month … so maybe consider celebrating both months at the same time and adopting a pit bull from a shelter!
Why Adopt a Dog?
This should be self-explanatory (unconditional love!). But if you need more reasons:
- Pets improve your mood.
- Dogs keep you moving; they need walks, playtime, etc.
- Dogs listen without judging. And they never tell your secrets, either.
- They’re happy just being with you, whether on a hike or snuggled on the couch.
Quite possibly the best reason? You’ll be saving a life. Have you ever seen the before and after pictures of shelter animals? Those sad, scared eyes turn bright and so happy.
Don’t you want to do that for a shelter dog?
About Shelter Animals
Many people misunderstand shelter animals. They think there’s something wrong with them. But for the most part, shelter animals are no different from any other.
Sure, some show up at the shelter injured or sick. They’ve been neglected, abused or just out on the streets too long. But once they heal they’re just as loving and lovable as any other.
Many other animals find themselves at the shelter when their owners decide:
- The animal is too old
- The kids aren’t taking care of it
- They’re moving and can’t/don’t want to take their pets with
- They just don’t want it anymore
These animals get abandoned through no fault of their own.
Sadly, many of these dogs (and cats, rabbits, gerbils, etc) never get their second chance.
Although some shelters are no-kill, most are not. Animals that have been there too long are euthanized to make room for newer arrivals.
But you can help give more of them a chance.
Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this life-saving month.
How to Celebrate Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
Well, the best way is to do like the day says: Adopt a shelter dog!
Of course, not everyone can do that. You might be allergic, never home, or already have a house full of pooches.
But you can still help shelter dogs find their furever homes.
If you do want to adopt, visit your local shelter/rescue organization to meet some of their adoptable dogs.
Not sure where there’s a shelter near you? These websites can help:
- Petfinder.com. Choose your location, type of pet, etc., and let the site show you pets available nearby. Or click on “Find an Animal Shelter or Rescue Group” under Shelters & Rescues. You can then search for organizations near you.
- Dogtime.com. You can search for dogs of any kind or search by breed. You can also search for nearby shelters.
- The Shelter Pet Project. Similar to the 2 above, you can search for a dog (or cat) or find shelters near you.
- The ASPCA. If you’re in New York City, check out the ASPCA’s adoption center. If not, search for shelters (and dogs!) near you.
Many shelters offer special adoption rates or pet supplies with every adoption in honor of Adopt a Shelter Dog Month. Some also hold raffles and other special events during the month.
Other ways you can help:
- Spread the word about Adopt a Shelter Dog Month. Post on Facebook, Twitter, and any other sites you’re active on. Use hashtags! #AdoptAShelterDogMonth, #savedogs
- Donate to a local shelter or rescue organization. Most have wishlists if you’d rather donate supplies than money. They usually post their needs on their websites.
- Volunteer at a shelter (consider making this a year-round activity!).
- Foster dogs. Fostering is often a short-term commitment. So even if you don’t feel you can have a dog full-time, sometimes just a few weeks is enough to save a life!
- Get your kids involved, so they’ll grow up understanding why pet adoption is so important.
- Take the Animal Rescue Site’s pledge to help dogs all year long.
What ideas do you have for celebrating Adopt a Shelter Dog Month?
[…] since it’s also Adopt a Shelter Dog Month—and there’s an awful lot of pitties stuck in shelters—consider adopting a pit […]
[…] Adopt a Shelter Dog Month: If you’re ready to add a dog to your family, head out to your local shelter. They’re full of lovable animals that just need a home in which to shine. Many aren’t “perfect”, but one of them may just be perfect for you! […]