What to Celebrate August 5 thru 12, 2018
Yikes! We’re almost a full week into August. When did that happen?! Oh well, we’re not going to
What to Celebrate July 30 thru August 5, 2018
Can you believe back to school is almost here? Some schools start back by mid August. Stores have
What to Celebrate July 23 thru 29 2018
Oh yeah. Summer’s chugging along, and it’s doing it with or without you. Summer doesn’t care how
What to Celebrate July 16 thru 22 2018
We’ve hit the 3rd week of July! Are you enjoying your summer? Have you gotten to the fun
What to Celebrate July 9 thru 15 2018
The independence day celebrations are done (of course, if your neighbors are like ours there’s at least
What to Celebrate July 2 thru 8, 2018
Oh, yeah. We’re definitely feeling the summer here! And it’s only the beginning of the hottest weeks of
What to Celebrate June 25 thru July 1, 2018
Summer is officially here, and June will be over in a matter of days. That means the year
What to Celebrate June 18 thru 24, 2018
Sooo … the 24th is my birthday (Happy B-day to me!), but as I was typing the headline
What to Celebrate June 11 thru 17, 2018
Welcome to the middle of June! We hope you’re finding time to enjoy outdoor activities with family and
What to Celebrate June 3 thru 10, 2018
It’s finally here! June! Temperatures are high, the sun is shining, and most schools are out. Or will