What to Celebrate May 25 thru 31, 2020
Well, it looks like the rainy, stormy, floody conditions are returning to our area tomorrow. And they’re
What to Celebrate May 18 thru 24, 2020
It’s a warm(ish), (kinda) sunny May day here! No, it’s not perfect, but we’ll take it. And we’ll
What to Celebrate May 11 thru 17, 2020
Life is starting to move again! Nowhere near normal, but moving. And that’s something to celebrate. But that’s
What to Celebrate May 4 thru 10, 2020
May is officially here! And it’s a beautiful day, too. We hope your May is also starting off
What to Celebrate April 27 thru May 3, 2020
April is ending, but our stay-at-home orders may not be. At least not everywhere. It’s taking a toll
What to Celebrate April 20 thru 26, 2020
We’re heading into the home stretch of April! Can you believe it? Do you think states will be
Make Lunch Count Day 2020
Monday, April 13 will be Make Lunch Count Day, and we had an idea. The day was originally
What to Celebrate April 13 thru 19, 2020
Welcome to the 4356th day of Appletini. If you’re like most of us, you’re quickly losing track of
Celebrate Slow Art Day One Saturday in April
How do you visit art galleries or museums? If you’re like most people you breeze through as many
What to Celebrate April 6 thru 12, 2020
Well it’s official. April is cancelled in many states. And many countries too for that matter. At least